Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Seeing Double

Chapter 2

by jekka10 4 reviews

Theresa has a nightmare/vision and needs someone to comfort her.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-10-01 - Updated: 2006-10-01 - 1750 words

A/N: Hey, a quick chapter. Don't expect this at all. Not like me at all. Anyways, I don't own COTT and on with the chapter.

Jay and Theresa crashed through the front door, gasping for breath. Theresa had won, Jay just said it's because of her head start. She waved her hand as a sign saying 'I don't care, I still won.' It was about twenty after nine, and everyone had settled down. Neil went to have a shower, Herry hadn't moved from his armchair, and Odie was silently watching the movie on the television screen. Archie and Atlanta were on the couch, Atlanta barely interested in the movie, and Archie had his head tilted back, showing he was asleep. Jay and Theresa were welcomed with a few "heys" as they settled down on the floor, zoning into the movie. Forty minutes passed and they all started collecting themselves and heading to their individual bedrooms. Atlanta woke Archie with a jolt, he jumped up in a ready stance. Everyone giggled and said goodnight, Jay and Theresa went into the kitchen instead.

"What about this Herry look alike?" She whispered.

Jay answered calmly, "We're going to have to tell somebody, we'll tell the others tomorrow morning over breakfast, then tell Hera once classes end."

Theresa agreed and started walking to their rooms, they said goodnight to each other and opened their doors. Theresa went to her dresser and pulled out a rosy pink nightgown. She stripped herself of her day clothes and threw them in the laundry hamper with ease. Once changed, she went to her vanity and pulled her pale red hair up into a bun, then crawled into her bed. She fell asleep with the silky comforter over her body.

Jay took less care into going to bed, he pulled off his rugby shirt and jeans throwing those too into a hamper. He jumped on his bed in a pair of pajama pants, trying to get asleep. Tossing and turning he finally opened his eyes and starred at the ceiling. Three thoughts crossed his mind, first Phil. He didn't know why he was so interested in the guy. He was just a normal guy who looked like on of his best friends, right? It's just a weird situation. /The next though floated by, but it was in his mind often. Cronus. /What if Cronus saw him, what if mistaken that Phil guy for Herry. What if Cronus killed him thinking it was Herry? I'm going to have to tell Hera. The last thought stayed in his mind for a while, it was Theresa. He thought back around two hours ago, and how they held hands. /When I grabbed her hand and started running, I saw a hint of pink roll over her cheeks. I looked away quickly, wondering if the heat rising to mine was visible. I can't fall in love now though, I have to save the world, alongside her. Ah, damn it go to sleep Jay! /As his last thoughts were fading, the young descendant of the all-mighty Jason fell asleep.

Theresa started whimpering in her bed, hiding herself under her covers. Her eyelids were flickering, showing signs she was in a light sleep.

Herry picked her up and was getting ready to throw her. Trying to escape his grasp she was prying open his fingers around her slender frame. It was too late though he'd let go of her. Screaming, she crashed into a large evergreen tree. Laying limp under the tree, sprawled over the roots flickering her eyelids, telling her team mates she was still alive. They didn't know that though. Archie pulled out his retractable hephaestus whip and Atlanta stood beside him, wrist laser crossbow ready along with her jaw-trap steel bolas. Yet, they couldn't kill Herry. Or else the prophecy would be broken, but then Herry would kill us. They had to wake Herry from Cronus' powers. Odie was figuring a way to control the over-muscled boy, searching up anything on his computer. Neil was actually helping, somewhat. Throwing anything he could find at the boy. Theresa was still hurt, laying with the wind knocked out of her. Jay ran over, sitting her up in his lap. He threw Neil is Xiphos and let him fight with that. He sat her up straight, abling her to breathe easier. A screeching sound came behind them, Herrys truck. He hopped out and began to fight the duplicate. Cronus's Herry was winning, he was obviously powered up with some sort of magic Cronus gave him. Why would Cronus make a duplicate of Herry, not just a regular monster he chose? She looked at the two fighting, and her vision went blurry, a darkness surrounded her. Her sight was now black. She could still hear everyone though.

