Categories > Cartoons > Tiny Toon Adventures > Who Framed Buster Bunny?

The Final Confrontion

by TTAFanatic13 0 reviews

The final battle against me and Doom.

Category: Tiny Toon Adventures - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-06 - Updated: 2006-08-06 - 285 words

Doom staggers toward a gas cylinder and reinflates himself. As he does so his eyes pop out and land on the floor. When he turns round his eyes are red and he starts to speak in an increasingly high pitched voice.

Doom: Remember me Eric? When I killed your brother I talked just like this!

Eric tries to run away but Doom leaps after him with the aid
of springs in his heels.

Buster: Jumping jeepers!

After knocking Eric down Doom starts up the Dip machine again.

Jessica: Oh my goodness! Oh no!

Doom takes of his glove to reveal an anvil for a hand. He strikes Eric with this and sends him flying across the factory
floor. Doom turns around and when he turns back his hand has become a buzz saw on the end of an extendable arm. Doom shows off
his power by slicing through some chains and then jabs it at Eric's head, narrowly missing twice. Eric as a last attempt grabs the boxing glove mallet and aims it at Doom but he easily avoids it. The glove however strikes a lever on the Dip macine and Doom stares in terror at the resulting jet of Dip that sends him flying. The dip is also getting extremely close to Buster and Jessica.

Jessica: Goodbye my darling. Good bye. Ahh! Oh!

The level of Dip in the machine runs out and so the jet of dip from the canon dies out.

Jessica: I think, I'm going to faint.

Doom is standing in a pool of dip and is slowly dissolving.

Doom: Waaaaaaaaahh! Waahhhhhhh! I'm melting! Melting..,melting...

Doom is dead but the Dip machine is still rolling steadily towards Buster and Jessica.
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