Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Long Lost Past (Pt. 1->Pt. 6)

Crossed Paths

by story_master 0 reviews

Cronus has sunk to a new low with his next sceme.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-05 - Updated: 2006-08-06 - 865 words

While in the forest Cronus had gathered some herbs to make a mind control potion. It took svereal hours to brew this potion, but Cronus had done it. His only decision now was who would be his pawn?
Jasmine stood at the top of a ridgegazing at the bright red sunset. There was a cool breeze that swept through her long black cloak. She was thinking hard about the events from the last couple of days. ' That boy...' she thought to herself, ' He seemed so familiar. But where have I seen him before?'. Jasmine's thoughts were interupted bya flock of birds who had been startled out of their tree. Jasmine quickly turned around.
"Who's there?" she asked, ready for an attack.
No answer.
'Hmmm. that's odd I thought I heard a-'
Another rustle.
"Who's there? I'm warning you."
Jasmine inched toward the moving bushes. Lately she had been really jumpy. She had no idea why. All of a sudden she was hit from behind. She fell down and everything went dark.
Jasmine woke up and knew that she wasn'tin the forest anymore. She tried to move but not only was she tied up, but her body stung with pain from the hit.
" Aahh good. You're awake." A familiar voice, Jasmine couldn't make out who it was as it was pitch black all around her.
" Who's there?" she asked, her voice surprisingly weak.
Suddenly light flooded the room. Jasmine had to shield her eyes for a moment.
" Cronus." she said when she saw the cynical god standing before her.
" Good. You remember who I am." he replied
" Who could forget." Jasmine sneered.
" Then you also remember Jay..."
" Jay?" She was trying to remember who Jay was.
" Yes, Jay. Your mortal enemy.Don't you remember?" Cronus lied through his teeth.
"No not really. What happened? Why is he my mortal enemy?"
" About 12 years ago you were flower picking with him. You slipped and were hanging off the ledge of a cliff. You screamed for help but he didn't come in time. You fell and I saved you. Don't you remember? Jay tried to brainwash you. He's evil!"Cronus was trying extremely hard not to grin while he lied.
" Idon't remember any of that. I don't really remember how or why I'm here."
" You were injured. I'm here to cure you. Now drink this," Cronus handed Jasmine a large cup full of a clear green lighuid, " Drink it all up."
Cronus couldn't help but grin as Jasmine willing drank his potion.
Jasmine dropped the cup and grasped the pillar she was sitting next to. She felt nauseaus and the room was spinning. Moments later she was fine and the room had stopped spinning.
Meanwhile in the forest Jay and the others searched high and low for the four remaining Chimera's.
" I think I here something through here." Archie said and started running to where he had pointed. The others followed. All but Jay. He hung back momentarily. Something about this just didn't feel right to him.
Jay realized it was a trap set by Cronus.
" NO! WAIT!" but it was too late.
The screams of his team mates rang throught the air. Jay rushed to see what had happened. They had indeed been caught in a trap. Harry tried to break the bars. But, when his hands toughed the bars an electric shock ran through his body.
" Owwwwww!" he remarked as he ripped his hands away.
" Stand back." Archie announced. He was going to use his whip to break the bars. No luck. the whip only bounced off.
" Jay look out!" Theresa cried as she saw a dark figure sneak up behind Jay.
" Jay, you didn't fall for my trap."
" Cronus."
" I guess you'll just have to meet another fate then Jay."
" What do you mean?" Jay asked as he reached for his sword.
Cronus started backing up towards the cliff's edge.
" I've got you now!" Jay exclaimed as he raised his sword.
" I don't think so Jay."
All of a sudden Jay's sword was knocked from his hands.
" What?" The othe six gasped almost all at once.
It was Jasmine. She went over and picked up Jay's sword, then turned to him.
" I'm sorry." she said walking toward Jay.
" That's okay, accidents happen." Jay said holding his hand out to take his sword back.
" No, I'm sorry that I have to get rid of you."
" What?!" Jay gasped.
" Well I can see you have your hands full, maybe another time Jay." with that Cronus disappeared into one of his portals.
"Coward!" Neil yelled after Cronus.
Jasmine had Jay on the edge of the cliff now, sword ready.
" The tables are turned now, aren't they... Jay."
" Huh? What are you talking about? I just met you, what did I do to you?" Jay asked, keeping one eye on Jasmine and the other on the cliff's edge.
" Come on, you remember... Think back about twelve years."

What will happen to Jay? Can Jasmine break free of cronus' control? or will she get rid of Jay once and for all? Why does Jasmine mention something about twelve years ago if they just met? Read my next chapter to find out.

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