Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Assassin


by Dalnora 4 reviews


Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 275 words

Sorry about not getting the story up before! XD This is the first time I've made something on FicWad so...

"So, where are we going to find Atlanta?"
"If we don't find her soon Archie will kill himself."
It was probably true, Theresa hadn't seen Archie since Atlanta went missing; he had baracaded himself in his room.
"Odie, do you know where she might be?" Jay asked.
"Well, I've narrowed it down to five places, if it is who we think it is. Place number one, the woodlands outside of a town called Deer Lake, Canada. Place number two, a Myann temple in southren Mexico. I don't know what one. Place number three, a Japaese mura called Thiki. Place number four, Oshina, India. And place number five is a large iceburge off of Finland."
"What one do you guys want to 'visit' first?"
"How about India?" Herry said.
"Sure. Neil, go get Archie. Tell him we're getting Atlanta back."

Atlanta awoke. She was somewhere very dark. 'Come to me.' there was a voice, but she only heard it in her head. She wanted to fallow that voice. 'Come to the light...'

Footsteps ecoed down the hall way. A tall, dark fugire with short, black hair came out of the shadows.
"Hello, Cronos." the fugire said.
"Where's your master?"
"She's this way." Cronos fallowed the fugire. He went into the room that the fugire indecated.
"What brings you here, Cronos?"
"Have you captured one of them?"
"Yes. I captured Artemis, and I'll take care of her."
Cronos saw an insane look in her amber eyes.
"Very well then."
"I think I'll get the bookworm next."
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