Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Busted!


by ernie_the_leprechaun 4 reviews

What's happening to Theresa while the team desperately tries to find her.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-12 - Updated: 2006-11-12 - 912 words

Her head was pounding, thumping into the sides of her skull painfully. Groggily, she hoped it would stop, and vaguely tried to remember why she ached so. Then the horrible truth hit her, almost more powerfully than the throbbing in her head. She had to escape Cronus, and attemped to rise from the cold stone she lay upon. She groaned and fell back in pain, bruises covered her body, and were laced with fresh cuts.

"I wouldn't move if I were you, Theresa. Pain is only fun to witness when you are causing it. Besides, Jay wouldn't want you to die, now would he?" Cronus' heartness laugh made Theresa freeze in fear. Hurt as she was, she was at his mercy until the others could save her. If they could save her, she thought in her panic. If not, she was likely to be murdered by Cronus, but not before being tortured beyond belief.

Cronus laughed again, and said, "You're a bright one, aren't you, pointing out the obvious. Of course I'm going to torture you." Here he strod over to where she lay, and kicked her stomach, hard. "After all the defeats I have suffered at you and your friends' hands, I will enjoy every one of your cries to a grand extent. They will be much more enjoyable then your father's, that I can assure you."

Theresa cried out as she was kicked again, but not because of the fiery pain now shooting through her frame. She cried out for the father she had again lost, and not been able to save. The father that had hardly spoken to her in three long years, starting when her mother and olden brother were killed in a car accident. The father she had missed terribly, and now shall live with the guilt that she was the reason he was dead.

Cronus interrupted her miserable thoughts. "Agnon, take the girl, and bind her in the lower caves. I will be there in a moment. Be sure not to gag her, I want to her her screams." The giant obliged, and grabbed the girl roughly, making her sore body shake in protest. When she was gone, Cronus crossed the room to stare into her enchanted pond.

"Let's see how young Jay is taking his girlfriend's disappearance," and he waved a hand over the water. Expecting to see a broken team grouped at their high school, perhaps with crushed Gods at their side, his eyes narrowed as he saw the group in a forest somewhere. Jay seemed hardly worried, much more determined, presumably to find his red haired prisoner.

Cronus, not daring to believe that they thought her still breathing, decided to see how the Gods were reacting. The scene that appeared at his hand's wave surprised him more than the previous one. All the Gods he had known to be assisting the heroes were gathered around a small mirror of Persephone's, watching the progress of the mortals. With them, he assumed, were the parents of these mortals, and had probably just learned of their children's unique lives. He surveyed the group, quickly assigning a teen to what he thought were their parents, and was pleased to see that no one was there for his little hostage. His note was more accurate than he had thought, she really only had her friends now.

Still, he reasoned, the group of parents may be very sympathetic of the simpleton. Maybe he should put on a little show, to amuse them. He again waved his hand over the pool, and muttered "Mnopeite va ookiuaoete navi."

Instantly, the image in the Goddess' mirror changed, replacing the six remaining tennagers with a battered and bound Theresa, currently in his cave. He heard a collective gasp as the saw her bloodied form, and Cronus smiled. He intented to give them more to view than her lying there passively. Waving his hand over the pond for the last time, he more sure it was blank before turning toward his captives' location.


So that's what the note had meant, thought Hera grimmly, as she watched in horror the scene now in the mirror. Theresa was baddly hurt, but alive, and Hera vowed that she would stay that way. Soon, she would be back with Jay, and never feel alone again.

Persephone was now crying into Hades' arm in the corner, blaming herself for what had happened to Theresa. Hera knew that many of the Immortals in the room must have felt the same way, and now hoped more than anything for the safe return of the fighter.

"No wonder the poor girl has no one to come for her," Mrs. Keigwin said faintly, as though she would collapse at any minute.

"Yeah, what a creep!" Called Georgie-Anna from the back, where her mother was trying to block the sight from her, to no avail.

"What can we do to help our children?" Mr. Emeres asked the room at large.

"Naught, except hope," said Hera. The room became quiet as each parent regarded the others in the room. They obviously hated the helplessness that faced them.

For those who were wondering, I added the part about Theresa's father. Originally I had made him a heartless pig, but this seemed more cruel (sorry!)

I tried to find the Greek translation for 'See now what you wish not see,' and I came up with 'Mnopeite va ookiauoete navi,' with accents. I apologise if that isn't correct.

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