Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Roses of the Valley

Chapter Twenty-One: The Guardians of Bai-Jing

by Giroro5X 0 reviews

Wow, this one took me forever to write, ha ha! I got halfway through it earlier in the week, it just took me awhile to sit down and finish it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! Take care, and t...

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-09-30 - Updated: 2006-09-30 - 5382 words


Roses of the Valley

Chapter Twenty-One: The Guardians of Bai-Jing

"Hey, idiot," Yakone smirked as he observed the advancing mercenaries.

Shui's eyes narrowed as he attempted to ignore the waterbender, his focus remaining on what lay ahead.

"Bet I can take down more than you."

The firebender snorted lightly in amused disbelief.

Yakone glanced towards his short tempered rival. "Whoever takes out more, wins. Loser owes dinner."

Shui grinned slightly, the motion consenting to the terms as he tightened the grip on his axe.

The waterbender cracked his knuckles, stepping back into a stance.

The mercenaries grew closer, Bo hurling himself forward as he unleashed a stream of flame to greet them.

The Yu Yan archer's hand darted back to his quiver as the Demon gripped the edge of the roof, launching himself skyward.

In one simple motion the arrow rose to the bow, the string plucking loudly as it sailed towards the target.

The roof buckled slightly as the Demon landed, lashing his arm out towards the oncoming shot. The arrow snapped harmlessly against his shield.

The archer began retreating, unleashing another arrow with each step as he narrowed his eyes with focus.

Jung's advance continued, his shields poised to deflect as he drew closer. The eyes beneath the mask grew wide as he realized the presence of the other archers, threats he had neglected. Twisting his body quickly his shields rose to intercept two arrows, barely escaping their damage.

Taking quick advantage of the turn, the archer unleashed another shot towards the spine.

Turning again, the Demon could not evade the attack in time. The arrow grazed against his side, a deep cut left in its wake. Faltering slightly, his feet continued their thunderous pounding against the roof as he approached.

The Yu Yan began sweating, nearing the edge of the roof. Grasping four arrows, he readied them carefully.

Only a foot of space separated the two as the archer released his shot, Jung's body turned slightly towards the left. The course of the arrows was disrupted, the shield swatting them aside as the Demon lashed his arm out. He kept it raised, taking another step before thrusting it towards the archer's head.

Eyes wide, he kicked back quickly to dodge the motion. Fear gripped his heart as he felt the target's hand wrap around his ankle.

In one powerful swing Jung whipped the archer over his head, slamming him face first into the roof. There was no opportunity for observation, an arrow piercing his left leg.

Stumbling back the Demon faced towards the source of the shot, glaring. Grasping the shaft of the arrow, he snapped it before rushing along the roof towards the suspected position of his attackers.

The snipers remained motionless, their eyes calm as their hands steadily brought up another arrow.

Leaping up, Jung slammed his feet down against the section of roof he had cracked upon landing. It broke beneath him, the warrior falling heavily towards the dark interior of the building.

The two Yu Yan remained motionless, one signaling to the other to target a corner of the structure. Taking the opposite corner, he squinted as he waited carefully for the Demon to emerge.

Time passed silently, the area still.

The older of the two archers quietly analyzed the situation, his attention still fixed upon the corner. Every report of their target identified him as forward and relentless, choosing to pursue and overwhelm the opponent. The present scenario contradicted this, the lack of activity at both corners serving as evidence that the Demon was still within the building he had disappeared into.

Calmly, he concluded that their target sought to eliminate the advantage of long range and open areas by forcing them to follow him into close quarter combat. Unwilling to be drawn into any sort of trap, the archer resigned to waiting for the Demon's impatience.

The target would grow tired of waiting. He would rush out to face them. He would fall.

The string remained taught as the distant sound of mercenary cries forced further contemplation.

The raiders would storm through the village, disrupting the calm of the standoff. Amidst the confusion, the Demon would be given ample opportunity to escape or advance. He motioned his hand towards the younger archer to draw his attention.

