Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Fate and Destiny: Why Me

Achilles Heal(s)

by Dessmonda 9 reviews

Can the nine teenagers really become friends? And we learn a bit more about Athena...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-07-05 - Updated: 2006-07-05 - 1545 words

Author's Notes: Okay I would like to clear one thing up first. Neil's daughter was originally named Natasha, but my friend told me I had to use Nancy. Because I had over half of the chapter typed out I tried to change her name. I guess I forgot a couple. So Neil's daughter is Nancy NOT Natasha. Also I would be ever grateful for anyone that would like to join my site. It's a Class of the Titans rp and it is in desperate need of members. Anyone who joins gets a cookie holds out a plate of cookies! My site> http://z7. invisionfree. com/ alls fair in love and war/ index. php ((without the spaces of course!))

Disclaimer: I don't own Class of the Titans, I do however own Ollie grabs Ollie and hugs him looks around Oh! I also own the other eight OC's!

Achilles Heal(s)

The next day the nine teenagers were still relatively in shock from what they were told but that was to be expected. They were in the main training room and were all running laps. Well were running laps, they were all gasping for breath, most of them lying on the track.

Ares looked at the group, "That was pathetic, most of you managed five laps others more and some less." He walked to where they were all spread out gasping for air. "But you should all improve with time. "

Alana turned to her sister and in between gasps for air managed to get out, "Lucky you."

Athena rolled her eyes, "Ya, lucky me," she muttered back.

Before Ares could continue to complain any farther, the doors to the room opened and their parents entered. Neil took one look at the nine children and screamed in horror. He ran over to his daughter Nancy, who was sitting on the track sobbing her eyes out. "It's horrible," Neil yelled as he sat down beside her, "your hair is a mess! It's okay let daddy fix it for you. We can't have you looking ugly all day." He helped Nancy up and both of them walked off in the direction of the washrooms.

As everyone watched them walk off Theresa turned to Jay, "Like father like daughter I guess." Jay nodded his head in agreement, not really trying to hide the smile on his lips. Anyone could tell that Neil and Nancy were related; it wasn't that hard to figure out.

"Are...we...done?" Ollie asked Ares, he wasn't so big on the 'lets see how many times you can run around the track' idea.

"Fine," Ares barked, "I suppose that will do for today." He turned to face the triplets, "I expected more for you three. Athena, you'll be training with me tomorrow morning. I'll come and wake you up. The rest of you," Ares continued once Neil and Nancy came back, "will be having training tomorrow evening with Artemis and I. Be here at 5:30." With that Ares left the gym.

Latter that night all nine of the teenagers were in the brownstone, the same house their parents had shared many years ago. But this time not everyone could have a room to himself or herself. Jay and Taylor had decided to share a room and Henry and Hector did the same. The triplets picked the biggest room and had Henry and Hector move two more beds into it. Everyone else got his or her own room. When all was said and done there was two empty rooms not claimed by a person. The nine teenagers decided to use them for other purposes. One became a work out room, so they didn't always have to go to the school. And the other became a study, not that any one save Ollie would use it.

They were all eating around the table, their parents had all gone out for diner. There was an awkward sense looming over the room. Partly because everyone was unsure. Did their parents expect them to become friends in less then twenty-four hours?

Taylor had tried to make friends with everyone, and was now talking to Henry and Hector. Hector was listing and talking in-between mouthfuls of food. Nancy was constantly checking her reflection in a nearby spoon. Ollie had his laptop with him and was looking up various Greek myths. James was talking to Alana...or was she Andrea?

"Um...I think the first thing we need to do," James said breaking the awkwardness, everyone looked at him. "Is we need to find away to tell Alana and Andrea apart. I mean Athena is easily identified but the other two are identical." Various heads nodded in agreement.

"But I have a brace, Andrea doesn't" the triplet sitting next to James interjected.

"True but we can't always be looking at your leg..." Ollie said thinking logically without looking up from his computer.

"So why doesn't one of them just do something to their hair? I mean if it worked for Athena..." Hector's voice trailed off, "never mind it was stupid."

"Actually that could work," Ollie said, "only one problem every place would be closed or wouldn't do it this late at night."

"Why don't I do it?" Nancy offered as she admired her reflection in a spoon for the millionth time. "I am taking cosmetology and it should be easy as long as we're only dying her hair. Anything is too complicated this late at night and I need my beauty sleep."

"I guess it would be okay," Andrea said shrugging her shoulders, "I suppose I could have my hair streaked or what ever...that is if you don't mind." She directed the last part at Alana.

"Go knock yourself out," Alana said with a smile, "besides I like my hair the way it is, and I value my life..." At the last part of her sentence the triplets started laughing. Everyone else stared at them.

"I get the feeling that we are missing something," Henry said as he reached for another piece of chicken. Everyone else was soon laughing, with the goddess of wisdom and war looking at them funny.

Nancy grabbed Andrea's hand, "Come on," she said pulling Andrea behind her, "we have to do something with...I guess we could call it hair. I have some colour in my bedroom." The two of the left and went into Nancy's room.

The rest went into the living room, leaving Henry and Hector still eating in the kitchen. "So what do you all want to do?" James asked everyone. He got mixed responses, the most popular one being 'lets watch a movie.'

James, Taylor and Ollie sat on the sofa and Alana and Athena sat sprawled out on the floor. The five of them were watching Sahara, and were soon joined by Henry and Hector.

By the time the movie was over no one knew where Nancy or Andrea was. Everyone said goodnight and left for their respected rooms. The bathroom door was closed and everyone figured Nancy was in there.

Alana and Athena entered their room and saw Andrea lying on the bed in her pyjamas, fast asleep. "I suppose we'll have to wait for morning to see her hair." Athena stated as she began to change. Alana nodded her head in agreement as she too changed. Both girls crawled in their separate beds, turned off the light and fell asleep.

Ares opened the door to the room that the triplets were sharing. It was early in the morning around five-ish. He looked at the tree girls and mentally sighed, because of their positions he couldn't tell who was who. Reaching out a hand he grabbed the right ankle of the middle girl. She screamed loudly, but not loud enough to wake the others. "Sorry Alana, go back to sleep." The girl gave him an odd look but closed her eyes. Ares then turned to the girl who was to the right of Alana and grabbed her right ankle. His hand connected with something cold and hard. A look of confusion crossed his face. "That's Alana's ankle if that's Alana..." Ares moved to the girl farthest away from him and grabbed her right ankle. She muttered something incomprehensible but didn't wake up. "Andrea." Ares stated simply, so that meant the person in the middle was Athena after all. He grabbed her left ankle and tightened his grip so that she wouldn't be able to squirm out of his grasp. However once Ares tightened his grip Athena opened her eyes and screamed.

"That," Ares said looking confused, "could be a problem."

Athena looked at him confused, "what could be a problem?" She mumbled, still not fully awake. It didn't even register that Ares was still gripping her left ankle, just more loosely then before.

Author's Notes: Next chapter will have the training session with all nine teenagers, Ares and Artemis, we get to find out what Nancy did to Andrea's hair and what is wrong with Athena. I hope this chapter was okay, and I am very sorry that it took me awhile to update. And if anyone has any ideas on what weapons the children should have I'd LOVE to hear them! ((weapons will be given out in the next chapter))
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