Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Snow White Princess is...

Chapter 4

by Allagendachan 0 reviews

Chapter 4

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2014-12-18 - 1722 words

The Snow White Princess Is
Chapter 4- Past Troubles
A/N: You should know what I own....
The music was still at full swell as she danced on the stage, hiding her emotions by focusing on the music and the movement.
She realised that her clothes had changed. It was now a white robe with red lining, and a headband made out of snowflakes and a peppermint. There was a small leaf on the tip of her robe's hood, sticking up a little. Her hair was in low buns, and it had turned a bright shade of teal. Suddenly she realised the situation as it was, truly. But then she continued to inspect herself in the screen in front of her.
There were two iron flowers with dangling bars on them, one on the left side of her hood, one on her heart. Her bangs had grown, revealing side bangs that faded as they went down. Her tights were snow white, and she wore brown sandals.
"Mirror, Mirror, Mr. Mirror; Simply by tying your tie or pecking you on the cheek I've ended up stirring the other's jealousy. Seven dwarves are here, but he turned a blind eye to my asking for his help. Instead he put his hands 'round my neck and 'smirked'..." Then, she threw her arms out at the same time that the glitter changed her clothes.
However, this time, her hood fell and her buns spilled out into twintails. Nothing else changed.
"Unable to even wipe my tears away, and unable to control my breathing, I blacked out."
Then, she fell into the darkness again. But she didn't wake up. Instead, she felt like the snow vanished, and she was laying somewhere warm. Somewhere familiar, for sure. But the snow was now there again. Creating the white coffin.
'Luka's cottage,' she realised with a jolt. Her body shook, but it wouldn't move like Miku wanted it to.
Then, she lost sense of a material body as she flew along time.
"See, I'm going to be king, someday, and I need to know how to use a sword."
"Why not use a tomato?"
".... Good point, that. Maybe I'll use tomatoes instead. It'll be more fun, huh?"
"Yeah, it would be. Maybe we can throw them together!" Kaito, a young child now, laughed.
"Sure, 'Ku, sure." Then, Miku breathed deeply.
"You know, I talked to Luka Megurine today."
"Yep. I fell onto her roof, though I don't know how."
"What? It wasn't my fault," she pouted, her face scrunched up. Kaito laughed again, ruffling her hair.
"I'm sure," he joked, making her even more upset.
"But it wasn't!" Kaito's laugh made her blush as she admitted, "Not this time, anyways."
Then, it faded to give way to another vision.
"Miku!" She couldn't speak, she couldn't move. Not at all.
This dim light that shone in through a hole in her prison was fading fast. Very fast.
This too dissolved.
Finally, a material body again. It was the same robe, the same hairstyle. For some reason, she felt fear.
She was running, running through a sunny grove of six types of trees- oak, maple, birch, pine, apple, and cherry. The leaves were green, bright green, as it was summer. June sixth.
There was a lot of horse hooves behind her, and she ran, tripping.
Six on estimate.
Six was Miku's unlucky number.
Suddenly, a flash of blue and white up ahead, and the sense of falling again-
Opening her eyes, she looked at this new scene, the fear fresh in her heart. A hallway. She was in a small niche next to the kitchen, which was closed today for some reason. The niche had been able to fit her quite well when she was little, and it still fit her now.
She retraced her previous line of thought and froze.
'This..... is my old home.' It was the castle she'd been born in. It was still June 6th. And she was still in the white robe, her twintails down.
The meeting hall was only around the corner. She could find out what was going on if she listened closely, as the door rarely shut in the summer.....
The voice was furiously speaking, almost spitting.
"....too much! You demand us to give you more, and when we do, you say it's not enough! Even when we gave you our entire stockage! And it's bad enough that we even still trade with you, Duke!" Then, a chair scraped.
"Well, I'll stop pestering you. I've gotten a contract with someone with.... better goods." This thin, high voice was irritating a lot of people, if the angry murmurs meant anything.
"Who would that be?" Miku recognised the voice with a jolt- It was her father.
"Queen Nightalia has agreed to give us full share of her stocks." Gasps rang through the room, then shocked whispering.