Theresa started crying, both in reality and her vision. The descendant of Theseus awoke startled. She had to tell Persephone, but first Jay. He'd comfort her, and that's what she needed right now. She ran out of bed, slipping on her carpet. Catching her fall on her doorknob she opened it, still in tears. She trembled down the hall, faced the right hand door and started pounding on it.

Tears still slipping from her eyes, she tried hiding them. No use, my eyes are puffy anyways. It'll be obvious I was crying.
"Jay...Jay..." whispers escaped her mouth.

This better not be Athena or someone. I finally got to sleep. Jay tripped over his blanket, sending him flying to the floor. Now fully awake he walked towards his door. Rubbing his eyes he unlocked it and peered down at the silent redhead, quivering under her hair. It was half up, half down from sleeping. He brought her into a warm embrace and soothed her. She was lucky he was holding her, as her knees gave and he caught her again. You need to sit. He knew she had a vision, he just knew. Oh god, what happened. She's never seemed this weak before.

"Theresa, are you okay. Explain your vision."

"I need to sit Jay. Then I'll tell you everything I can remember."

They walked into his room, she sat on his bed. He closed his bedroom door and sat next to her, turning to face this new side of Theresa. She looked back at him, fear swirled in her eyes. She began explaining.

"I was picked up by Herry, he was about to throw me.." she paused a few times, either trying to remember the mental picture or gaining her breath. "..then at the end my vision went black, I still heard everything. Then I woke up. I don't know why there were two Herry's though."

"I don't know why either," he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her notification that he was there for her, no matter what. "Just talk to Persephone tomorrow afternoon. Everything will be fine."

"I hope, and thanks Jay. It's always nice to have someone like you just across the hallway."

Jay agreed, "You're welcome, Anything for a friend."
"No, I mean it, thanks for everything. Our friendship is really important to me," Theresa smiled.

You'd have no idea. With that thought lingering in his mind she left, back into her own room. He shut the door behind her and crawled back into bed, trying to fall asleep again, but she kept crossing his mind. Damn it, she may be important to you. Really important, but there's bigger issues. Like what her vision meant. Two Herry's make no sense, couldn't he just used one of his other powerful monsters? Maybe he made clones of all of us to fight. /He gave a small chuckle at the thought of two Neils fighting away. He wondered who would win. /Blinding each other with their mirrors. He went through everyone's fight against, well themselves, until he was back at Theresa. His Theresa would kick the other's ass, no doubt about it. She has every quality the perfect girl would have to have. Let alone there were some bonuses thrown in, like her beauty. Those emerald orbs that always captivated him. When they glistened in the sun they were beautiful, except tonight, with the tears giving a layer of wetness over her eyes. It was painful to see her frightened. Then her hair, always smelling like rainforest flowers. Everything else about her too, everything. He's been jealous numerous amounts of times, so why can't he just admit the truth. /Come on, I have even been jealous of Orpheus calling her his beloved. /Sure he's had other girlfriends, but Theresa made his heart skip a beat. Everytime he saw her it's like when they had first met. They were best friends, so close to each other, but for him, not close enough. He sighed and turned over to face his wall. A blank stare into nothing started to fade, his eyelids becoming heavy. Finally he fell asleep for the second time tonight.


Theresa on the other hand, couldn't get asleep. Her nightmare kept haunting her. She walked down to the kitchen and sat on the barstool, waiting for a glass of milk to heat up in the microwave. She was desperate to go to sleep. The time on the stove flashed 12:48 am, groaning she got up from her seat and took the mug out of the microwave in her hands.She was slowly sipping from the cup and walking back towards her room, on her way flicking off the light switches with her elbow. I was always good at multi-tasking. She sat on her bed, thinking about earlier on. Jay was always there, always. Maybe we could be more than friends, you know date for a while? He wouldn't agree though, it would ruin the group dynamic towards Cronus if we ever broke up. But we wouldn't, we have to much of a bond for a break up to ruin us. One year and we're great friends, even from the first day we met. How could I not notice the bond though, everytime I look into his eyes I blush. I can always feel the heat rise into the apples of my cheeks. His chesnut orbs connect with mine too easily, I notice it too quickly. We're perfect for eachother, he's perfect, there's nothing I'd want more. She took the last sip of her warm milk and shut her eyelids. Hoping these thoughts would put her to sleep at ease.

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