Categories > Cartoons > Tiny Toon Adventures > Who Framed Buster Bunny?

Meeting With Maroon

by TTAFanatic13 0 reviews

I have a little meeting.

Category: Tiny Toon Adventures - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-05 - Updated: 2006-08-05 - 884 words

Bugs: Cut!

Background: Alright. That's it cut.

Bugs: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut! [Throws script on floor]

Baby Herman: What the hell was wrong with that take?

Bugs: Nothing with you Baby. You were great. You were perfect. You were better than perfect. It's Buster. He keeps blowing his lines. Buster... [Grabs bird] ...what's this?

Buster: A tweeting bird?

Bugs: A tweeting bird! [Throws bird to the floor] Buster read the script. Look what it says. It says "Rabbit takes clunk. Rabbit sees stars." Not birds- STARS! Can we lose the playback please? You're killing me! Killing me.

Baby Herman: [Stomping off] For crying out loud Buster! Like how many times do we have to do this damn scene? Bugs! I'll be in my trailer! Taking a nap!

Shirley: Oooh!

Baby Herman: 'Scuse me toots.

Buster: My stomach can't take this. This set is a mess! Clean this set up. And get him out of there. Or seal him up in it. Loose the lights. And say lunch.

Background: LUNCH!

Bugs: That's lunch. Run ahead.

Buster climbs out of refrigerator and follows Bugs off set.

Buster: Pplpllllease Bugs. I can give you stars. Just drop the refrigerator on my head one more time.

Bugs: Buster! I've dropped that on your head 23 times already.

Buster: I can take it though. Worry about me.

Bugs: I'm not worried about you I'm worried about the refrigerator.

Buster: I can give you stars.[Grabs frying pan off a passing trolley] Look. Look! Loook! Plplllease Bugs. I can do it I swear. Just give me another chance. Well come on Bugs...

Standing watching all of this is Eric Bunny.

Eric: Phhh. Toons.

He takes a swig from a bottle and puts it back in a holster on his belt.

Buster: ...just give me another chance. Look. Watch Bugs. Watch Bugs. Plplplllease, you gotta give me another chance. Come on Bugs!

A lady opens some double doors and shows Eric into Maroon's office.

Secretary: Mr Maroon, Mr Bunny's here to...

R.K. Maroon is watching a piece of film playing through a moviola and he waves his hand at the woman.

Secretary: He'll be right with you.

Maroon: No, no, no! Wait untill he gets to his feet, -then- hit him with the boulder.

Editor: Right on it.

The editor wheels the machine away and Maroon turns to Eric

Maroon: How much do you know about show business Mr. Bunny?

Eric: Only there's no business like it. No business I know.

Maroon: Yeah, and there's no business more expensive. I'm 25 grand over budget on the latest Baby cartoon. You saw the rabbit blowing his lines. He can't keep his mind on his work. You know why?

Eric: One too many refrigerators dropped on his head?

Maroon: Nah! He's a toon. You can drop anything you want on his head, he'll shake it off. But break his heart, he goes to pieces just like you or me. Read that. [Hands Eric a newspaper]

Eric: [Reading aloud] 'Seen cooing over Calamari with not so new sugar-daddy was Jessica Bunny, wife of Maroon cartoon star Buster.' What's this gotta do with me? [Hands paper back.]

Maroon: You're the private detective, you figure it out.

Eric: Look, I don't have time for this.

Maroon: Look Eric! His wife's poison but he thinks she's Betty Crocker. I want you to follow her. Get me a couple of nice juicy pictures I can wise the rabbit up with.

Eric: Forget it. I don't work Toontown.

Maroon: What's wrong with Toontown? Every Joe loves Toontown.

Eric: Well get Joe to do the job, 'cause I aint going.

Maroon: Whoah fella! You don't want to go to Toontown, you don't have to go to Toontown. Nobody said you had to go to Toontown anyway. [Forcing Eric into a seat] Have a seat Eric. The rabbit's wife sings at a joint called the Ink and Paint Club. Human review. Strictly Toons only. O.K.? So what do you think Eric?

Eric is more interested in the drinks cabinet.

Maroon: ...Well?

Eric: [Getting up to make himself a drink] The job's gonna cost you a hundred bucks, plus expenses.

Maroon: A hundred bucks! That's ridiculous.

Eric: So's the job!

Maroon: Alright, alright. You've got your hundred bucks. Have a drink Eric.

Eric: I don't mind if I do. [Looks out of the window]

Background: Look I've got it. Careful Dave. I've got it. Dave, you're gonna drop it. I'm not gonna drop it! You're dropping it!

Some workmen drop some large wooden boxes releasing some toon instruments which begin to play. As Eric watches a pair of eyes suddenly appear at the window.

Eric: Aaah!

Maroon: Kind of jumpy aren't you Eric? It's just Dumbo.

Eric: [Getting up from beneath the drinks cabinet and taking the check off of Maroon] I know who it is.

Maroon: I got him on loan from Disney. Him and half the cast of
Fantasia. [Opens blinds] Best part is... they work for peanuts!

Marron throws a handful of peanuts out of the window and Dumbo flies off sucking them up with his trunk.

Eric: Well I don't work for peanuts. Where's the other fifty?

Maroon: Let's call the other fifty a carrot to finish the job.

Eric: You've been hanging around rabbits too long.
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