Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
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(#) RyanCyanideKiller 2012-08-27
I'm so sorry this is happening.Author's response
Thanks. It means a lot. I've said that like five times but that's all I can think of. I'm sleep deprived, upset, and slightly happy because I'm drinking hot cocoa. Yes, we should talk. I'd really appreciate it.Summary says all :)
(#) XxPerfectTomorrowxX 2012-08-27
Oh boy.
Why does your brother blame you?
Whatever happened I'm sure it's not your fault. Neither of you are at fault.
I bet the last thing she wanted was for her death to hurt those she cared about.
I know me saying this isn't going to help but I don't know what to say and I don't want to say nothing because I know you're hurting.
I wish suicide didn't happen but it does, way too often.Author's response
He wasn't there to stop her. I couldn't break down her door. Soooo thus is the blame. You are very kind. It's gonna take a while for me to stop blaming myself. Saying anything helps me.Summary says all :)
(#) XxPerfectTomorrowxX 2012-08-27
That's no reason for blame to be applied. He's just in a bad place, but there is no reason to make you feel worse than you obviously already do (which is also for no reason)- you seriously don't deserve to put yourself through this, no one does.
If you need to talk then email me.
I'm always willing to talk about anything, or help in any way that I can.
You'll make it through this. I promise.Summary says all :)
(#) Mynameisnotimportant 2012-08-27
I wish I could talk to somebody.
Suicide is never pretty. It's never pretty, or dramatic, or overplayed. It's not edgy nor ironic. I can define suicide as not being a thousand things, but I can not finish the sentence "Suicide is."
Nothing I say will make it better right now. Things fall apart. For lack of a better term, shit happens. Somehow, although I will never meet you, I want you to feel better.
Could you please email me?
Summary says all :)
(#) RyanCyanideKiller 2012-08-27
My email's well, its actually my brothers but its the easiest way to reach me.Summary says all :)
(#) XEvil_AngelX 2012-08-27
okay..1 fuck yeah bro! 2, that is sad (wouldn't blame you for being sad and such) 3 I know (Bob has a lip ring which makes him already that much more hot) and erm yeah...need to rant or fuzznuts --> hit me up
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