Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

Chapter 4

by KobraBlaze 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-25 - Updated: 2012-04-25 - 1101 words - Complete

Chapter 4
Pete's POV

Mikey... He was different. Really different. I felt kinda sorry for him. He was all alone on his first day back. I think I remember him from last year. I often saw some guys dragging him out to the sheds to do only God knows what to him. I should have helped but hey, I've got a bit of a reputation that I would really like to keep. But when I heard him ask why I want to hang out with him, that's when I didn't care anymore. I can't just leave a kid like Mikey all alone until he gets the shit kicked out of him later. He doesn't even understand why I would want to hang out with him. So I'm gonna show him.

"Because I think you're a decent guy who doesn't deserve to be beaten up. Look Mikey, I'm not going to hurt you if thats what you're worried about." I try to assure him I'm being honest but he just stares back with unsure eyes. Eyes that look like they have been hurt too many times to believe me. I hope I can change that.
Just then, our English teacher burst through the door, enthusiastic to start poetry already.

"Here we go..." I mumble half hoping for Mikey to hear me, as the teacher babbles on about things.
I receive nothing at all so I look over at him and see his head buried in his arms. So I nudged him lightly to grab his attention. He warily lifts his head up to look at me.
I smile at him.
"So you still don't want to hang out at lunch?" I ask him.

"Uhh... Okay I will. I have nowhere else to go." He replies, looking a bit depressed.

"Great. How 'bout we leave for lunch and go to some cafe or something? It's just I heard Aaron is planning something at lunch and I don't think you want to be in the middle of that." I suggest. I don't actually know what Aaron is planning but I don't want to be involved anyway.

"...Yeah. Okay." He takes a second to answer before agreeing.
Before we know it class ends and everyone is bustling out the door. We compare out timetables quickly and see what classes we have together. Unfortunately, we don't have anything until after lunch, so then we went I our classes. Me hoping that he wouldn't run into anyone like Aaron along the way. For some reason, this Mikey kid was stuck in my mind. Sure he was cute but there is just so much more to him than that. I want to know what it is. He's just so introverted and so God-damn shy all the time.
The way he just sat in class concentrating on what the teacher was saying. So oblivious to the constant sniggers and wads of paper thrown in his direction. So much so, he's obviously used to it all. The way he looks so vulnerable and petrified out in the corridor. The way his super-skinny body weaves through the crowd.
Pete! What the fuck?! You know him a day and you're already saying that. But it's true. But it shouldn't be. Because from what I have heard he already has a boyfriend. One that I am extremely jealous of even before meeting him.

I decide to cut next class and I head outside for a cigarette. Just as I'm about to turn the corner, 3 of Aaron's mates dash around it, laughing and almost knocking me flat. I was afraid to see what was around the side of the building.
Upon rounding it, I see Mikey collapsed on the ground with a bruise on his cheek and other small cuts around his face. But the worst looking is his eye. It's swollen and all red. I rush over to him and hold him in my a lap.
"Mikey! What happened? Who did this?" I ask urgently, rushing the words out of his mouth. Of course, I know who it was. I just wanted Miky to say who to see of he actually knows who he is.
He shrugs and let's out pained groan.
"Sh... It's okay Mikey. How about if I take you home?" I ask.
He shakes his head vigorously. "Okay, then let's just skip these classss and go to that cafe down the road." He nods his head slowly.
I pick him up in my arms and carry him across the road to my moms car. I lie him down on the passenger seat and I hop into the drivers seat and We drive off to the cafe.

I want to know why he didn't want to go home. Is there something wrong? I just want help him and bringing him into a cafe with a load of bruises on his face and people staring at him just feels like I'm not doing anything to help him. I guess I'm not really. Although, the kid is stick thin so I can get him something to eat.

"What do ya want?" I ask him.

"Uh..." he stares at the menu for a couple of seconds before saying "Macaroni and cheese, please.) I go up at order it and sit back down.

I'm always crap in these situations when there is so much to talk about when Mikey doesn't even want to talk.

"How come you took me here?" Mikey asks looking around.

"Because you had a bad day and I want to help you by buying you lunch." I offer a soft smile receiving a pained and forced one back.

"Sorry. Thank you." He whispers.

"Hey. No need to be sorry. What did you even do?!"

"Am... How come you didn't want to go home?" Sure it is kinda rude of me to ask but that's just my attitude. I do come with that little bit of sweetness though just for Mikey.
He looks uncomfortable in the situation an he looks away shyly. I'm about to tell him it's okay. But our food arrives. When the waitress leaves, he replies even though he doesn't want to. I can tell he's trying to be strong infront of me.

"I don't want to upset my brother or Frank." He says


Thank you so much for reading. This didn't turn out to be as good as I hoped but I still hope you enjoyed it. Im not sure if I will be able to update at all tomorrow so it may be 2 days time. Sorry! Please review this story and rate. That would be so so kind!
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