Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Snow White Princess is...

Chapter 2

by Allagendachan 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-12-09 - Updated: 2016-04-22 - 1496 words

The Snow White Princess Is
Chapter 2- Dream
A/N: You know what I own....
The world was getting darker. Darker and darker. It was scary, a place full of hidden torturers, people who laughed, people who hated her, people who would kill her.
It was terrifying.
Then, she heard voices. Voices calling her name. Chanting, screaming it. A faint green light began to form in front of her, causing her to stumble and blink. It grew and grew until she was faced with a crowd of oddly dressed people, who were waving green, glowing sticks, all of them watching her.
Then, a brighter light turned on behind her. It blinded her when a similar one flashed on in front of her, but she didn't stumble this time. She held her ground, feeling shaky. However, when the sudden music began to resound throughout the place, she felt that it matched her current feelings. Slightly shy, but calm and relaxed. Even though....
"I was poisoned..." she whispered, but nobody heard. A strange device stood in front of her, a metal stick with a shorter, fatter stick on top of it. There were roses near the top, below the fat metal stick. Suddenly, and image came to mind. A memory of her and her forgotten father, who had abandonded her to Rin.
"See, Micheala, this is a microphone. It makes you real loud, when it's on."
"Like the televisions?"
"Yes, like them." He turned a page in her book, revealing a girl with twintails on a platform, with a microphone, singing a song. " That's Hatsune. She looks a bit like you, and she's a beautiful singer. Like my little darling." The young girl giggled, smiling brightly.
"Daddy, she's beautiful. Look at her." The older girl in the book was, on the next page, in front of a crowd with green lights. She wore an odd outfit, with long, teal hair held back in boxy ribbons. She had a teal tie on, which made the young girl confused. "Why is she wearing a tie, Daddy?"
"Well, that's the way Hatsune-chan is. She likes to dress like that."
"I wanna sing like her!" The older man laughed as his daughter stood on the bed and mimiced holding a microphone, singing a song.
"The number one, princess in the whole wide world!" Then, still chuckling, her father stood up.
"Bedtime, little princess." She sat down, pouting a little.
"Okay..." she whined, before sitting down and rolling under her covers.....
Miku was blasted back to the present, remembering. It had been her favourite fairytale. So it was with a hesitant step that she moved fowards, taking the microphone and its stand into her hands. She coud smell the red, red roses. Like that poisoned, red apple. Miku trembled slightly.
Then, she felt a strange presence in her body, which moved her limbs for her. Alarmed, Miku tried to regain control, until she realised that she was dancing. Cautiously, she began to do so as well, until she was comfortable with the motion she was doing. Then, with the music, she slid across the stage, then back, before grabbing the microphone and somehow singing flawlessly.
"Kagami yo, Kagami yo, Kagami-san," She sang, watching the cheering crowd, which gave her confidence, allowing the words to spill naturally from her lips.
"Please stop saying that I'm the fairest of them all, as the others' thorny stares are closing in on me. She prepared me for a wonderful dinner, while acting nice and gentle. As soon as I took my bite, she smirked.." Then, her hands went down the stand, before she continued.
"As my consciousness fades, I start having a dream about a fairytale I read in the past. My time has frozen..." Suddenly, it all turned black again, dissolving into nothingness.
The question was, why?
When Miku finally came around, she instantly tried to sit up, only to feel weak. She caught a glimpse of her hair, which was clearly paler. She blinked, then carefully sat up, before getting up fully and shuffling to the exit. She had to slam her entire weight against the door before it opened, which caused Miku to stumble again. The bluette quickly reasserted herself, tripping to the kitchen exit. She was out in the cold, which was finally affecting her. She knew one person who she could trust, someone who would help. The woman knew all about poison.
Luka Megurine.
It was difficult to get to the pinkette's cottage, but she was always kind to Miku. In fact, Luka was the closest thing Miku had to a sister. The bluette remembered the trail well, as she often snuck there to have tea with her, or to read a story or to hear Luka tell a strange request, like to remove a chestnut that had been stuck into someone's ear, or a carrot in between their teeth, or to stop a stomachache caused by diving in cold water with the oddest belt. These stories made Miku giggle.
The girl began to nearly run down the path to Luka's house, coughing violently, but continuing to walk despite her pain.
It took a few minutes to get there while running, but stumbling took about five minutes.
On the way, the bluette lost her cape to a bramble, but she continued on.
She mulled over her dream the entire time, wondering how she'd known those lyrics. They matched her situation perfectly, picture perfect. But she had a feeling that it wasn't the end of the song.
There was more to it.
If she'd stayed, could she have gotten a glimpse of her future? Possibly.
Possibly being the key word.
She had frightful visions, of Rin stepping out from a tree, dressed in wine red...... of Kaito, his face twisted with rage, swinging a sword at her...... of Kagami-san, smirking, whispering seducive words into her ears......of the crowd, waving those green sticks....
It was a multitude of these repeated visions later that Luka's ramshackle cottage came into view. It was stonework, pretty shoddy, but it held well, as it'd been there ever since Luka'd moved in, which had been when the pinkette was apparently four. Miku hadn't been born yet, although she was said to have been born the next month, when Luka would have turned five. Kaito was apparently three already, which had interested Miku to no end.
But that wasn't her problem, dreaming of a depressed prince. She was asking for help.
The roof was still secure, despite the snow on it. Miku believed that Luka could do magic, as all of the pinkette's expiriments never failed. The older woman liked to mess around with poisons and health drinks. Miku was grateful that she lived close, or the bluette would probably be dead. The girl shuddered, getting closer to the knobbly wooden door. There was a bushel of holly on it for Christmas, she supposed, and when she smelled it, she raised her hand to knock.
As soon as her fist touched the door, Miku knew she had very little energy left. So instead of knocking, she leaned against the door, falling onto it. A bit of snow from the roof fell onto her hat, but the girl shook it off and attempted to stand in a firm position. She swayed, wishing she'd gotten her cape.
The door was pulled open, to reveal Luka, with her emerald green cloak around her shoulders, holding a small little squirrel that looked frozen. Her hair was down, reaching to her knees. Her dress was a ruby red, a wine red, that reminded the bluette all too well of the red apple. The girl swayed dangerously, as Luka gasped.
"Miku!" Instantly the girl was safely in the pinkette's arms, feeling light-headed again. Then, the elder swore, muttering under her breath as she helped carry Miku into her cottage.
"I knew that little-" She indulged in several swear words, even making a certain hand gesture towards the north after she set Miku in a rather plush chair. She put a teapot on the hok over her fireplace, which had Miku's plush chair, the elder's own chair, and a small table which held a variety of plants, berries, and bottles full of different liquids. Even while moving around, the pinkette still managed to swear colourfully, making that certain gesture again and again.
Finally, she sat down, still grumbling, only a minute later. She handed Miku a cup of what smelled like peppermint tea, and a saucer. Luka had her own cup of chamilloe tea, and she stopped swearing to sigh and look at Miku, who was feeling very faint, although a bit stronger. The woman looked very bitter, a rare emotion. She took a sip of her tea, as Miku took a small sip at the same time. When both put their cups down, Luka sighed again.
"I can guess as to what happened, and it isn't very nice. So..... you've come for the cure."
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