With simple gestures he conveyed his intentions; to advance gradually upon the target while the second sniper remain in position.

Nodding, the Yu Yan turned his attention back towards the corner.

Stealthily, the veteran archer made his way down from the roof. His gaze remained fixed upon the corner of the building, his feet stepping carefully over one another as he progressed through the clearing. He gave no attention to the unconscious Iwao as he passed.

He turned quickly to face the younger sniper, the sound of his bowstring drawing his attention. His eyes grew wide as he witnessed the scene.

The Demon's hand burst through the roof, startling the archer as he grabbed his ankle. The Yu Yan yelped as he was pulled through the roof into the darkness below.

The remaining sniper rushed forward, firing quickly towards the window nearest the room the target was sure to be in. He stopped as he neared the center of the clearing, not wanting to lose any advantage distance would provide.

Jung leapt out of the window, his shields raised as two shots neared him in rapid succession. They fell to the ground harmlessly, the shields maintaining their cover over his vitals.

The archer maintained constant attack, his shots growing more erratic as the target drew closer. The mask took on a ferocious and terrifying quality as it neared him, a feeble attempt to dodge back disrupted by the Demon's fist.

Pushing himself up from the ground, he felt a powerful hand grip the back of his head.

"How?" the archer whispered quietly.

The Demon gave no answer, denying the Yu Yan the benefit of understanding. In running errands for Min, he had become well acquainted with Bai-Jing. He had been aware of the alley behind the building, something the two archers had failed to consider. He had used the back alleys to navigate behind them and secure a better position.

He brought the archer up, slamming him against the ground.

Iwao and the three Yu Yan lay defeated, the Demon proving to be as indomitable as reports indicated.

Jung rushed towards the main street of the festival, the distant cries of battle inspiring him to hurry to aid the others.

"Enlai!" Feng yelled out as he struck the blade across the chest of a determined mercenary.

"Got it," he pulled at the reins, his rhino rearing back as he thrust the butt end of his pike into the head of an attacker. Pulling again, the beast lashed its tail out into the stunned warrior's side.

"Break their line!" one of the guards yelled out, motioning towards an incoming wave.

Three of the earthbenders that made up Chin-Hwa's guard hurried forward, leaping slightly as they each pulled their fists back. As they hit the ground they swung their arms forward, a wave of earth driving the attackers back. Those that managed to maintain their advance were met with flames, two firebending guards rushing forward to clean up the remains.

Feng continued forward, his blade never slowing as it struck down one opponent after another.

Enlai grit his teeth as he felt a knife pass his arm, leaving a light cut. Grasping the end of the pike, he slashed out over a wide radius.

The battle raged on, the former bandits and guards keeping the mercenaries at bay.

Gang bathed his opponent in flames, his muscles burning as he continued his violent assault.

Hitoshi laughed, entertained by the old guard's persistence. His fists thrust forward, fire bursting forth against his foe's chest.

He moved his arms quickly, sweating as the flames dispersed. The force of the technique had driven him back.

"It is futile, Gang," he explained from the safety of his armor.

"Shut up," he glared, taking his stance once again.

"You refuse to learn," he sighed.

The old guard grinned as he observed something that had eluded him before. Stepping towards the opponent, he leaned forward and motioned his arms behind him to the right, cupping his hands. With speed and power he rushed forward, his arms swinging up as fire tore along the ground.

Hitoshi sighed with amusement, bending his knees as the armor dug into the ground. The flames trailed the earth along his armor harmlessly. Lifting it, he turned his body to grasp Gang's face as he drew closer.

The old guard's eyes grew wider at the ineffectiveness of the tactic, bending to evade the assassin's hand. His teeth clenched as he felt the sting of his hair being pulled.

"Impenetrable," Hitoshi reminded, smirking as he gripped the long pony tail.

