Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Busted!


by ernie_the_leprechaun 7 reviews

The parents meet the Gods...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-11-08 - Updated: 2006-11-09 - 1688 words

Hera was Queen of the Gods, the wife of Zeus, and the mentor for a dangerously obsessive, yet valiant, teenage leader. She was always cool, collected, and calm. Never before had she been like this, worried and working herself into a near-frenzy. How was she to tell the heroes' parents that their children, and, come to think of it, they themselves, were the descendants of Greek Myths? That, at this very moment, their teenagers were saving the world from a deranged, immortal god, set on world domination? That the kids risked their lives on a daily basis to protect the world, in hopes of recapturing Cronus, the God of time?

How would the parents take it? These facts weren't something that you could digest instantaneously, that you heard everyday and could except. This was life changing, extraordinary, unbelievable information, and the Goddess wondered how many would try to throw her and the other Gods in a mortal jail for kidnapping. Or how many would just believe her to be insane, and rush their children to the nearest medical facility for a mental health check. Hera sank onto her small, cushioned chair and buried her face into her hands, sighing.

Why was she concerned about any of this, why would the parents be concerned of this, when the heroes were in danger at that very moment. Hera couldn't help but worry, she wouldn't be able to live with the fact that Theresa, or any of the others, were killed protecting her and her people. Tears sprung to her eyes as she thought of her evil father torturing the girl she had come to adore as much as a daughter in the time she had known her.

Hera had no time to weep, however, for at that very moment there was a knock at her door. Standing up and wiping at her eyes, she found Zeus had let himself in, and was walking towards her. She welcomed his embrace.

"Don't cry yourself sick, now," he said tenderly. "The team will save Theresa, no doubt about that. Your boy is too stubborn to ever give his girl up. Meanwhile, you must hasten. The hoeres' parents are arriving, and I would think they wish to know why they are here."

Nodding, Hera prepared herself to face the unknown, adult mortals. Adults who were not as likely to believe the impossible as children are.

"It's not impossible, dear," said Zeus softly. "We are living proof of that."


Carra Keigwin was worried. Namely, about her son, Odie. Three days previous, she had recieved a letter saying that Odie had not, as she had been informed, left to study at a school for intellect, but that he was intrusted in a nobler cause. A cause that would be explained fully when she and this Miss Hera person met. Now it was time for this meeting, and Carra was at wits end with fear.

She and her elder son, Warrick, had traveled by plane to get here, as had the Emeres. Mr. Emeres and Warrick were talking in hushed voices in the corner, looking suspicious of the whole situation. It certainly was strange, thought Carra, looking at Mrs. Emeres and her young daughter, Georgie-Anna. Like her, the Emeres had been told their son Jay was safe and sound, training at NASA of all places. Also like her, the Emeres had been told that this story was false, and that they should come here to find out the truth.

Startled, Carra looked up as the door at the end of the hall swung open, revealing the man who introduced himself as Hermes, and another group of people. They, like the ones already here, looked confuzed and surprised that this was where there children were for the past months. "Well, here you are. Maybe you all would like to get accquainted whilst I get Hera. Back in a giffy," and the curious man was off again.

He was literally back in a giffy, seconds later he had returned. "May I present to you, Hera, Queen of the-"

"That will do, Hermes," the woman called Hera interrupted. She then surveyed the group, taking note of everybody who was there. "Welcome to New Olympia High.My name is Hera, and as Hermes began to say, I am the Queen of the Gods." The whole group was holding their breath, it was so silent you could have heard a pin drop. Obviously, they thought Hera to be insane, as she had feared. She took a deep breath, and began again.

"For the passed few months, your children have not, as you thought, been on scholarships to various specialty schools. What they have been doing is so incredible, that those awards seem furtile in comparasion. What they've accomplished is so incredible, that it beats anything they could have done in those programs by tenfolds. What they have become is so great, that I fail to see how you could ever be disappointed in them." She paused, waiting for an uproar, hatred at her decitfullness, at keeping such a thing as she had described from them, but it never came. Indeed, Hera's words were being absorbed by a peaceful crowd.

