Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Things You Never Told Me

Chapter 2

by fueledbyPanic 2 reviews

Lots of tears...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-06-12 - Updated: 2011-06-13 - 549 words - Complete

Mikey sat silently by Gerard's bed, a single tear slowly tracing its way down his pale cheek. He had managed to stop the flow of blood and bandage his brother's arm and hand. He had also cleaned up the mess on the counter and floor and carried Gerard to his bed. The older of the two now lay covered in blankets.

Mikey had sworn to himself that he would take an all-nighter so that he would be there when Gerard woke. As he looked outside at the bare trees getting drenched by the icy downpour the single tear dripping off his chin onto his lap became two, then three, and soon they were pouring down like the midnight rain pounding on the bedroom window. It broke Mikey's heart to see his brother like this, weak and helpless like a neglected puppy. He couldn't bear it if Gerard left this world; he simply couldn't carry on without knowing that his best friend and protector was at his side to guide him and give him comfort. The past month had been especially stessful and difficult for the two boys as their mother had decided to move to make her work easier and also in hopes that her sons could have a chance to start over and get a fresh start.

Mikey squeezed his last tears out as he closed his eyes. He told himself that he was just resting his eyes for a couple of minutes and that he wouldn't fall asleep...


Mikey jolted upright, eyes jerking open. He looked up at Gerard's alarm clock and saw that it was 3 am.

Shit! he thought, I've been asleep for over two hours.

He glanced at Gerard. He hadn't woken up yet. Mikey shivered as it was getting colder and decided to go get a blanket. He got up and ran as quickly and quietly as he could to his room and back, not wanting to leave Gerard's side or wake his mother. He returned to his seat by Gerard's bed and wrapped the blanket around himself. For the next few hours, Mikey sat shifting his gaze from Gerard to the alarm clock once in a while for lack of anything better to do.

At around 5 am, Mikey was on the verge of falling asleep for good. He was absolutely exhausted, and he and Gerard still had two more days of school until winter vacation, which was when they were supposed to move. The two brothers would start their new school at the beginning of the second term.

As Mikey was drifting off with thoughts of how much he'd be bullied at his new school, he heard a weak voice whisper his name.


Great, now I'm hearing things. But then Mikey felt a cold hand reach out and weakly take his own warm hand. He hesitantly looked up and to his utmost joy and relief saw Gerard's eyes fluttering open.

"Mikey, I'm so s-sorry... I..."

"Gerard, why the hell did you have to scare me like that!" Mikey embraced his brother and burst into tears once more, not really knowing why.

The Way brothers slept for the rest of the morning with their arms around each other, the younger of the two still half in his chair and half on Gerard's bed.
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