Gang glared back towards the old firebender, his muscles tightening with frustration at the possible truth of the boast.

"Unlike you," he pulled the pony tail back hard, entertained by his opponent's anger. "Breakable, stubborn, stupid," he recited the adjectives as he pulled back harder.

He growled slightly as his anger grew, his fists clenched as he awaited an opportunity to break free of the hold.

"Weak," the final insult was accompanied by the smell of burning hair, Hitoshi's hand cutting through the ponytail near its source.

Gang howled in pain as he fell to his knees, his hands clawing at the back of his head to smother the bits of flame still plaguing him.

Hitoshi cackled, his grin growing broader as he looked down to his victim. He tossed what remained of the ponytail onto the warrior's back, hoping he would appreciate the souvenir.

He was motionless as he felt the hair his shoulder. Slowly, he brought a hand up to touch it. He examined it in disbelief, shaking slightly as he gripped it.

"You seem perturbed," Hitoshi teased. His confidence in his defense had given him arrogance. The expression melted into one of intimidated worry as the old warrior turned his head.

Gang stood slowly, his frame tense with rage as his expression took on a quality that no other had witnessed in decades. Pure rage consumed his face, every muscle brimming with animosity. His spirit was aflame with anger, spurred by the loss of something precious and important.

Unable to find an inflammatory retort, Hitoshi merely waited nervously for the next move. He felt a sudden shiver of fear pass through him as the firebender launched towards him.

The old guard moved forward with intense ferocity, leaping off of the ground as he raised his hand skyward. He planted his feet firmly on the armor, his fist unleashing tremendous punishment upon its frame as he struck it.

In panic, the old assassin motioned his hands forward to release a quick and distracting burst of flame.

He kicked off of the armor, landing far from Hitoshi as his fist bled. His knuckles were torn, bits of skin grouped around the wounds. He glanced to the side, grasping something that Chin-Hwa had prepared for the festival's end.

A nervous sweat broke out over his brow as he looked down at his armor, a smoldering dent marking the location of Gang's assault. He looked up quickly as he caught sight of Gang hurling something into the air.

The old guard stepped forward, his foot stomping down against the ground as his hand pierced through the air. Fire tore from his bleeding knuckles towards the object.

He looked upward quickly, his eyes focusing as he tried desperately to identify that which his target had thrown. The approaching fire illuminated the object just before engulfing it completely, releasing an intense bright light.

Hitoshi cried out painfully as he closed his eyes, the firework having blinded him. He blinked quickly as he attempted to regain himself, the landscape stained with light. Terror gripped him as he felt his armor move slightly.

Gang grasped the armor by its base, the distraction preventing his opponent from digging it into the ground in time. His muscles burned as he growled, the weight doing well to combat his strength.

"No!" the assassin screamed out as he felt himself being tilted back.

The firebender grinned, his feet digging into the ground as he launched the armor back, growling out a breath of relief as he stared towards it.

Hitoshi's head knocked against the ground, panicking as he glanced from side to side. Gang's approaching voice gripped him with fear.

"Just like a turtle duck," he growled as he continued his approach, his eyes still consumed by rage. "Worthless once you're on your back."

"Gang, no!" he pleaded as he scrambled to get free of the armor. The air around his feet took on an intense heat, his breath stopping as he realized his fate.

A pained shriek tore through the night air.

"Seven," Yakone smirked as he turned, his hands waving out towards an incoming rider. His water whip sped up incredibly, piercing through the attacker's chest as it launched into the air.

Abandoning his weapon to the night sky, he stepped back to avoid an incoming spear. He thrust his elbow firmly into the throat of the assailant, sending him reeling with a kick to the stomach. His hands rose carefully as his stance widened, manipulating the descending water as it neared the ground. It lashed out quickly into a mercenary's face, whipping quickly into the neck of another.

"Eleven," the waterbender boasted quietly.

Shui stepped quickly, his axe cutting cleanly through the handle of an incoming warrior's hammer. Waving his arm out, the axe tore against the mercenary's chest.

