Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Dawn of Time


by Cassidy 0 reviews


Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-07-07 - Updated: 2006-07-08 - 271 words

Narcissia pulled a battered book out from the piles of books they always took with them wherever they went. Stamped on it's silver cover were the faded words. Family Records. She opened it up to the table of contents. Ailton, Alon, Aklorn. Finally she found the Lornson family tree on page 9000. Narcissia studid the tree. then she saw the anwser why she was realated to Cronos. Her great great great great great great great grandmother was married to him until they divorced.
------------------------------------------------- I found the anwser. Narcissia anounced placing the very very thick book in front of them.What is this? Neil pointed at the book. It says Family Records can you read. Sasha yelled. Do they make a new copy every year. Herry stared at the battered cover. It's a magic book. Cassandra explained. Every magical family is in this book and if a new person is born in the family it is added to the tree. Then what about marriage. Odie looked at the book curisly. The person who is not part of the family's name would be added to both trees. Jade leafted through the book to page 9000. No way. Mivarnda gasped. The fairies looked so shocked when Hera came in. We don't know how you and Cronos ar real-. She stopped looking at the rulers. Cloria handed her the book at the Lornson family tree. So Cronos married your great great great great great great great grandmother! Hera dropped the book.Kara caught it right before the bbok hit the ground. Yeah. Mivarnda said. A shall talk this over with the magic concoil and the other gods.
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