Categories > Cartoons > Tiny Toon Adventures > Who Framed Buster Bunny?

Buster's Lament

by TTAFanatic13 0 reviews

I return to the studio and when Buster learns the dark truth he goes wakko.

Category: Tiny Toon Adventures - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-05 - Updated: 2006-08-05 - 529 words

Maroon's Office and Buster is rattling the blinds.

Buster: Patty cake! Patty cake! Ahah! I don't believe it! Ahah haa hah! [Headbutting desk] Patty cake! Patty cake! Is that true?

Maroon: Take comfort son. You're not the first man whose wife played patty cake on him.

Maroon hands him a handkerchief which Buster blows into with gusto. He hands it back dripping with water and Maroon hands it to Eric.

Buster: I don't believe it. I wont believe it. I can't believe it. I shan't believe it!

Eric: [Dropping the hanky into the bin with a splash.] Believe it kid. I took the pictures myself. She played patty cake.

Buster: [Flicking through the pictures faster and faster so it looks like they are moving.] No... not my Jessica! Not patty cake. This is impossible. I don't believe it. It can't be. It just can't be. Jessica's my wife! It's absolutely impossible! [Throws pictures into the air] Jessica's the light of my life, the apple of my eye, the cream in my cofee.

Eric: You better start drinking it black, cause Acme's taking the cream now.

Maroon: Hard to believe. Marvin Acme's been my friend and neighbour for 30 years. Who would have thought he was a sugar daddy?

Buster: Somebody must have made her do it.

Maroon: [Handing Buster a glass] Now drink this son. It'll make you feel better.

Buster: Eech! Gaahh! Brblbllllllll...

Buster turns a variety of different colours and his eyes bulge. He suddenly shoots into the air and emits a whistling sound so high pitched that it breaks all the glasses in the room including the one held by Eric and the glass awards on the shelves. As the whistling dies down Buster collapses back into the seat and mutters...

Buster: Thanks, I needed that.

...before falling face down on the table.

Eric: [Shaking the liqour of his hands] Son of a bitch. Look, Mr. Maroon, I think my work here is finished. How about that carrot you owe me, huh?

Maroon: A deal's a deal. [Hands Eric the check]

Eric: Great... Thanks.

Maroon: Buster. I know all this seems pretty painful now. But you'll find someome new. Won't he Mr. Bunny?

Eric: Yeah, sure. A good looking guy like that. The dames'll be breaking his door down.

Buster: [Suddenly coming to life again] Dames! What dames?

Buster grabs Eric by the collar and shouts at him forcing Eric back onto the desk.

Buster: Jessica's the only one to me! You'll see. We'll rise above this pickling peccadillo! We're going to be happy again. You got that? Capital H-A-P-P-I!

Buster crashes through the window leaving a rabbit shaped hole in the glass and the blinds.

Eric: Well, at least he took it well...

As Eric and Maroon stare dumbfounded out of the window the blinds crash down.
Buster is across the road at the Acme factory looking at his
photos. One is of him and Jessica on their wedding day. Another is of the two of them on their honeymoon on a beach. The last is of the two of them hugging each other in a bar.

Buster: Jessica... P-p-pllllease tell me it's not true. P-p-p-p-pllllease!
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