Categories > Cartoons > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > Forever and Always: A TMNT Drabble Fic

Chapter 4

by Flyer16 0 reviews

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is probably the biggest lie humanity has ever told itself.

Category: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2015-06-10 - Updated: 2015-06-10 - 1274 words

I wish words were like little toy guns.
No sting, no hurt, no one
Just a bang, bang, rollin’ off your tongue.
I wish word were like little toy guns.
No smoke, no bullet, no kick from the trigger when you pull it.
No pain, no damage done.
I wish words were like little toy guns.
Just a bang, bang, rollin’ off your tongue.
I wish words were like little toy guns.


Carrie sat on the fire escape of her apartment and swung her legs absently.

What had been said? She didn’t even remember completely.

Raph had knocked on her window that night with a gash on his head and multiple cuts on his arms and plastron asking if he could use her first aid real fast. She remembered calling him out on his tough-guy BS after he waved her hand away from his injuries. Then he told her to leave him alone and let him take care of himself, but when she didn’t, World War 3 ensued.

After that, all she could recall was a bunch of shouting. Raph called her a dumb blonde. And she called him… a freak of nature.

There had been silence. And then he was gone. Out the window he had previously come in.

And she felt horrible.

Anyone who knew her could tell you that she kept to herself until you got to know her really well. She wouldn’t stick her nose into your business or try to be friendly. She would just ignore you until she felt you were a good enough friend.

She had built up an invisible barrier around her. And it was virtually impossible to breach unless you knew just how her mind ticked.

But after you broke through her defenses, you could never find a better listener.

She didn’t speak out all that much, but when she did, she told you EXACTLY what she thought.

That’s what happened when Raph, covered in blood and bruises, paid her an impromptu visit. She called him a reckless idiot and a stupid freak of nature.

She hung her head in guilt.

Usually, she was very reserved and had a good hold of her emotions. On a rare occasion, such as the one previously mentioned, her heart runs away with her mouth and she says something she regrets for the rest of her life.

She wanted to cry. She knew from experience that despite the rough exterior that she first saw when she met Raphael, he’s a sensitive guy with real, raw feelings and a big heart. And she had hurt him. Badly.

So there she sat on her fire escape; waiting for him to come back. She knew that he wasn’t far. In fact, he was probably watching her right now, refusing to leave until he knew for a fact that she was safe behind locked windows.

Damn ninjas. She didn’t know if that annoyed her or not.

A solitary tear rolled down her cheek as she finally stood up.

“I know you’re out there.” she yelled in to the night. “I know you’re watching me.”

She was met with silence. Not that she was expecting anything more, but it still made her insides ache and her tears run all the faster. “Jerk.” she said under her breath.

She wiped her eyes and called out, “The window’s open.” And started to crawl back into her apartment.

She knew it was a stupid thing to do. You should never ever publicly announce that your window is open. Especially when you live in New York.

“Idiot.” She heard a deep voice above her say. She looked up to see a pair of intense red/brown eyes staring down at her. “Do ya know how many perverted creeps could’ve heard that?”

“I got you to come back didn’t I?” she said and pulled the curtains aside so Raph could enter.

“Who said I ever left?” He asked as he dropped from above and crawled through the open window.

She said nothing. She turned her back and briskly walked into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

“Carrie.” Raph sighed. “I don’t need you to--”

“Sit.” She commanded and pointed to a kitchen chair.

He didn’t move. Neither did she. They stood like that, just staring at each other, not saying a word, not moving a muscle.

Finally, Raph sat down wordlessly and Carrie stood in front of him with the open kit in one arm.

“Hold still.” she said and dabbed his head with a little antiseptic.

“Ow.” He said, but didn’t move. “That hurts.”

“What a baby.” she said and continued to gently clean his wounds.

When she had cleaned the small cuts and bandaged the larger ones, she closed the kit and stared at him.

“What?” he demanded.

“You going to tell me what happened?” she asked with her hands on her hips. “Or am I going to have to punch it out of you?”

“I tripped and fell.” He said and tried to cross his arms, but stopped after he winced.

“Horrible liar.” She said without missing a beat.

Raph poked one of his bruises lightly, as if testing the pain. “Does it matter how it happened?” he asked and looked up at her.

She turned her face away from him. She couldn’t stand the hurt she saw in his eyes. “No.” she said.

He stood up. “No.” He agreed. “It doesn’t.” And he made for the window.

“Raph,” she called out before he could open it. “Please don’t go.”

Raph stopped with his hands on the ledge.

“I’m… I’m sorry.” Carrie said just above a whisper. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

Raph bowed his head. “‘S fine.” He said. “No big deal.”

“No. It’s not fine.” Carrie said and walked up behind him. “And yes. It is a big deal.” Raph turned his head to look at her. “I hurt you. And that is not something to take lightly.”

“It’s not like I didn’t already know it.” He said and faced her. “My brothers and I have had our whole lives to accept that and I think we’ve done a pretty good job.”

“Well, that ends now.” She said firmly.

“Carrie, there’s nothin’ you can do that’ll change the fact that I’m a freak.” He almost shouted. She could see a tear forming itself on the brim of his eyelid. “I’m not… human.”

She lifted her hand to his face and his eyes widened at her touch. The small tear rolled down his face and she wiped it away with her thumb.

“You’re crying.” She whispered.

“No I’m not.” He whispered back.

“Yes you are.” She said. “And there is no other emotion that is more human than that.” She went up on her tiptoes and placed a soft, fleeting kiss on his lips. "You're not a freak."


So this one is dedicated to all the country music fans out there who love listening to it just as much as they love singing it into a hairbrush. Cuz I sure as heck do.

This idea has been swirling around the mess that I call my head for a few days now and I FINALLY got it down in writing.

I don’t have a joke or a riddle today… sowwy…

If you haven’t read my other story, “Home At Last” go read it. It would be much appreciated. :)

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This is Flyer16. Over and out.
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