Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Cloning Experiments

Cronus 'victory'

by jacqueline2121 6 reviews

What will the group do without Atlanta?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-08-31 - Updated: 2006-08-31 - 879 words

Cronus 'victory' chapter 18.

I know the Chapters that I have written are short but this one is a little long.

"Atlanta don't leave me not now!" Archie yelled shivering at the thick smoke that was creating by the dynamite.

Archie was beginning to feel that part of his heart was gone and he sadly hugged the box and walked out of the building.

When Archie was walking down the corridor he saw a shadow that was cast on the floor beside him.

"Archie too bad your girlfriend died without me. I really wanted to join her but I have something else to do before that guess I'll have to send you to accompany her in Hades."

"Cronus you murderer." Archie glared as tear flowed down his cheek.

"No my boy. Atlanta killed herself. Foolish of her to think that she could kill me in exchange for her life but she is wrong." Cronus shook his head as he shut his eyes and quickly open them.

"I don't care! You killed her and I'm going to kill you." Archie thrusted the box between his jacket and his shirt and dive at Cronus.

"Hah! Wrong move." Cronus took out his sickles and slashed Archie in the stomach.

"You forgot Cronus. I'm immuine." Archie smiled evilly.

"I didn't. But I was not aiming for your body I was aiming at the box." Cronus showed the box which was stuck at the tip of one of Cronus's sickles.

"Give me that box!" Archie drawed out his weapon.

Cronus was sharper then what Archie think. Cronus threw his sickle at Archie's ANKLE!

"What." Archie stared surprisingly at the sickle which was coming nearer by the minute.

"Archie think on the bright side at least you will meet Atlanta again, the women you loved." Archie thought as he closed his eyes and suddenly he remembered the last words that Atlanta said "Live on Archie."

Archie opened his eyes wide and stared at the sickle that was heading his way.( I did a slower motion scene)

"Jay have you seen Archie and Atlanta and Cronus?" Theresa yelled as she kicked a giant aside.

"No." Jay answered at a louder tone.

"Guys I think I heard a bomb bombed in the building." Neil ran to Theresa for cover.

"You don't think Neil. You DID hear it." Theresa talked at the same time fought a giant.

"How can you tell?" Neil answered busy dodging the punches threw at him.

"Because I heard it." Theresa did eye contact Neil the first time in this whole battle.

"Jay I got a feeling something happened to Archie and Atlanta in the building." Theresa pulled Jay nearer and Neil was busy hiding behind Jay and Theresa for cover.

"Lets go in and Neil stay here and help Herry." Jay ordered as other two ran into the building.

"Wait! You want me to stay here with this.......This women?" Herry yelled but it was too late.

"Archie? Atlanta?" Theresa shouted as she got choaked by the thick smoke.

"guys over here!"

"Archie?" Jay called as Theresa fell to the floor holding her chest and trying to gasp for breath.

Theresa walked with Jay putting one hand over his neck for support and Jay held her waist to help her.

"Archie are you here?" Jay shouted also choaking from the smoke. Then he missed a step and fell but he climbed back up.

"Jay help me!" Jay barely see Archie but he can manage.

Jay looked down a deep hole and saw Archie struggling to tighten his grip on a piece of rock.

"We'll come and save you ." Jay stretched his hand and tried to reach out to Archie.

"I can't hold on much longer help me." Archie begged as he struggled to hold on.

"Archie grab this." Theresa knelt onto the floor weakly and hang her nun-chucks towards Archie.

Archie held her nun-chucks tightly and climbed but when he was about to reach to top Theresa was so weak that she slipped down with Archie.

"Archie Theresa!" Jay reached out to grab someone and he took a glance at who did he grabbed, and he saw Archie holding his hand and the other holding Theresa's nun-chucks with Theresa holding it barely.

"I can't hold on much longer. Jay help me............" Theresa lose her grip and fell to the depth of the hole.

"Theresa!" Jay yelled as he conjure all his strength.

"I'm sorry Jay." Archie apologized.

"It's okay I believe she will come back. By the way where is Atlanta?" Jay pretended he did not mind but actually he is very worried about Theresa.

"Atlanta is dead." Archie whispered.


"Jay Cronus got the box."

Then soon the boys got out of the building and they saw Cronus with the box.

"Haha! Titans you failed. After I open this box the powers will go to the person who opens it." Cronus laughed and release the lock on the box but before he could open it someone yelled and jumped out from the building. The person was covered in darkness because it was at night but that person looked familiar and the person had someone on her back.

"Cronus I'm back!"

Who is the mysterious person? Please R&R if you want to know.
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