Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Half a Goddess

On the Move

by Elsask 1 review

Trouble is astir, how will the teens handle it?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-04-23 - Updated: 2011-12-17 - 1905 words

Helen was moving the last of her stuff into her new room. She sat a box on the bed and plopped down beside it. She laid down, and gave a long sigh, "glad that is done." She hadn't made seen any of her new dorm mates so far. They had all disappeared somewhere, it was just her and her boxes of stuff. She kind of did not want to face anyone, especially after the little 'incident' with Archie. I wonder if those two told the rest of their little 'gang;. She heard someone's footsteps at her door. She sat up quickly.

Herry stood at the doorway, looking at Helen, a little confused. "Um... Hey."

"Hi." Helen waved back feeling awkward and maybe even scared of what he thought of her now. Silence filled the room for a few momentes.

"Um, since I am here.... I was wondering if you, would like to do something later tonight?" He fumbled through the words.

"Sure why not." She replied calmly. "First though I need to put some stuff away, it is pretty messy in here." She pointed to the loads of boxes. Maybe he had forgotten about the 'incident', No, he could not of, maybe we will just pretend that never happened.

"Do you need help with moving anything?" Herry asked.

"No, I just brought in the last of my boxes. Thank you though."

"No problem." With that Herry kept walking down the hallway.

Helen ordered a small ice cream cone, while Herry ordered three extra scoops. They decided to take their ice cream on the go. Before they had even taken ten steps from the ice-cream stand, Herry had already almost swallowed two whole of the scoops from his ice cream. Helen just watched in amazement as she licked her one scoop slowly.

"You are going to get a brain freeze." Warned Helen.

"No I won't not until I finished this whole thing at least."

"Guess again." Replied Helen slyly. Before Herry could register even what she said, she took the rest of her ice cream cone and smushed it onto Herry's forehead right between the eyes. The ice cream dripped slowly down his face. He just looks at the ice cream dripping down his face dumbfounded. Helen laughed loudly almost ready to roll on the ground.

He licked the ice cream as the drips came by his mouth."Yum coconut." He smiled.

"Come on I better get you cleaned up."

She pulled him along until they found a fountain, she took off her cardigan and dipped it into the water. Helen slicked off the rest of the ice cream left on his forehead and dabbed the rest of the sticky coconut flavored ice cream that remained on the rest of his face.

"There." She stood back and makes sure she got everything.

"You know you got some ice cream on your nose."

"I do?" Helen questioned.

"Ya, let me get it for you." He pretended to beeline to her nose cleaning it off but instead he quickly pushed her into the big fountain base. Her face was horrorified and she falled. Trying to gain balance, she flailed her arms but it was too late. There was a large splash, and only Herry's shorts and shirt got a few drops while Helen had found herself sitting in the fountain basin, drenched.

He gave a hearty laugh as Helen got up. Her hair was covering her face, as she was soaked head to toe. She flipped the hair out of her face, she seemed a little displeased.

"I am soaking wet!Well I'll show you!" She grabbed his wrists and pulled him in. she tackled him and wouldn't relent until he too was drenched. She was now the one laughed as they both sat in the water soaking.

"That is unfair."

"Why?" she asks as she splashes him with water.

"Because pushing you in was getting revenge, now I have to get even." He sent a large splash her way.

Helen starting squealing lightly. Quickly getting up, she tried to escape through the foot-deep water.

"Hey!" Herry chased after her, kicking up water with his foot.

Before they knew, they were in a total water war. Both of them smiling and laughing.

"Okay, okay I surrender." Helen yelled out holding her hands up to her face as a shield from the spray as she sat on the fountain floor.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay." Herry stopped and leaned down, lending his hand to aid her out of the fountain.

Herry and Helen started walking down a pathway in a city garden in the late hours of the night with the stars guiding their way, and the moon shining brightly.

"Well that was fun." She looked over to Herry, dripping wet.

"Very." He replied with a large grin on his face, also soaking wet. "So where in Canada are you from?"


"So you are a prairie girl then, huh?

"Ya, my dad is a farmer. We use to live in BC, but he was determined to be a farmer at some point in his life. It may have been a mid-life crisis." She giggled a little to herself.

"I come from a farm too!" He exclaimed a little too excitedly.

"That's great! So where are you from? I haven't heard your story yet."

Helen's eyes suspiciously darted to the side seeing a shadow on a wall in the street.

"Actually I'm fro..."

"DOWN!!" Helen yelled and leaped onto Herry so he would duck.

A giant leather winged bird swooped down almost catching on Helen's clothes with its talons.

"Whoa that was close."

"I know, let's go!" She held onto his hand, tugging him along as they tried running to escape the predator.

