Categories > Cartoons > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > Forever and Always: A TMNT Drabble Fic

Chapter 6

by Flyer16 0 reviews

Chapter 5 continued...

Category: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2015-06-12 - 653 words

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemicals: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
-- Carl Jung


“So…” Mikey said nervously. “Are we going to just stand her and hate each other for the rest of the day?”

Leo’s fists tightened and untightened themselves as if involuntarily.

“Leonardo.” Splinter said. “Thinking clearly with a full mind is like trying to swim with your arms tied behind you.”

“But Sensei…” Leo started to say through clenched teeth. But Splinter wasn’t finished.

“And you, Raphael.” He said sternly. “What have I taught you about stealth and silence? What possessed you?”

“Nothin’ possessed me, Master Splinter.” Raph said while glaring at Leo.

“What are we going to do?” Donnie asked. “She has a picture now. We’ll be all over the news…”

“Dudes!” Mikey shouted, smiling broadly. “We’ll be famous!”

“That’s not a good thing, Mikey!” Leo yelled.

“Everyone shut UP!!!” April loudly whispered from across the lair. “I’m still on the phone with her. She can hear you all!”

“I have an idea.” Raph said.

You don’t get a say in this after all the shit you pulled.” Leo said and pointed at Raph fiercely.

“Why don’t ya just hear me out then?” Raph grit his teeth. “Wouldn’t hurt anythin’ to listen.”

“My sons.” Splinter broke the yelling match and looked sternly at both Leo and Raph. “Speak, Raphael.”

Raph looked smugly at an infuriated Leo. “Why don’t we just tell her that we exist?” he asked.

There was silence.

“Are you outta your MIND?!” Leo and Donnie yelled at the same time.

“If we keep tellin’ her that she was just seein’ things, she’ll keep snoopin’ around and try to prove she’s right.” he said and ignored the incredulous looks he was getting. “But if we tell her and then make sure she knows that no one else can know, she’ll stop.”

Again, there was silence.

“Whoa…” Mikey said with wide eyes. “Did Raph just say something that made sense?”

“No he didn’t.” Leo said and looked at Splinter. “Master, you can’t think that this is a good idea.”

Splinter leaned on his staff thoughtfully.

“Guys?” April said from the other side of the room. “You have a game plan yet? She’s getting a little annoyed…”

“Sensei.” Raph started. “I know I’m responsible for all this. Lemme help fix it.”

“Guyyyys!” April whispered urgently.

Splinter narrowed his eyes. “Very well.” He said finally.

Raph grinned at Leo and ran over to April.

“Lemme talk to her.” He said and grabbed the phone before April could say anything. “Hello?”

There was a pause on the other end. ”Who the hell is this?”

“This is Raphael.” He introduced himself in his deepest, most menacing voice. “I think you’re the one who snapped my picture this mornin’.”


Fifteen minutes later, all four turtles plus Carrie were in April and Casey’s apartment.

“And this is the one I talked to on the phone?” she asked and pointed a slender finger at Raph.

“Yup.” April said. “That’s Raph.”

Raph crossed his arms and scowled while Carrie gave him a once over.

“You look just as mean as you sounded.” She stated. Raph smirked.

“Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.” He said.

Carrie narrowed her eyes as she turned away and whispered to April, “He’s a dick.”



So I don’t think I’ll be able to update every day anymore… We’re doing some construction on my house at the moment and dad has been breathing down my neck about not helping out more.

So… Imma be hella busy for the next few weeks.

I’ll update when I can.

Joke of the day: my life XD.

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This is Flyer16. Over and out.
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