Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Dawn of Time

Path of Revange

by Cassidy 1 review

Too Lazy

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-07-04 - Updated: 2006-07-05 - 595 words

Impossible! Cloria screamed for the tenth time. How does Darkar do these things! Sasha's normally bright flashing green eyes had dulled. Brena was pacing around the room. It's not impossible, with the horn and the Daralios the twins obviosly would have fallen for it. Melissia looked at Cassandra. Is there somthing those girls can't do? Neil demanded. Neil's right. Herry spoke up. They're skaters and dancers and everything. Cassandra finally spoke. Theresa I need to talk to you.
All we need are the other rulers. Darkar announced. But can we wait while the titans are in one room and their in another? Mivarnda yawned. She's got a point. Narcissia admited. We've been up allll night. Adreneline complained. FINE! Darkar snapped. I hope it won't take long. Cronos! Clorissia whirled around. I want the seven titans as soon as possible! Cronos ordered. As you wish. All of them muttered.
Cassandra? Yes. Cassandra closed the door. Why did you want to talk to me? Theresa asked. Here take this. Cassnadra handed Theresa a scroll. Theresa opened it. I don't get these pictures. Theresa gestured to the scroll. At the dawn of time everything will be peaceful. Twenty-six rulers will be elected to maintain the peace. Then evil forces wilil arrive destroy everything and leave one galaxy seperated from the rest. When hope soars over the Magic Realms two rulers will be missing. On the dangerous journey the two main rulers will change sides. Cassandra explined. What about this? Theresa asked. The bottem of the scroll had been ripped off. Bryona likes reading as much as Narcissia does. She must of read it and ripped the bottem off. Cassandra sighed. Bryona. She used to be my best friend. How could we become enemies? Cassandra wiped a tear. As she twirled a strand of blond hair she locked her blue eyes at Theresa's green ones. Of course Narcissia was my bestest friend much higher than Bryona. Theresa looked at the scroll. Why are you giving it to me? She asked. I think it will be safer with you. Cassandra left the room.
It's time. Darkar opened a portole. Clorissia was carring the Hypnoses horn. Mivarnda and Narcissia keep the titans distracted and the rest of you come with me and let's hypnotize the fairies. Everyone nodded. In a bright flash of light they were gone. Excellant! Cronos smiled I'll get my hands on those children sooner than I thought.
It's just and ancient scroll. Neil muttered. But everything that it says has happened so far. Atlanta pointed out. Zing! Hello. Mivarnda smiled. Everyone grabbed their weapons and prepared to fight. Please. You expect us to fight you. Narcissia sneered. Ice Trap! Narcissia thrust her hand at Odie. Odie was frozen inside a block of ice. Odie! Herry ran toward him. Tornado! Mivarnda blocked his way. Herry was lifted and knocked unconsiess. Vines! Four thick vines bounded Neil tightly. Earth Quake! Both girls slammed their hands on the ground and the remaining four fell into the crack.
Quietly. Don't let them hear us. Violet hissed. Here. Clorissia passed the horn to Elia. Then with a popping sound they transported to the center of the fairies circle. Then Ellia played the horn.
-------------------------------------------------Hope you guys weren't looking for a good bye hug. Narcissia smirked as the crack closed. Theresa looked up for the last time suprised to see their eyes turned yellow. Then the crack closed. As Darkar and the others showed up all the rulers with him. They aren't holograms? Mivarnda asked. No. Everyone's eyes glowed yellow as they disappeered.
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