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The abduction of Moley: The partnership of Jimmy Neutron and Mr.Toad

by Parrotgirl97 0 reviews

Moley was now kidnapped by King Goobot IV and Discord and Jimmy Neutron and Mr.Toad had to work together in order to rescue him from this type of danger

Category: Jimmy Neutron - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2015-01-12 - 1642 words

This story contains swearing,cussing,gore and the violence that was never before done by cartoon characters

Viewer Discretion is adviced
-Chapter Three-
--The abduction of Moley: The partnership of Jimmy Neutron and Mr.Toad--

While the Yolkians are preparing for their invation....what they don't know is that Jimmy,Blossom,Winnie,Tibby,Joe,Eddy,Baggy and Toady were at the forest looking for me."Oh my gad,what have I done"..Said Toady while looking for me at the forest."This should've happened when I was about to give you 48 hours to appologize to Moley".Said Jimmy when he revealed it to Toady and covered his mouth causing Toady to gasp into shock."48 HOURS!!!!??? James Issac Neutron,how dare you give me 48 hours".Said Toady when he points at Jimmy for his own mistake."Well this what you get for what you did to Moley after school today,Toad".Said Jimmy when he got almost too close to Toady."Uh oh...we've got two group leaders to stop from fighting".Said Tibby when he realized that Jimmy and Toady are going to fight against each other."You got that right,Cousin Tibs".Said Baggy when he looks at Tibby first,then the fight between Jimmy and Toady are getting to go haywire."You little big headed bitch,do you really think you can give me............the group leader,Mr.J Thaddeus Toad of Toad Hall the 48 hour pennelty.You really need to think clearly next time,'re not going to do that to me,one way or another".Said Toady when he started to strut away.Just then,Jimmy got really pissed,ran over to where Toady was at and decided to attack him at the forest right in front of Tibby,Joe,Eddy,Winnie,Baggy and Blossom again.But this time,nobody can see and hear the attack Jimmy did on Toady."TAKE IT BACK,TOAD"! Jimmy shouted while attacking Toady at the forest."JAMES ISSAC NEUTRON,LET ME GO TO NOWHERE IN PATICULAR"!Toady shouted as he was trying to escape from Jimmy and his bad grip.Just then,Toady activated the warts on his head,placed them on Jimmy's arm causing him to let go giving Toady an escape of a life time."YEOW"! Jimmy shouted when Toady's warts were placed on his arm.He used 'Wart Be Gone' on himself and decided to do what he really wanted to do....attack Toady.But is stopped by Blossom,Tibby,Joe,Winnie,Baggy and Eddy."STOP"! They shouted as Jimmy was about to finish the job.
Meanwhile at the other side of the forest,King Goobot IV was looking for some backup to help him catch this so called 'creature' and take him or her back into the spaceship just in time for the upcoming evil plan.Until at last,he reached the lair that in which belongs to one of Nicktoonsville's most dangerous villians....Discord,the king of Chaos."Hello"? Said Discord when he pops out of his lair."Allow me to introduce myself.My name is King Goobot IV and I have come to capture this unfortuneate creature".Said King Goobot when he reveals a picture of me to Discord who let out an evil grin."Why yes...Nicktoonsville has this type of creature you're looking for.I'll be able to help you in anyway I can".Said Discord.",what was the creature's name,gender,age,date of birth and personality".Said King Goobot when he asked him about me."Let me see here...the victim's name is Moley Joel Campbell,he's male,he's only 15 years old going on 16,he's born on April the 22nd of 1999 at Dover England....and he's kind and somewhat gullible".Said Discord when he gave King Goobot the answers he needed."Perfect.Let's see if Mr.Mole Campbell shall pay a visit sooner or later one way or another".Said King Goobot when he started his evil grin.