His eyes narrowed as two riders advanced upon him, their ostrich horses squawking loudly. He dropped the axe as he fell to his back, his hands gripping the ground. Two blades slashed out above him, missing by a hair's length.

The firebender pushed himself up as he spun, a wave of fire erupting from each foot. He landed in a crouching position as he witnessed the riders fall to the technique, the fire tearing across their backs.

Hearing the sound of thunderous steps behind him, he clenched his fists. An intense heat grew beside his hands as two short daggers of fire formed. Leaping up he twisted his body, narrowing his eyes as he lashed one of the fire blades against the incoming mercenary's chest.

Shui nearly lost his footing as he landed, regaining himself as he observed a number of advancing enemies.

"Nine," he whispered his count.

Bo leaned to the side, his palm smashing into the jaw of an attacker who sought to strike from behind. Stepping to the left he unleashed a burst of fire into another's torso, his hands crossing above his head to intercept the descending wrist of a third. Grasping the warrior by the wrist, he turned it quickly behind him to secure an advantage.

He planted his foot firmly upon his victim's back, kicking him away as he ducked beneath another attack. Stepping forward, he intercepted the wrists of the attacker with his right hand, his left thrusting firmly against the attacker's chest. The defeated mercenary reeled backwards, fire gripping his front as several others rushed to avenge him.

The old firebender took in a sharp breath, leaning forward slightly and crossing his hands before stepping in to meet the advance. A burst of fire tore from each of his palms to meet the first two raiders. He paid no notice to them, passing quickly as they fell to the ground. His right hand lashed upward, a wave of flame bringing another to fall before he turned his body, his left arm knocking against the elbow of another. His right hand shot out quickly, his palm smashing into the mercenary's jaw.

Bo's arms whipped out quickly without pause, crescents of flame striking each opponent as they neared.

The old firebender breathed out slowly, his eyes narrow as he studied the battleground. He leaned to the right as another warrior attacked, his left palm taking him by the back of the head. In one strong motion, he brought the attacker to the ground. He advanced towards another group of mercenaries, stepping over the body of his defeated assailant.

His thirty-eighth.

Wen Lan stepped aside carefully, dodging the rapid advance of her opponent. The intensity of Shizu's assault brought her to a steady retreat, moving quickly and cautiously to avoid being cut.

The masked assassin offered no opportunities for counter, the remaining blade moving without pause. For every slur in its movement the blades beneath each foot would rise to attack.

She had made several attempts to strike, each resulting in an immediate withdrawal. She could feel the scene of the conflict growing smaller, sensing that she was nearing some obstacle. The rhythm of Shizu's advance made it impossible to confirm, any such action being an open invitation to lethal attack.

"Lady Wen Lan," Xiu worried quietly, her fists tight as she fought the urge to enter into the fray.

"Faith," Chin-Hwa stared forward, his eyes intense and nervous.

The young servant glanced up at him, unable to decipher his message.

"We must maintain faith that she will win," he explained softly, investing all hope he could into the words.

"...Yes," Xiu looked back out towards the fight, willing her strength towards her lady with all her might.

Shizu sprang forward, the blade cutting ferociously towards the target's stomach.

Wen Lan acted quickly, this being the closest thing to opportunity since she had removed one of the attacker's blades from the scenario. She twisted her body quickly, her stance widening as her right palm motioned towards her opponent's throat.

The blade dancer evaded skillfully, her body lowering as she pressed her free hand to the ground. Her legs spread quickly as she began spinning, the three blades spiraling around her.

Her eyes widened, pulling her leg back to dodge the action. She winced as she felt the tip of the blade scratch near her knee.

Shizu pressed her hand against the ground again, leaping as she spun out to prevent any attack as she regained her footing. She took no time to regain herself, dashing forward as her sword regained its fury.

