Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Long Lost Past (Pt. 1->Pt. 6)

A Dirty Sceme

by story_master 0 reviews

Cronus has a sceme that is extremely low, even for him.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-08-05 - Updated: 2006-08-06 - 1052 words

" Could it be? Is this what I need to finally rid myself of those annoying heroes? I think it might be! This is going to be deliciously evil." Cronus was full of questions and excitment. He believed that he had finally found a way to, once and for all, destroy the seven heroes. Cronus looked into his hourglass of time to see an event from Jay's past.
"It is," Cronus then turned to his band of giants," Bring me a lion, a goat and a snake." The giants obediently went and retrieved the animals Cronus had requested.
"Perfect." Cronus sneered as he began phase 1 of his master plan.
Cronus then ordered the giants to leave and not come back until he needed them. Cronus then shut the enormous steel doors to his secret hideout and got to work.
After hours of mixing potions and chanting spells, Cronus truely believed he had the answer to his 'hero problem'. Once cronuc was finished he stepped back to admire his latest creations. Just the thought of unleashing those beasts into the world made Cronus fill excitment.
" Now that phase 1 is complete, it's on to phase 2." Cronus let out a loud and terrifying laugh, that shook the walls. " You idiots! Come here! And bring the cages." An enormous yet evil smile spread across Cronus' face.
He ordered the giants to put the creatures into the cages and load them onto his truck to be transported. Cronus then gave his giants what he liked to call 'an idiot-proof map'. The giants loaded up the monsters, filed into the truck themselves, and it was onto phase 3 of Cronus' master plan.
Hours later the giants arrived at the edge of a very large forest. they weren't let in on the plan so they didn't know if this was the right place. When they unloaded the creatures ontothe wagons Cronus appeared.
" Good. You imbecils managed to bring them to the right place," Cronus sneered at the giants as they lined up for their next set of instructions, " Now take my amazing creations to that ridge over there," Cronus pointed behind the giants, " And then wait for me. I have to go and find a certain memory of Jay's." Cronus vanished into one of his portals.
Seconds later he re-emerged from his portal. Only now he was in front of the cabin that belonged to the girl from Jay's nightmare and past.
A razor sharp boomerang flew past Cronus' head, just missing his ear.
" Next time I won't miss." A voice said from behind Cronus.
" My dear, I do not mean YOU harm. I only require your assistance." Cronus replied turning to see the face of his attacker.
" My assistance? For what? And who are you?" The girl asked as she pulled her boomerang from the side of her cabin.
"My name is Cronus, I am the god of time. I require your assistance to help me get rid of a certain pest that won't leave me alone.
" God of time? Ya right. And I'm the queen of England. Who are you really?" The girl asked eyeing him suspiciously.
" You think I'm lying. I really am a god," Cronus said as he changed a vine into a snake, " Could I do that if I weren't a god?"
" That's a cute magic trick. but what ever you're selling I'm not buying it. So either tell me why you're here and what you want or get out of my forest. If it's hunting or exterminating you want me to do I'm not interested. I protect the animals in this forest." the girl replied gettinng a little annoyed at Cronus.
"It's hunting and exterminating I need you to do, but not for animals..." Cronus replied turning away, trying to catch the girls interest.
" What is there to hunt besides animals?" the girl asked, curious and confused.
" Seven your teens who can't seem to leave me alone. They're rather an unwanted weed in my garden." Cronus said turning back to the girl.
" People? You want me to hunt people? No. No way!" The girl Turned and started to walk away.
" If you don't help me, look what will be released into your precious forest," Cronus opened a portal and took the girl through it. When they exited the portal the girl stood in shock. There she stood face to face with five huge, not to mention ugly looking, creatures, " The fate of this forest and those who inhabit it rests in the hands of the Protector of the Forest, in you hands... Jasmine."
" Wh- what are they?" the girl stammered, she could hardly believe her eyes.
" They are Chimera's. The head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. Help me or this fate awaits your forest. What do you say? Hmmmm, Jasmine?" Cronus threatened as he walked over to the cages and petted one of the massive beasts.
" Wh-what do you want me to do," the girl asked trying to observe the chimera's whle keeping her distance, "Wait, how do you know my name?"
" I know wuite a bit about you. Why you're here, what happened almost 12 years ago, and most importantly... who's fault it was." Cronus Whispered in her ear as he cicled her.
Jasmine was in shock. No one knew who she really was or that it was her that fell from the cliff. No one. She suddenly snapped out of her trance like state.
" So do we have a deal? Your forest remains safe and you take care of my unwanted pests." Cronus asked, taping his hand on the chimera's cage.
" NO! NO! NO WAY! I'll NEVER help a monster like you!" with that Jasmine took of into the forest not turning to look back.
" That's to bad," Chronus started, " Release the Chimera's.
the giants opened the door on the Chimera's cage. Five enormous beasts rumbled out. They sniffed the air and looked around.
" Destroy it. Destroy it all," Cronus ordered pointing to the forest that lay in front of them, " If she won't willingly co-operate... I'll force her to get rid of the annoying little insect heroes."


Will Cronus' plan work? Will jasmine surrender and help him? Who is Jasmine and how does she know the heroes? Read the next chapter to find out.

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