Until they realized that I was heading to the direction to find a new home away from home,they began to go into their hiding places in which starts to get me a bit more nervous at first,but I found out that they're not at,I decided to take a look around for a little while."Hello,is anybody at home".I said while I was looking around the inside of Discord's lair."Oh shit,it's one of those Toaders".Said Discord who is still in hiding."Not now,Discord...not until he steps on that X you just marked".Said King Gooboot who is also in hiding.While I was taking a quick look around,I stepped on an X in which gave those two villians a chance to do their capture.I got scared and ran away...but,Discord and King Goobot were chasing after me.As I ran out of the lair,Discord grabs me and drags me back inside causing my hat to fall off my head and landed on the nice soft ground as I began to squeak as loud as I could and that caused Toady to hear it too.Just then,Toady decided to run to where the disaster took place...but by the time he got to Discord's lair,he was too late...I was kidnapped...but,my hat was found at the front of Discord's evil lair.Toady picked it up and decided to call out to the others.
"HEY! Look what I found at this disgraceful place of Chaos and evil".Said Toady when he revealed my hat to Jimmy,Tibby,Joe,Eddy,Blossom,Winnie and Baggy."Oh my god...Moley's hat.What's it doing at Discord's lair"? Jimmy asked about my hat's where abouts."Discord?.......who the fuck is Discord"?Toady asked Jimmy in confusion."Discord is one of Nicktoonsville's most dangerous villians.He is also known as the King of Chaos.I almost lost Sergeant all because of what Discord did to break Spongebob and the Colonel's hearts on that day.That is why I have to protect my members from Discord and his powers of Chaos".Said Jimmy when he gave Toady the answer.That made Toady realize that I was gone for a very long time and began to go into tears."Oh my's my fault..I should've done that to Moley...none of that ever happens when I should've let him do what he wants...Ratty would be heartbroken when Discord has done something bad to Moley...I think we need to leave our rivalry behind us".Said Toady when he held out his hand."Alright,Toad...we're going to find Moley and bring him home and we have to fight Discord off together".Said Jimmy when he held out his hand and decided to shake hands with Toady.This made Joe,Eddy,Tibby,Blossom,Winnie and Baggy very happy.
Just then while they continued their search for me,there was a shadowy dark figure coming up behind them.Toady got so pissed that he decided to pick up the unknown person and flipped him or her from side to side until he or she gets brused."STOP...STOP...STOP IT!YOU'RE HURTING ME"! The voice of the unknown person shouted while Toady flips him or her and stops."I reconize that voice anywhere".Said Jimmy when he came over to where the disaster took place.The unknown person is actually known as Jack Spicer,the evil boy genius who wants Blossom all to himself for only about a year going on two."JACK SPICER"!?!?!? Everyone shouted as Toady shook in fear."That's right,Jack Spicer evil boy genius is in the house".Said Jack Spicer when he decided to wipe the dirt off his jacket with his hands."What the fuck are you doing here,Spicer"...Said Blossom when she crossed her arms in complete anger."I just came by to help you guys find Tunnel Boy and get him the fuck out of this place".Said Jack Spicer when he started to give the others including Jimmy,Toady and Blossom the unsuspecting answer."Ugh fine but,on one condition, not get your hands on Blossom.Got it".Said Jimmy when he told Jack Spicer a teeny tiny little warning."Alright...whatever,Nerdtron".Said Jack Spicer when he decided to join the others on the search for me."Sailor Moon...I just wanted you to know that if anything happens to Moley in this awful place Discord had him held captive,Ratty would be heartbroken and is unable to row his boat on the river just like he used to in his entire life...I just wanted Ratty to be happy again".Said Toady when he looks up into the sky and followed the others in order to continue their search.
Author's Notes

This is the end of the third chapter and with Moley kidnapped and with Jack Spicer joining Jimmy Neutron and the gang,nothing can stop them from ever continuing their search now.For the very first time..the Toaders and the Neutroners are joining forces with Jack
Spicer and Blossom on their sides.In this next chapter,this evil disaster is going to take place.The invation of the Yolkians was about to start in five minutes,Jimmy Neutron and Jack Spicer's rivalry is stronger than ever.And even worse,the most unfortuneate event
has come to the river..Ratty was terminately ill and Sailor Moon was there to take good care of him if she had the chance.Will Jimmy Neutron and the gang ever rescue Moley in time and will Sailor Moon ever give Jimmy Neutron the heartbreaking news at the riverbank?

Find out in this next chapter
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