Wen Lan's eyes widened, pushing back to avoid the attack as she felt her back knock into a hard surface. The wall behind her had taken her by surprise, leaving her vulnerable to the advancing assassin.

Xiu screamed out, her hands rising to her mouth.

The young noble clenched her teeth, Shizu's blade cutting her arm and leaving a deep wound in her leg in one quick motion.

The masked dancer lifted the blade with ruthless speed, stabbing it forward.

Wen Lan glared as she sidestepped the motion, her palm thrusting hard against the assassin's wrist. Pushing off of the wall, she took the attack. Her hands struck forward with grace and power, the enemy diving back to dodge each barely. Frustration grew within her as she realized the handicap Shizu's attack had rendered upon her, the pain in her leg inhibiting her speed.

Gaining enough of a lead in her retreat, the blade dancer leapt forward again. Kicking her leg out, she began swinging the sword to resume her previous rhythm.

The noble gave no ground, the muscles in her arms burning as she forced them to compensate for the loss of strength in her leg. She glared forward as she deflected each attack. Sensing the presence of sudden opportunity, she motioned her palm towards her attacker's chest.

Shizu dodged again, placing her palm against the ground as she spread her legs, entering into the storm of blades a second time.

Now aware of the distance between her and the wall, Wen Lan clenched her teeth as she took a step beyond its range. She was well aware of the situation; the attacker intended to force her against the wall a second time, striking to kill. Worriedly, she began contemplating a counter.

The assassin did nothing to slow the spin, her foot touching upon the ground as she sprang back up. Her advance was intense, the sword cutting through the air with determined precision.

The young noble stood her ground again, sweating as she hoped desperately for the success of her tactic. Blood soaked her arm as it stabbed forward, meeting the attacker's wrist and legs each time.

The two stood against one another, neither giving ground for minutes on end.

The chance appeared, Wen Lan motioning her palm towards the opponent's heart once again.

Nothing in the pattern changed, Shizu evading and entering into her lethal technique.

Pain tore through Wen Lan's body as she stepped forward, one of the foot blades cutting deep against her arm. She thrust her palms forward, her fingers stabbing firmly against each of the masked assassin's ankles. Her left leg pressed firmly against the ground near her opponent's wrist, preventing her from lashing out with the blade.

She fell to her knee quickly, two fingers from her right hand cutting through the air as they struck hard against Shizu's throat.

A choking noise sounded out from beneath the emotionless mask.

The young noble slid her foot back, her hands positioning carefully at her side.

Chin-Hwa's spirit calmed, understanding the scenario before him.

With fierce speed and power, Wen Lan launched both palms firmly into the gut of the assassin.

Shizu reeled back, the sword slipping from her grip as she slid along the ground. Her consciousness faded as she stared up towards the festival lights lining the street.

She breathed out, taking to her knees as she cringed at the pain in her legs and arm. Her eyes went wide as arms wrapped over her throat.

"Lady Wen Lan!" tears of relief lined Xiu's cheeks as she hugged her best friend's head to her chest, fretting over the wounds she had sustained.

Chin-Hwa smiled, his eyes soft with gratitude as he approached the two.

Wen Lan placed her hand on Xiu's arm, laughing gently. She rose to her feet carefully, wincing as pain rang through her leg.

"My lady," Xiu started as she helped her to her feet, worrying as she witnessed the stains of blood in the elegant white robes.

The old noble took her other hand, looking carefully for something to treat the wounds with. His gaze stopped upon a figure standing in the distance.

The young servant looked towards him, following his gaze to view what it was he was focusing on. Her eyes went wide as she witnessed the presence before them.

Sensing the slowly approaching body, Wen Lan looked up to face it. Her mouth opened slightly in shock, recognizing the face instantly.

She approached slowly, the situation overwhelming her as she studied the scene.

The young noble smiled softly, her eyes growing warmer as tears lined them.

Her body quivered, her footstep nearly faltering as she drew closer. The wounded figure of Wen Lan brought pain and fear to her heart.

