Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'd End My Days With You in a Hail of Bullets

Running Away and Hiding With You

by Vengefulscout 0 reviews

I never thought they'd get me here. Lost in an unknown part of town.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-22 - Updated: 2011-11-22 - 502 words

Without knowing what I was doing, where I would go or even if I should move, I began to run, sprinting down the tarmac, trying to make as much distance from the gang as possible. I could hear them running and shouting after me, nearly breathing down my neck. I ran even faster, if that was possible, down an alley way and came out into a rather quiet, cobbled lane. There were no houses or any sign of life and I was staring across a field of green grass which was barricaded by an old-looking stone brick wall. I didn’t have time to sight-see though. I kept running, my legs burning, begging me to stop, but I knew I couldn’t. Then, I had an idea.

I took a left, and then saw a deep ditch; a little water at the bottom and the mud still looked wet. I literally dived into it, feeling the mud and dirt soak through my school blazer, trousers and my long, black hair. Praying that the darkness and shadows would mean that the men wouldn’t see me, I lay there; my eyes shut tight, waiting, barely breathing. Then I heard furious running footsteps above me and I risked opening my lids. “Come on! He must have gone this way!” one of the men shouted and they thundered loudly up the deserted street. I stayed quiet still until I heard the rumbles, jeers and cries slowly disappeared like an echo, and then I found the strength to stand up, my hair and clothes drenched in water and mud and some of the dirt and slime running down my chest and back. For now, I was safe.

I scrambled out of the ditch; my hands covered in mud, and looked around again. Now no maniac’s were after me, I could get a better view of where I was. Like I had said, their was acres of fields, the grass whispering gently in the wind, the stone wall, which looked like it dated back to the 16th century ,standing weakly. Apart from that, there was not a building in sight...Or was there?

I looked across the green waves of grass and squinted to see a little further and spotted something. It looked like an old, beaten-down barn, the red doors looked as though they hadn’t been opened for a long time and I was expecting it to collapse to the ground any second. The roof did seem to be rather sturdy and it was, from taking a glance around, there wasn’t another place where I could hide. I didn’t dare go back down the alley and, even if he did, he had no idea where he would go as I hadn’t been concentrating on where I had been going. I took a deep breath, checked that the gang wasn’t close by and headed to the barn.

Its kinda short but dont worry! Frankie boy is going to show up soon!
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