"Your children," she continued after the pause, "are descendants of some of the greatest Greek heroes of all time, and at this very moment are saving the world." She examined the faces of the people around her, but all were blank in shock, except one. Mrs. Emeres, who, being Greek, had grown up with stories of the heroic deeds of the Gods and their heroes, had the sence to clarify, "That is why they are not here."

Sighing out of relief that at least one parent understood, she said, "yes, that is correct. Mr. and Mrs. Emeres," she turned fully to them. "Georgie-Anna," she added, spotting the small girl. "Jay is a descendant of the mighty Jason, a true born leader. Likewise, Jay is the leader of this team, and we could not ask for a better, because there is none."

Next she turned to Carra, saying "Mrs. Keigwin, and Warrick, how proud you must be of Odie. As the descendant of Odessyes, he is wise beyond his years, and his knowledge is a great assist to the team. Matched with his brain may only be his bravery."

An auburn-haired woman and a darked haired man were next. "Mr. and Mrs. Cadogan, your daughter Atlanta has had the speed and senses of a hunter since a very young age, and you have treasured her gifts. They are no coinscidence, passed down to her from Artemis, her anscestor."

A petite woman was towered over by her tall husband by the doorway, and Hera said to them, "Archie has always been your pride and joy, Mr. and Mrs. Ockley. With a son like him, how could he not be. His athletic skills are a great asset to our team, and his competitiveness is being put to good use. But, like his anscestor, Achilles, his only weakness is his ankle, and his heart."

"Neil's uncommonly good luck has pulled our team out of tight situations before, and will continue to do so in the future. Like Narcissis before him, he puts alot of faith in self image, but we hope to humble that, eventually," The Mansefer's smiled sheepishly at the last comment, because they knew how truthful the Goddess spoke about Neil's self image. They've had to put up with it for 17 years.

Looking at the last mortal in the room, Hera smiled. She didn't have to explain anything to Herry's grandmother, she had figured it out, then put Herry's muscles to work. "Mrs. Wallock, I know I need not explain this to you, as you found Herry's connection to Hercule's long ago."

"Oh, yes. Herry is such a good boy, looking out for his old Granny. Please," the elderly woman spoke, "call me Granny, everybody does."

Hera smiled even brighter at this, she liked Herry's Granny as much as she liked Herry. She sighed then, wishing that she could introduce Theresa's heritage to Theresa's own family. Unfortunately, no one had come for her, and Hera couldn't help thinking Cronus was right. Family-wise, the poor girl was quite alone.

"The last member of the team," she said at last, "is Theresa Barton. She is a descendant of the fighter, Theseus, and also has a sixth sense."

"There's no family here for her," said Mrs. Emeres sadly.

"The poor girl," said Granny.

"Yes, which brings me to the reason that the team is not here to greet you. Early this morning, Cronus, the God of time and the God we are fighting to recapture, broke into the residence they reside at, and took her. Now the team is trying to save her, but we have heard naught of their process so far. We do know," she added, seeing the mothers' faces, "that no mortal danger has befallen them, else we would know. Please understand, we don't want any harm to come upon your children. We would understand if you wished to bring them far away from here. But please consider, their bravery, their kindness, their skill. It was their destiny to save the world."

"Well, believe us when we say," said Mrs. Keigwin, "that my son isn't going anywhere by my forcing." A murmur of agreement ran through the room, touching Hera's heart.

"But," said Mrs. Ockley, "if there were anyway, any possible way at all, we would, could we-" Her voice began to quiver, so Mr. Cadogan said, "we would like to see our children."

Out of nowhere, a woman with long blond hair and pale skin appeared in the room, a wall sized mirror in her arms. "You can," she gasped, as though having just run a mile, "I have enchanted the mirror, so that we can watch the team's process, and Theresa's being."

Following Persephone inside, came Hermes, Ares, Artemis, Apollo, Hercules, Hermes, Aproicate, Hades, Zeus, and any other God who happened to be there at the time. After hasty introductions, mortal and immortal alike gathered to watch the heroes through the enchanted glass.

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