Xiu released her lady's arm as she stared.

She stepped forward, the pain doing nothing to defeat her smile.

"...Bi..." Her eyes grew moist.

The tears lined Wen Lan's cheeks as she lifted her hands gently.

"Big sister Wen!" Li Mei cried out, rushing forward to the arms of the one she had spent months searching for.

The young noble embraced her, falling to her knees as her smile remained. Since she had arrived in Bai-Jing, Li Mei and her family stood clearest in her memory as testimony of the presence of good natured people still living within the Fire Nation.

Admiral Kano and the soldiers of the Fire Lord had combated this notion, tested the ideal. Yet in her arms trembled a girl whose presence washed away their influence.

Li Mei sobbed as she gripped the cloth of her friend's robe, relief overwhelming her. The journey had been long and dangerous, the various obstacles pushing her to abandon the hope that they would meet again.

Here now, in the familiar embrace of the one who had always played with and encouraged her, she felt the fears she had been plagued with since Wen Lan's exile fade into the night.

Xiu smiled, silently complimenting Li Mei's courage and determination. She was well aware of the hazards the land had been likely to provide.

Though never having met the girl, Chin-Hwa could appreciate the scene that lay before him. He looked worriedly towards the distant sound of battle, praying that things had not gone unfavorably elsewhere.

Enlai clenched his teeth, feeling another cut against his leg as he commanded the komodo rhino forward. He answered the pain with his pike, striking it into the assailant's chest.

Feng rushed forward, his body tense as he attempted to ignore the pain inflicted upon him. His sword moved from one enemy to another without pause, refusing to falter for a moment.

The guards of Chin-Hwa and Wen Lan maintained their defense, the mercenaries having yet to set foot in the village. Their bodies were exhausted, each slowed by a few wounds.

The attackers continued their assault, the significant loss in numbers doing little to stop them. For those that remained, the battle had merely increased their hunger for conquest.

The two riders passed one another as they returned to the village entrance, panting as they took advantage of the pause in the assault.

"They just keep coming," Enlai stared out towards the advancing mercenaries.

"What is your status?" Feng looked towards one of the guards.

"We're keeping them at arm's length, so we're not that bad. Starting to get tired though," one of the firebenders panted.

"Maintain the perimeter; we'll focus on attacking their..." his voice trailed off as the ground behind them stirred.

The guards turned, each readying themselves as figures leapt up from the earth.

The earthbenders readied themselves as they landed, their fellow soldiers hurrying to meet them from behind. One of Seung's lieutenants stepped out to meet the guards.

"We apologize for the delay, and thank you for fending off the raiders," he bowed towards one of the guards before facing readily towards the attackers.

The guard returned the bow politely, turning his attention towards the approaching raiders.

"Everything is under control, here. You may return to the village and seek refuge," the lieutenant instructed as he stepped into an earthbending stance.

"What," Enlai grinned as he hoisted the pike over his shoulder. "And let you have all the fun?"

"You will return to the..."

"We will remain here," Feng interrupted, his blade ready as his rhino growled towards the mercenaries.

The guards grinned, standing ready near the village entrance.

The lieutenant studied the riders for a moment, his expression shifting into a gmirk. "Alright," he conceded. "Let's give them everything we've got."

The soldiers cheered readily, the guards grinning as the Gouishi riders launched forward.

Yakone twisted his hands quickly, glaring as a second wave of mercenaries swarmed towards them. Motioning his palms towards the ground, the sphere of water froze into slivers of ice, raining down upon a mob of attackers. He smirked as he continued his count, his attention turning towards a distant opponent.

Shui spun quickly, lashing his leg out as fire engulfed two attackers. His stance was strong, his fists moving with honed discipline as he entered a chain of movements to fend off an oncoming group. Turning towards an advancing warrior's face, he breathed out a small ball of flame. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a distant opponent.

