Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Alicia! Finally she's a main character!

I awoke in an all black room. It had no color except for the purple light bulb in the center; there was also a black chair in the middle. I had a feeling that she should sit. When I did, my father walked out of the light in a black parade jacket. I smiled

by ONotz 3 reviews

I awoke in an all black room. It had no color except for the purple light bulb in the center; there was also a black chair in the middle. I had a feeling that she should sit. When I did, my father ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Horror - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-21 - Updated: 2011-06-21 - 442 words

I awoke in an all black room. It had no color except for the purple light bulb in the center; there was also a black chair in the middle. I had a feeling that she should sit. When I did, my father walked out of the light in a black parade jacket. I smiled up at him, he smiled back. “Elizabeth.” He whispered and hugged me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks “Am I dead?” I whispered. He shook his head “No. But you have that option.” He said to me, I shook my head. I then was being pulled back. I awoke and fell off of a stretcher, right onto my father. He was crying uncontrollably. “What’s going on?!” I remembered everything, the pills from before the show, the fall, Tegan saying he loved me, me dying.

I cried into my father, he cried to me. “Baby girl.” He whispered, I nodded, “Don’t ever leave me.” He whispered, I nodded still crying. “Daddy. Can I live at Gerard’s with you? I really want to be near you before we leave. C-Cassie’s birthday is only a month.” I whispered. He nodded still crying, he picked me up bridal style, I let my legs fall and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry. So so sorry.” I kept whispering, he nodded. All of the sudden there were reporters. I was let down, when Dad started walking

I just stood there, when he turned it was too late, I was in a full circle of reporters. He couldn’t get in, I couldn’t get out. I had a whole mental breakdown until somehow Tegan had cut knuckles and was beside me. I fell asleep in his arms.


I was in the circle or people. Flashes were everywhere. I could here my Dad’s shouts. “Daddy?” I whispered falling to my knees and rubbing my arms, slightly pulling up my sleeve. I started uncontrollably sobbing. A reporter walked to me and helped me up. He then was punched by Tegan who grabbed me and ran through the crowd straight into my father, knocking him back, then all three of us ran, ran to the jeep. We hoped in and drove home, I was sobbing until I fell asleep.

I am NOT copying this story, but I was bored so I was looking through stories were I came to one which is scary similar. The author brought it to attention and gave MANY people this link to my page, so this is hers

PLUS! What happened Dr. D? Your not commenting! :(
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