Categories > Celebrities > Black Veil Brides > The Awakening

Chapter Four

by Lynn_Kelly 0 reviews

Luke’s stuck in the friendzone again and again...

Category: Black Veil Brides - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2019-04-11 - 1076 words


Kassandra wakes up from the best sleep she's had since moving to Grimsby. She smiles lightly, feeling well-rested. However, her mood immediately turns sour when she realizes the reason for which her alarm is going off: it's Monday and she's starting her junior year at Grimsby High School today.

"Ugh," Kassandra groans, before turning over onto her stomach and screaming into her pillow. She hates school and is certainly not ready for it today. She grabs her phone off the nightstand and sees that there's a text from Luke.

Luke: Happy first day of school! Just wanted to remind you that I start walking at 7:20.

Kass: Happy? Only you would be happy about the first day of school, Lucas.

Luke: It's just Luke.
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