Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Humans


by NerdHerd 0 reviews

Experiments on the captured gems

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2017-05-17 - 419 words - Complete

The small window in their cell opened wider, fitting a bigger gun through it. It fired multiple times, one skimming Amethyst's arm, and the other two each hitting Lapis and Peridot. Through the darkness, she could see a man peaking his head through the window. She drew her whip, and lashed it out towards the man, missing. The window quickly closed up. "That's what I thought, BITCHES! Lapis! Peri! Are you OK?"
"I'm fine. Peridot's out again. She'll be back soon,"
Suddenly, three men burst through the door holding weapons and pushing the gems against the wall. They separated into three smaller cells, each holding a different gem. A table was brought into each holding cell. Each gem was restrained to a table. A scientist walked into each cell.
"In cell number 001, we have subject 01134. We will be examining the Humorous bone. No anesthetics," a scientist read off a list. She was carrying a bag that jingled when she walked. She walked into Peridot's cell. She was struggling and scared.
"Please don't hurt me! I-I'll do anything!" Peridot stuttered. The scientist just ignored her and laid the contents of the bag out on a table. It consisted of syringes, scissors, and scalpels. She took a scalpel, and brought it back Peridot's arm. She made a small incision underneath her elbow, and dragged it down slowly. She was sobbing and bleeding uncontrollably. She finally took the small knife out of her arm, and took notes.
"The subject feels pain like any other being. The blood is light Green. I will take samples," she wrote.
Peridot's muscle was revealed, and about to be completely shredded. The scientist took some scissors, and cut into Peridot's arm, even deeper than before. She felt it tear lower. Using the same scissors, she roughly searched around Peridot's bullet holes to retrieve the bullets. She got most of them, while Peri cried and whimpered all the while. The lady took some more notes, and took a needle from her table. Peridot cringed at the needle coming near her. She whimpered, and squeezed her eyes shut. Instead of more pain, she felt a comforting hand in hers.
"It's Ok. I am so sorry I have to do this. I will make you feel better," the voice was calm and sweet.Peridot looked over to see the scientist. She stitched up Peridot's arm, and released her from her restraints. Peridot was confused. She didn't care, through. All she thought about was a Peri-Plan to get out of there.
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