Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > New Team


by morganzor-el 0 reviews

Caitlin and Barry are not very happy.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2016-12-31 - 665 words

Central City Kara's POV

I was holding onto Robin. He was dangling from my hands. He says he to manly to ride on my back. All of a sudden I dropped through the air. "KARA!!" Robin yelled. I was losing consciousness. I finally got my powers working again before we crashed into the river. I was breathing hard. "Kara? Are you ok?" Robin asked. His voice laced with worry. "Y-ya." I stuttered. We finally arrived in the parking lot and I was losing height fast. "Kara drop me when I say." Robin yelled over the wind. "What! NO!" I screamed back. "NOW!" He screamed. I dropped him like he said. He landed on the ground and rolled.
I realized that I couldn't stop flying. No I muttered. I crossed my arms over my face and flew straight through the wall. I came to a stop in a room and realized I was in the main control room. I heard voices. I got up on to my hands and knees. I couldn't keep my balance. "KARA!" I heard someone yell. I looked up to see Robin running towards me. He grabbed me by the arm and lifted me to my feet. I couldn't stand to I had to lean on Robin.
"Kara!" I heard someone yell. I looked over to see Barry coming at me. He grabbed my other arm and helped Robin hold me up. "Get her to the table!" Caitlin screamed. They ran me over to the table and laid e down. I looked over at Robin who was holding my hand. I lifted my other hand and I tried to touch his cheek but I past out while trying.

Robin's POV
I watched as Kara tried to touch my cheek but she passed out while trying too. "You have to save her!" I shouted to Caitlin. She ran over to Kara and cut open her suit. She looked at her stomach and gasped. "Barry, I need you to vibrate your hand and get the kryptonite out of her." She told him calmly. "WHAT! Kryptonite!" I shouted. "Barry hurry or she'll flatline." Caitlin shouted. I watched as Barry vibrated his hand. He stuck it in Kara's stomach and pulled out a couple chunks of kryptonite from her. He then ran out of the building and threw it away. Caitlin moved everyone out of the lab so she can work on Kara.

Regular POV

Barry ran back in to see Cisco and that boy sitting and waiting. "What's your name?" He asked cautiously. "My name is Robin." He sad bluntly. "Well, Robin I don't trust you. You didn't keep Kara safe. And don't get do friendly with her cuz she will be my girlfriend. " Barry hissed at him. Robin looked at Barry with an evil glare. "No she won't. You don't deserve her." Robin growled. "Has she told you what happened to her planet?" Barry smirked. "I didn't think so." He laughed. "you can go see her now." Caitlin walked out with a smile. Robin jumped over Barry and ran in. Barry watched as Robin hugged Kara. He was filled with jealousy.
"Kara." Robin breathed into her hair. "Hey" She giggled back. "Don't ever do that again." Robin looked at her sternly. "Can you get me a blanket I'm freezing." Kara asked shivering. Robin took off his cape and laid it on top on Kara. He bent down and kissed her head. "You need some sleep." He whispered. He turned and took a step before Kara grabbed his arm. Robin stop and turned around. "Can you please stay with me. I don't feel safe right now." She whispered. Robin looked at Kara's eyes and he saw them brining with tears. He hated when that happened. He walked over and climbed in with her. "Thank you" She whispered. She laid her head down on his chest and curled up into him. He kissed her head and whispered "Goodnight Kara." An he also drifted off to sleep.
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