Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Snow White Princess is...

Chapter 3

by Allagendachan 0 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2014-12-09 - 1690 words

The Snow White Princess Is
Chapter 3- Unattainable
A/N: You should know what I own....
"It's a very rare, very deep and slow poison, which has a very cliche cure. But it's still cute, to watch it at least. You're lucky- Rin was asking for the painful, uncurable poison. So I switched them last moment. Good thing my intuition was screaming at me then, or you'd likely be out cold from the pain." Miku shuddered lightly as Luka dripped a bit of a certain type of juice into her boiling hot cauldron. The pinkette didn't say why she was making it, or what the potion , but Miku guessed that it was the cure. But when she scooped up a portion of the red liquid, Miku recognized the scent. It was a strengthening potion, one she'd had many times before, mainly because she climbed a tree and fell off, winding herself. It didn't do much for pain, but it helped sometimes. As Luka bustled over to Miku, she dripped a few drops into the girl's tea before going back to her cauldron to put the remaining potion in vials. Miku took a sip, and indeed felt a bit stronger, but not much.
"Luka..." The bluette's voice was slightly faint, as was her expression. "What is the cure? You haven't said." The pinkette sighed, falling back into her chair before dripping some sort of different potion into her tea before speaking.
"Well, what it is is something strong enough to outlast empires. It's hard to get, but once you have it, the cure can continue to protect you forever. It's.... love." Miku blinked again, surprised, and a bit disbelieving.
"Love? That's it?"
"There are certain types of love, Miku. One's the family love, the love for a sister or a mother." Miku nodded, remembering that memory from her dream. "The next type of love is love for a friend. A sort of protection thing, the love to help. The bonding type. That's the weakest occasionally, but for the majority, it's second strongest. Like, me and you. Get it?" Miku nodded, smiling lightly. Luka felt more like a sister, or a mother, but the younger knew they were just friends. "The final type is.... outright passion. For a lover, a man, or even a woman. Some people think that the opposite sex will be best to love, others think that their own sex will understand their problems better. Like, you know, Queen Miziki managed to fall in love with the female servant."
"Princess Iroha," Miku supplied, nodding.
"Exactly. They loved each other not as family or friends, but as one person. If they talked, it was together. If they laughed, it was together. That kind of love." Miku nodded again, this time stuck.
"What do I have to do with which type of love?"
"Well... is there anyone you know of who loves you more than life itself? Who would die for you, and who you would die for in return?" Miku thought on it, but only a few people came up.
"Well... umm..." Kagami-san was first, but he wouldn't die for her, and she sure wouldn't do it for him. Next was a boy she'd met long ago, Oliver. He'd been travelling, and she'd instantly fallen for him. But he left the next morning with another girl, who went with him, breaking Miku's heart. It'd happened when she was 8, exactly 8 years ago. The final one was, the only one, the obvious one.
"I.... Prince Kaito, but he wouldn't die for me, so...." Then, she shut her eyes, feeling the moisture. She tried to concentrate on happier things, but all of them somehow linked to Kaito. She silently began to cry, her lip trembling. Luka sighed, coming over to put Miku in her lap, with the girl's head on her shoulder. She took off the bluette's hat, and set it on the table.
"There's nobody else?"
"Nobody..." Luka sighed, knowing the inevitable had to happen.
"Then you need to ask." Miku blinked, sniffling.
"Ask? How?" She looked up at Luka, hope clearly etched on her face.
"Well, the Seven Dwarves have the fastest rides within ten leagues, so you should go to them," she said, " Because I can't run that far without overexerting myself, and you shouldn't either." Miku shuddered. She felt cold, even though the fire was very close. She knew that it was the poison, but it didn't stop her from moving closer to Luka.
She'd only been to the Dwarf's cottage once, and she'd been highly faint then, having ran all around. She rememered the path well, as it was clear to find. It was the path most took to get to Luka's cottage.
"Okay," the girl whispered, before rolling off of Luka to get up. She took her hat off the coffee table, still feeling cold. She began to walk to the door, as Luka sighed, tossing the girl a wrapped strengthening potion. The bluette was slow to catch it firmly, fumbling with it before holding it tightly, shaking a bit.
