Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Arrows of Love
Memories Are Precious
13 reviewsArchie feels sad after learning that Atlanta doesn't really like him, and decides to show her some place he plans on taking her just before she returns to normal. On the way home, his thoughts drif...
Arrows of Love
(#) Mary-Lane 2006-09-01
This WEEK! =D -squee-
Another excellent chapter, love.
I really adore the use of flashbacks in here. It really showed a more softer side of Atlanta. And the ending paragraph was wonderful, because I like the idea of the effects wearing off over time. =)Author's response
Yes, this week. Well, if you count the long weekend-Monday as part of this week, which I do.
I'm glad that everyone, including yourself, seems to enjoy the Flashback, I know a lot of people dislike it because it's become overused over the years so I try to limit myself to a few of them, but I'm glad everyone liked it. I actually re-did the flashback, it wasn't quite what I wanted the first time around. But I figured, why not show the reasons why Archie thought Atlanta might like him? It was just an idea, experiment, and it seemed to work out :)
I think it's a bit more realistic, especially considering the fact that every now and then she seemed to be confused about what was going on. Anyways, I best be working on that chapter. I had no time to yesterday (slept in, seems I was a tad ill... still am, but I'm living :) ) so today's the day. I have to hurry, before the movies start... we have FOUR. FOUR I TELL YOU! okay, enough rambling for now.Arrows of Love
(#) Coffeebean 2006-09-01
Eros:Yeah?Shut up.
Fee:Fine,have you given up on your plans yet?
Eros:Not by a long shot
Fee:Anywho,just wanna say that this is an awsome story!I love the flash backs and the whole uhhhh Eros in trouble thing!
Eros:We'ev noticed.
Fee:Shoots Eros a mean look,DONT INTERUPT!Anywho i m happy that itll be finished by the end of the week!sqeals in exictment
Eros:And I'll have you by the end of the week.
Fee:Oh,cant wait.Author's response
lol yes, well Eros of course disobeyed Aphrodite, because he intended to shoot someone, can't think of who at the moment, with an arrow--- and he shot himself and resulted in falling in love with Psyche, and married her against Aphrodite's wishes. So, since then, she's been upset with him. Hera, of course, is like the "big mama" of the Gods LOL, so its not unlikely for her to get angry with him.
lol it SHOULD be. Might not... I'm aiming for it, though.Arrows of Love
(#) Randog 2006-09-01
awwweeee.....sweet. lovely chapter. please UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!! i want to know what happens in the next chap!!!Author's response
lol I'm working on an update now. I might not get it done this week (I'm including Monday, seens how its a long weekend and all) but I'm going to try to :) Thanks for reviewingArrows of Love
(#) caity_party_princess 2006-09-02
I cant wait to see what happens next!!!Author's response
Glad to see I have you on your toes :) I'll try and update soon. Thanks for reviewing!Arrows of Love
(#) iheartyou07 2006-09-04
that was great! poor archie... and jay. hope theres more JT moments. can't wait for the next chapter! blah, your right, school starts tomorrow:( well, please update soon!!Author's response
Well this story is mostly directed at Archie and Atlanta, and it is almost done... but yeah, schools in now and I'm actually glad :) I love school... hehe. Terribly sorry that I haven't updated in ages, I'll be working on an update as soon as my computer is back up and running since we just found out we have to format it and then reload everything back on it. sigh Ahh well... thanks for reviewing!Arrows of Love
(#) Delilah-Juliuswriter 2007-03-03
i cant wait to see what atlanta will do after it wears off:)
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