Miku remembered meeting the notorious, rich Queen once- she ran a kingdom of thieves, and they were so good at their jobs that they had no desire to leave their country. If their wanted level was high, all they had to do was offer Nightalia something of high market value, then their name was down. She honestly didn't care about her people, only her money. And she had money to burn.
"Enough!" The King's call rang through the room loudly. Silence. "The meeting is over. Go back to your places, or stay for dinner. Whatever you had planned." He walked towards the door as he spoke. Miku backed as far into the wall as she could, finding another, deeper niche. She melted into it, just as the door opened, revealing the king.
His hair was a deep orange, and his beard- which was about three inches long- was only a tone deeper. His eyes were the bright colour of Miku's, a deep cereulean. They were radiating anger at the moment as he stormed off- probably to his quarters, if Miku's mother was there.
Then, she heard another voice coming out of the meeting room.
"We have to kill the Princess!"
Those six words made Miku's heart stop.
"If we kill her, he'll listen to us again....."
"Or he won't care about the world."
"Yes, yes! Good thinking, lads." It was the Duke who was trading with Nightalia.
"I saw her a minute ago, she was running in the garden."
"Hold on! Wait a while. Until dinner."
Suddenly a vision from the past hit her full on.
She fell into the darkness again.
She was in the garden, behind a tree. A little girl with bright blue hair and a little girl with teal hair were laughing together. Then, a call from the distance made the bluette pout.
"That's Kaito. Sorry, Miku!" The girl ran away, towards the voice. Little Miku waved.
"See you next week!" Then, her wave faded. She looked down, at the doll she was holding.
"Hurry, she's going to go inside soon!" The faint voice reached Miku, who recognised the Duke's envoys. Her blood ran cold.
She pulled her hood down and loosened her twintails, struck with an idea. She collected herself, then waited for the girl to turn her back. Little Miku dropped the doll, then crouched down, swirling her fingers in the mud. Miku ran silently across the gap, then crouched down next to the oblivious girl.
"Hmm.... you forgot my tie." Little Miku's head whipped up to look at her. Her eyes were wide as Miku added a tie to the mud sketch of the famous idol.
"You... you're-"
"Mmm-hmm. I needed out of my dressing room, so I came to visit one of my biggest fans."
"You're Hatsune Miku!"
"Yep." The young tealette grinned, smiling.
"I like your outfit." Miku smiled.
"It's a new one, for the snow. It's for one of my newer songs, too."
"Will you sing it to me? Pleeaasseee?"
"Well, it's not done yet. You'd be missing half of it. Maybe, if I come back, I'll sing it to you. But in the meantime.... can I sing Senbonzakura?"
"Oooh! Yes yes yes yes yesss!!"
Then, it creaked. The wood bridge. They were coming. Miku froze. She quickly crept in front of her younger self.
"Stay quiet." The little girl obeyed. Then, Miku took the girl behind a bush, swiftly, as the envoys came out from the woods, swords drawn.
Little Miku gasped quietly. Then, after a tense few seconds and the passing of the envoys, she picked up the little girl, crept around to the bridge, and began to run as a yell sounded from behind her.
"Quickly! The woman has the Princess!"
She began rambling, the older girl.
"They're going to kill you if we don't run. You aren't safe, we need to go, so I'm putting you somewhere safer-" She turned the little girl's head as she passed the trees, trying to keep her head and limbs from falling off.
However, she did hit her head, causing her to go limp. Miku growled, then changed her around so the little Miku was bridal style. Suddenly the girl shuddered.
'Luka Megurine understands all.' The one quote she had.
Miku began using memory to guide her. She passed the woods in a blur as the horses began to follow. She dodged the various twigs on the ground, carefully holding the girl.
Then, she ran out of the horses' range, turning to Luka's path, the back path. She didn't stop at the clearing- she slowed, then kicked at the door with her foot. There was no time to waste.
The door opened again, revealing Miku with Little Miku in her arms to Luka, who took one look at the conscious Miku before pulling them both in.
"So it's true.... The Princess becomes the Great Hatsune Miku." She took the girl and laid her on the couch, quickly opening a vial and putting various ingrediants in it before opening the little girl's mouth and pouring a little in, then watching her swallow. Then she did the rest of the vial, putting a drop on the royal blue dress.
The tealette's hair turned periwinkleish, her skin paler, and her dress turned a light lavender.
"I will take care of her. You can go."
"Go, Hatsune. Go."
"But I'm not-"
Then, it faded again.
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