"Thanks, Luka," she said, opening the door and steping into the bitter, fierce cold.
"Good luck, and I'll be there in about ten minutes," Luka whispered to the shut door, sinking into her seat.
It was even harder to face the wind, what with the ever-growing cold, the cold that froze her fingertips, making them white. She shuddered constantly, non-stopping now. She tripped numerous times within a minute, and she lost her hat to the wind, to top it all off. Her teeth chattered in timing with the tremours racking through her body, stepping every third tremour. She tripped incoherently down the old, beaten track, not lucid enough to see much, letting her instinct and memory guide her. It was hard to focus on something for too long, which made it difficult to remember what she was doing.
When she was nearly there, she took out her strengthening potion- which was created to not freeze or overheat after it was fully done- and took a generous draught, before re-corking it, and replacing it, nearly empty, into her inner skirt pocket. She hardly felt a change in her stamina, just a small one. This alarmed her dimly, as she realised that the poison was overriding the effects of the potion.
'I'm nearly there now....' She stumbled into the thicket holding the Dwarves' residence. It was a tall, two-story house, which was currently filled with boisterous voices and singing.
"Drunk..." she muttered, the lack of energy making her even dizzier. She swayed dangerously again, and this time, nobody caught her. She crumpled to the ground in a heap, then began to crawl.
"There is no shame in crawling when one cannot walk," she whispered, remembering a rule her long ago father had reminded her of. It was if a fire happened and you were unable to run to an exit, you should crawl.
"Crawling's better in fires anyhow, what with the smoke," his voice reminded her, through the snow. For a small fraction in time, she thought that she could see the silouhette of a tall man through the flurry that was beginning to become out of hand.
Then, she watched the snow tear the apparation into the wind, revealing the dwarves' doormat. After a moment, she pulled herself up, and knocked. Loudly.
Silence came from inside.
Then, the door opened, revealing the entire group of seven dwarves. She couldn't make out faces, but one gruff voice reached her.
"Well, if it isn't Little Airhead." She knew why they called her that- the first time- the most recent time- she'd been gasping for breath, spinning, 'almost floating in the air'. So, as her face was still puffed up and her eyes were glassy, their nickname for her hadn't changed. Then, she managed to put all her focus on the first one- as she'd never truly even learned all of their names- but the gruffest one- which she realised was the one who had just spoken- was Greshen. It sounded girlish- Miku remembered giggling hysterically after having heard it for the first time- but he was the fairest and bruesque of all of the dwarves. He never lied, and never sugarcoated anything. So, it was he that had the honour of holding Miku up as she nearly fainted again, but she recovered moments later before staring him straight on.
"I need to get to the palace." Then, he raised an eyebrow before nodding.
"Ah, your lady poisoned you, and you're going to the palace to woo Prince Kaito into kissing you, therefore curing you." Then, he chuckled.
"Even if we could get you there in time, Kaito wouldn't even look at you. He's still mourning over 'is missing princess, and even if he did listen, he'd never cheat on that little girl," he drawled, before putting his arms around her neck.
"And besides..... by the time he realises that his Princess had been with him just a little while ago, she'll be dead. Because he won't know who you are, Princess Miku..." Suddenly, Miku felt something. It wasn't anger. It wasn't hope.
As she stumbled back, a burst of glitter sprinkled over her clothes, changing them. But Miku didn't notice. The shock, the fear....
...the hopelessness.
Because she knew that Greshen was perfectly right. Prince Kaito wouldn't believe her if she claimed she was the long lost Princess, and that made it even worse- because the King- her father- and the Queen- her mother- wouldn't believe her, especially if Kaito- who was supposed to be in love with the Princess- didn't.
Her breathing was speeding up, then slowing down patternlessly. Unconscious tears pricked the corners of her eyes, as she couldn't control it at all.
She fell back into the snowbank, and the world darkened as she felt the emptiness inside.
'I'm not going to live, am I.'
It wasn't a question- if it was, it was rhetorical.
'I'm not going to live.'
Then, she began to tumble back through to the ever-growing light of her dream.
'I'm not going....'
She was there again.
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