Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Truth is inevitable


by MCR_Killjoy_A 1 review

The papz find out about Aimee, and she gets to screw round with instruments but gerard has a few tricks up his sleave.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-03-25 - Updated: 2012-03-25 - 1005 words

Aimee's P.O.V

Today I woke up quite early fucking jet-lag, so anyway, cause I was up so early I went down stairs and decided to make some pancakes, its what I would do in London, so, what the hell? Right?!?! I found, flour, milk, eggs, a bowl, mixer and pan, I was all set.

About half an hour later, Gerard stumbled downstairs, and he stopped when he walked in the kitchen and just stared at the plate of 15 steaming massive thin pancakes and the one thing he said was,
"You are fucking amazing." I laughed as he raced to the table and sat down, I handed him a plate and the syrup, and he started gulping them down,
"Yeah, I know there's still pancake mixture left, but save some for everyone else!" I laughed at him.
"These are SO good, where did you learn to make these?!?!"
"My Dad taught me, these are the british way to make pancakes!" I joked,
"Pfftt... You make more of these and I shall buy you a Pony!"
"I don't ride horses?!" I laughed confused,
"Fine then," he jokingly stuck his tong out at me when Lynz walked in carrying Bandit,
"Oooooo...." She sounded intrigued, "what have we made here?"
"My amazing pancakes!!!" I declared smiling, "hang on this ones nearly ready, do you want to see me flip it?!"
"Hell yeah!" Gerard nearly yelled, I laughed, grabbed the handle of the pan, took a few steps back from the hob and 3....2.......1! And I flipped it TWO WHOLE 360 turns!!!!
"EPIC!" I squealed, "that was my best one yet!"
"This girl is scary with a frying pan!" Lynz laughed,
"I want a pancake!!!" Bandit was grinning from ear to ear she was so excited it was so sweet! Everyone had their pancakes then I went upstairs to get ready. I had to look good. Today the press would find out who I was.

I got showered, washed my hair, brushed my teeth, did my make-up, dried my hair, straightened it, put on my red tartan jeans, my dark green 'Drop Dead' T-shirt, my misfits hoodie and black dms. I took one long last look in the mirror. I was ready. I set off down stairs to see Gerard standing there waiting,
"All ready?" He asked me.
"Yeah, let's go!" We got in the car and set off for the studio blasting out Greenday, Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins. We reached the studio parking lot, there were tons of paps, we were meeting the rest of the guys inside.

As soon as we climbed out they surrounded us. They were even coming to me more, demanding to know who I was, suddenly Gerard grabbed my hand and led me to a clear space were he put an arm around my shoulder and whispered,
"Do you wanna say or should I?" I just looked at him with a look that said 'can you do it?' He nodded at me, he then raised his hand to silence him, I was shocked by the amount of power he had,
"This here is Aimee, she is my daughter." Suddenly the crowd went mad. They were all asking us more questions, a security guard came out and helped us into the studio.

"Wow, that was manic out there!" I said gesturing to the reporters,
"Get fucking ready, its gonna be even worse from now on, so be careful about who you trust and tell things to." He warned me,
"Don't worry, I will." We walked through a hallway with tones of framed records and posters on the walls until we reached the studio, the guys were all sitting there talking to another guy.
"Hey!" Mikey smiled,
"Yo!" Franked had on the cheesiest grin ever! It was really funny,
"This is our producer, Mark," gerard introduced us,
"Hey, I'm Aimee,"
"Its a pleasure."
"So we have to do the boring shit and talk, so do you either wanna play video games, watch TV, or go screw round with the instruments?" Gerard asked me,
"Defiantly screw with instruments!" That sounded awesome,
"Cool hop in the booth you'll see everything, go nuts!"
"Thank you SO much!" This was awesome!

Gerard's P.O.V

"Dude?" Frank asked, "we don't need to talk about numbers, and why in the booth?"
"Because Fankie-boy, I want to hear her,"
"Well you are so evil!" Ray joked,
"Shut up To-Fro!" Mikey said, "she picked my bass! I wanna hear her and see if she breaks it!"
"God mikes," I sighed "you are so fussy she isn't gonna break anything, now listen"

Aimee's P.O.V

oh my fucking god! I have no idea where to start, this is awesome! I went over to the basses first, I saw Mikey's epic sparkly bass which was awesome, I plugged it in 'I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I used it!' I thought as I started to play 'white stripes - seven nation army' then 'Bullet-proof heart' and finally 'Nirvana's Rape Me'. After having fun with the base, I put it back and moved on to the piano in the corner, I didn't know very much piano, except for stuff I've written and a few tunes, so first I played the intro bit to 'welcome to the black parade' then I played a few of my own pieces. After I moved onto the drum kit, this was so fucking cool! I played a few beets, I had been taught a tiny bit of drums at my old school, so I knew a bit, but this was awesome! Finally I went for the guitar, I don't know any guitar really except for like 3 chords so I just screwed round on the guitar for like 10mins, after that I got bored so I went back to the guys.

A/N now I never ask much of you guys, but can you please follow me on twitter, I'm @spontainyaimee, if you leave your twitter name after your review or comment I will gladly follow you! Thankz Axx
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