Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > It's Time

A Familiar Stranger

by danikarules14 0 reviews

Jake meets a mysteriois, unkown dragon in the park. Somehow he can't shake the feeling he knows them.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2010-04-09 - Updated: 2010-04-10 - 1142 words - Complete

Jake's POV

I stared in shock for a few minutes before I realized that everyone had caught up with me. In front of me were two dragons, one was a forrest green with greyed hair, I immediately could tell this dragon was an older man, The second dragon was on the ground, from the dragons body type I could tell it was a younger girl maybe around my age if not was almost an exact replica of my dragon form only she wasn't as built in the upper body (common for girl dragons) and her wingspan was slightly larger, Her scales were a pinkish red but was covered in blotches of black felt like fuzz which meant she wasn't being taken care of very well and was diseased.

The two were fighting viciously, it didn't take me long to realize that this wasn't common sparring between master and student, Gramps and I quickly morphed and approached, the two stopped fighting and stared at us surprised. On closer inspection I could see that the girl had light blue eyes that seemed too familiar for comnfort they were fully dialated, was she high?, her hair was pulled back in a ponytail that hung over her shoulder. She was breathing really quickly and I could see that she was bleeding from a ton of cuts and scrapes the older dragon had given, Gramps called out to one of them.

"Harlmen! What are you doing?" he called out harshly, I turned to him shocked, "You know that guy?"

From out of nowhere, Fu came up next to me and explained,"Thats Harlem Janvies, this guy is known by everyone. He's very infamous for how he treats his students, he actually killed a couple of them a while back and the council had to remove him from teaching duties because he was too careless. Knowing this, you might want to be careful with his friend over there, she might not be a fully registered dragon and you could get into serious trouble."

I looked back at the two, Harlmen was facing Gramps now and did not look happy that we were there. The girl was staring at me, her eyes were wild with fury and she looked like she was ready to kill. She glanced over my shoulder and saw Trixie and Spud at the edge of the clearing, She looked at Gramps and what I assumed was her master.

"What are you doing here Lao Shi? You know the American Dragon isn't suppose be here without permission." he demanded

"No, he is not allowed to perform any duties that might interfere with the dragon residing here which as far as I knew there wasn't any." He replied cooly. He was right, there wasn't any dragon assigned to Canada we would have at least been told and we would have certainly met them seeing that we are neighboring countries. "What the real issue is..." he continued, "...Is what you're doing with this young dragon." Harlmen got really aggressive and leaped at Gramps.

Before I had time to react the other dragon knocked me back and before I knew it I was on the ground not two feet from Trixie and Spud. I quickly got up and got ready to fight, she didn't seem weak but she was inexperienced and I could use that to my advantage.

Trixie's POV

I grabbed Spud and started to push him back as I saw Jake come flying at us, he quickly got up and got ready to fight. The blackish-pink/red dragon started to snarl at him, Jake started growling and snarling in response trying to intimidate them, the sound of Jakes snarling sent chills down my spine, Ive been around him a LOT during dragon duties but he never had actually growled at something, he sounded like a big vicious dog and...well... a dragon! Gramps was fighting the green dragon who he was talking to earlier but it seemed that he had the upperhand on their fight and was easily overpowering him. Jake was soon backed up to the point where we were directly behind him

"Jaakie!" I called nervously, Jake quickly looked back at us and saw that he had no other choice but to move forward. He lunged forward and started trying to take him opponent down, Fu ran over to us and started pushing us back into the woods. I looked over to Gramps and saw that the green dragon had bailed and was flying in the opposite direction, leaving the other behind. Jake and the other dragon were fighting to the teeth, literally! Soon, the other dragon realized it was alone and started to shake with fright, Jake had stopped his assault and quickly pinned it down so it wouldn't start fighting back again.

Spud and I walked out of the forrest cautiously and walked up right next to Gramps. We were all very still and dead quiet except for the heavy breathing of the three dragons, one of which did not seem to slow down. After what seemed like hours, Gramps walked up to Jake and the new dragon,

"What is your name young one?" He asked concerned and curious at the same time.

"My name is Danika, where's my master?" she asked, defeated and obviously out of breath. I could tell that it was a girl now and that she wasn't as harsh as the first dragon had been.

"Your dragon master has left you behind to die." he replied coldly, obviously trying to sever the bonds she had to Harlmen. She looked up at him pitifully and morphed back into a human before she passed out from exhaustion.

Jake's POV

Her name was Cienna, I've heard that somewhere, it was very familiar. I looked down to see her lose her shape and turn into a human, her entire body was bound tightly in leather wraps. I remember Gramps saying that some dragon masters had to bind their students to make them more aggressive and put them more on edge, I know that I'm not the most aggressive dragon (well not yet) but Gramps had never had me bound! He said it was very painful and cause a lot of fights between students and their masters, he thinks that ill grow into my fighting styles along with my dragon powers. The girl passed out beneath me obviously exhausted, I looked up at G and quickly changed back.

I had cuts and scrapes all over and some almost bite markish wounds around my neck from when she tried to take me down, a lot of dragons fight like that Gramps told me. As for the girl, I couldn't stop staring at her and wondering why she seemed so familiar like Ive known her my whole life when Ive only met her five minutes ago.
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