Categories > Anime/Manga > Tactics > the summer holiday of the beasts.

the hangover

by keavaghmckenna 0 reviews

Category: Tactics - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-04 - Updated: 2012-09-04 - 284 words - Complete

Ash opened one eye then the other. His head was pounding.
He had forgot about last night and woke up to a text saying: 'last night was so much fun x'. Ash had a mini-heart attack. Only one though was running through his head. 'Had I slept with Niamh?' He face palmed himslef and though 'Fuck'. He rolled over and looked he let a big sigh.
"Phew". Ash said re-leaved
Stef soon woke up and forgotten all about last night and he was also clue-less to where he was it was alien and it was all really strange to him. He though he had been kidnapped and the Ash walked into his room.
"Stef you seen Dru?"
They were really worried and they sent him so many texts. He never replied to any. They were clueless to where he was they rushed to get ready and hunt. They were in a different country. What if Dru had been kidnapped. Ash heard his phone buzz. He rushed to read ever so quick wishing it was Dru, but it wasn't it was Niamh 'Have you seen Keavagh? We cant find her! x' Stef texted Olivia but his text had nothing to do with Dru. Stef was more interested about seeing Olivia again. Stef texted Olivia: 'I had loads of fun last night, want to meet today? x'. When Olivia received the text she forgot all about Keavagh and Dru. She couldn't of replied sooner: 'ofcourse come to my hotel when you're ready :-) x' Stefan read the text and smiled with joy.
"Gotta go Ash" Stefan said as he closed the door with a smile on his face.
Ash was panacking badly.
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