Categories > Celebrities > Harry Potter > What could of been

Chapter three

by chibi-potter-of-doom 0 reviews

What would have happened if Kreacher had died at the Black lake Instead Of Regulus? My first Fanfic, full of mistakes sorry! I own Nothing! Rated T for Safety. I'm rubbish at summaries so just clic...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-09-16 - Updated: 2012-09-16 - 213 words

Dear Diary,

I left the house for the first time since… It happened today. I wore the locket, despite the fact it's a Horcrux, there's something strangely comforting about the tiny metallic heart beating next to mine. I can see why people would want to make them, not that I would myself. I had to wear a heavy disguise when leaving the house as the Death eaters have found the house. They just stand there, staring at the house, waiting. I don't know how much longer I can stand it, it's only been three days and I'm already going insane.

I told my mother about Kreacher this morning. She was asking questions and I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't stay long enough to see her reaction and I haven't seen her since. I'll have to face her later.

I've managed to get in contact with someone who can get me a basilisk's fang. I'm not sure if it's genuine buts it's the only Hope I have. If it's a fake it will be a very expensive mistake, but as I'm already condemned to death money doesn't matter.

But I must go; I can't waste any more time here when there's a piece of the Dark Lords soul to destroy

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