Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Change A Heart

Prologue: The Nephew

by panda_1418 3 reviews

Dr Dismay's nephew, Eric, is in town. But he doesn't seem to want to live up to the family tradition.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2006-09-05 - Updated: 2006-09-05 - 406 words

[a warehouse in Halifax]

Dr Dismay read the letter over again. He still couldn't believe what his stupid brother was making him do.

Dr Dismay,

I am sending my son Eric to you. He refuses to become a villain like the rest of the family. I don't understand why, for I have taught him to be like that for seventeen years. It is my hope that perhaps you can instruct him in the ways of evil.

Your brother,

Mr X. Dismay

Dr Dismay sighed. He had heard about the black sheep - or would it be white? - in the family. Eric was a goody two-shoes, an outcast in the Dismay family. And now his no-good rotten brother was sending the whelp to him. Right when he was planning to steal the world's biggest diamond when it was on display in the Halifax Museum. The doctor caressed his eyelids, trying to make sense of the madness.

Then an idea came to him.

Why not let Eric tag along on his heist? Perhaps if the little brat got a taste of evil, he would like it. If not, Dismay would just let him take the fall. It would get his do-good nephew out of his hair, and make his father think that he had instigated the whole crime.

Yes, yes. That was it.

A few hours later, a black limo rolled up in front of the warehouse. Eric was shoved out of the limo. His hair was black, like all of the Dismay family's. But his eyes ... they were a soft, gentle brown, very inappropriate for a villain. The first stop on the jewel heist would be for coloured contacts. The limo took off with surprising speed, as if glad to be rid of its passenger.

Eric trudged miserably to the warehouse door, his hands shoved in his dark blue jean pockets, and the hood of his black hoodie pulled over his head. He obviously did not want to be here.

Dr Dismay pulled him inside just as a police car rounded the corner. "Could you have gone any slower?" he snapped.

Eric shrugged. Dr Dismay sighed. He definitely had his work cut out for him.


Both Dismays turned around to see Nurse throwing darts at a picture taped to a dartboard. Eric's eyes widened in fascination. "Who are they, Uncle?"

Dr Dismay's eyes blazed with hate and his voice dripped malice as he answered. "Delilah and Julius!"
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