The two noticed one another, understanding almost immediately that they had targeted the same mercenary. They dashed forward at nearly the same time, each pushing to upstage the other.

They each slowed as they near the potential target, a boulder slamming into him before they could take any action. In unison they glanced towards the source of the technique.

Bo continued without pause, moving from one opponent to the next with powerful and precise movements. His right arm hooked the throat of an assailant, throwing him towards the ground as the back of his left fist knocked between the eyes of another. He glanced towards the border of the village, smiling slightly as he noticed the change in the battle.

The Earth Kingdom soldiers moved forward quickly, the tide of the battle turning to Bai-Jing's favor.

Shui and Yakone sneered slightly, each hoping that the development would not interfere with their competition.

Kazuki dove back from wall to wall, landing gracefully on his feet as he stepped back into a firebending stance.

Seung's eyes remained intense with focus, lifting his hands as he prepared his attack.

He stepped forward, a spiral of flame erupting from his palm.

The earthbender stepped forward at the same moment his opponent moved, his foot pressing against the ground as he stabbed his hand forward. He thrust forward with the alternate hand, his eyes shutting tightly as the fire washed over his chest.

The assassin grinned, dodging back carelessly as a pillar of earth stabbed towards him, just short of his range. His eyes went wide as a second tore out of the ground, landing squarely against his chest.

Seung stepped back, a hole burned through the front of his robe. He stared forward, the pain negligible.

Kazuki rose to his feet, grinning wildly.

It had been the first time that either had landed a successful attack on the other.

"Impressive general...It's a shame you're going to die."

The earthbender gave no answer, readying his stance once again.

"Your allies have fallen, by now. Your village will be decimated in a matter of minutes. By sunrise, Bai-Jing will be left nothing more than a collection of ash. Echoes of those you failed to save will ring through the night," his grin grew wider, taking on a more sadistic quality.

His eyebrows rose slightly as he heard something strange, muffled behind the stone walls surrounding him.

The sound of heavy footsteps hurrying towards them.

"You will watch it all, general Seung. You will witness..." his voice trailed off as he noticed the general step to the side quickly, as if avoiding something. His eyebrows rose in surprise as he noticed the cause.

The wall near the general crumbled as a large body tore through it, a powerful fist smashing through the stone. It stepped forward slowly, standing beside the earthbender.

The Demon of War stood tall, his cold mask glaring towards the firebender as bits of stone and earth fell from his body. The wounds had done little to slow him, nothing in comparison to that which he had sustained in his fight against Kano.

Seung smiled slightly, facing back towards the assassin.

"Is he their leader?"

"Yes," he gave no hesitation in answering. "Kano dispatched him."

"Interesting," the firebender smirked. "You must be the Demon I've heard so much about."

He gave no answer, treating Kazuki with the same distant silence he offered to any enemy.

"Two on one," he paid no mind to the quiet. "It hardly seems fair." Lifting his head slightly, he glanced to the other side of the wall.

A ferocious yelling had sounded out within the village, conveying a powerful rage.

"Over here!" Kazuki grinned as he called loudly. A moment later the wall behind him broke, a hammer smashing through it.

Iwao stood, his eyes filled with hatred at being deprived of his epic victory. Every muscle in his body burned with rage as he snarled towards the Demon.

The firebender laughed, looking back towards his targets. "There...I think that's far fairer. Don't you, Iwao?"

"Kill..." It was all the warrior could convey, the veins on his neck and head bulging as he readied his hammer.

The heroes of Bai-Jing stood without intimidation, Jung leaning forward as he prepared to rush. Seung entered into an earthbending stance, focusing carefully.

The firebender kicked forward, darting from wall to wall as he grinned sadistically.

Iwao roared as he advanced, his hammer swinging from side to side as he drew closer.

Jung launched forward, ready to defeat any threat to rise against Bai-Jing.

The earthbender stepped out to attack, unwilling to fail any citizen of the Earth Kingdom.
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