"Well, well, well..." a blade scythe being sheathed could heard in the darkness accompanied by a low male voice.

They turned to see a man with red evil eyes and a scar slashed across his face. He was dressed in a black suit and had black comb backed hair. The most noticeable though was his malevolent smile.

"Cronus." Said Herry.

"Why hello Herry, nice to see you too, and who is this?" He pointed with his scythe. Cronus' eyes focusing on Helen.

"Leave her out of this." Herry stepped protectively in front of her.

Helen whispered, "Uh Herry who is Cronus? A friend of yours?"

Before they could even realize it, Cronus' minions had them surrounded.

"Now isn't the time, but let me tell you we aren't friends."

"Herry shouldn't we be running or something? You know try to get away."

"No way, we wouldn't be able to escape. I'll stay and fight, you run." He smacked his fists together.

"No way. I am staying with you."

"But Helen it is too dangerous, you'll just be a snag."

"Believe me I know a few moves, I can stand my ground." She gave a small, reassuring grin.

"Fine." He gave in not too gladly. He was though genuinely worried about her. "You don't know what you are dealing with though, Helen. If you haven't noticed, those giants aren't normal people."

"I'm staying."

They square up to their enemies back to back. The hordes of giants closed in around them. Before anyone could make another move, Helen did a front hand=spring, and launched her body into a monster with one leg forward. The monster went flying through the air

"Woah." Herry exclaimed. He ducked as one of giants charged straight at him. Herry grabbed the gaint's wrist, and started swinging the creature's body in a large circle letting go like a hammer thrower from a sport event. The beast collides with two behind him.

Meanwhile, Helen was almost untouchable. With her agility and lissome body she dodged almost every hit that came her way. Two minions of Cronus came charging towards her from opposite sides, she took a step back. Before they could stop, they crash into each other, hard. Still dazed and lightheaded from the knock out, Helen took their heads and smashes them together. They fell to the ground. Another gofer advanced on her. She stepped on top of the bodies, and leaped doing a gainer in the air. She landed on the opposite side of where her opponent expected her to be. She kicked him in the back and the giant fell into the pile of the other bodies.

Herry was punching right and left, he too was a doing a good job of fending of Cronus's minions. Until Cronus appears. Cronus tried to take a swing with his scythe at Herry. Herry grabs the scythe stopping it from finishing its course leading to his own head.

Helen brushed off her hands. Looking satisfied at her work, she put her hands on her hips. She heard a yelp and turned to see Herry fighting Cronus and his hordes. "Herry!"

Helen grabbed a metal pipe, and ran towards the pestering beasts taking large swings randomly at them. They seemed to be in pain but all it really did was just makes them madder. "Oops." She gave an innocent- toothy grin. The two gave a phony evil grin back and start charging at her. She did a back handspring, missing the club meant for her.

Herry was still struggling with Cronos, it was a constant back and forth battle. Helen looked over to see the struggle, "Herry catch!" She threw the pipe over to him. Herry quickly glanced over and extended his arm and palm, catching the pipe in his hand. Now having a weapon, it was a more even fight. Then, Cronos made another scythe appear in his other hand.

Before anymore action can take place though Helen was attacked from behind. She tried to reflect her opponent but it was too late. With a swift motion she was carried onto the shoulder of one of the ugly monster's back. She kicked and punched but nothing helped. She struggled to get free but the monster's grip was too tight. Cronus' minions were starting to retreat from the battleground leaving Cronos and Herry still weapon-locked.

"Herry!" Helen yelled out.

Herry glanced over but before he could do anything he was knocked unconscious.

"Just take the girl, she is all the bait we need."

Helen tried to reach out to him from the creature's shoulder. "Herry!"

Cronus opened a portal gate and all of them step through. "Sweet dreams Herry." He threw to him a postcard, landing on the ground beside him. Letting out an evil laugh, the portal closed.

"Herry are you okay?"

Herry opened his eyes to his all the Titans gang surrounding him; he was in Chiron's studies.

"Ya I'm fine." Rubbing his head. "But where is Helen?"

"Was she with you?"

"Ya she was there when we where fighting off Cronus and his goons, then the next thing I knew she was being carried off, and everything went dark after that." Herry's eyes got wide. "Oh no." he got up. "I have to go find her."

"You are not going alone, so it was Cronus who did this?" asked Jay.

Herry nodded.

"Everyone get ready to depart, meet at Hephaestus's workshop."

Everyone dispersed to prepare for the trip, only Odie and Herry were left. Odie sat on a bench and pulled out his labtop, along with the postcard.

"Herry do you have an idea where Cronus might have taken her?"

"Not a clue."
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