Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Let's all go CRAZY!

What started it all...

by Pink_Pixie_Jamie 6 reviews

For some strange reason the titans all begin to go insane! Read on as some one shaves off Neil's hair during the night and as someone throughs Archie into a pool. And last but not least the secret ...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-12 - Updated: 2006-11-12 - 396 words

Every morinig all 7 of the titans would wake up and get ready for school (except for on weekends of course) but today...was different. Each and every person in those dorms began to feel funny. As if they had taken a bunch of pep pills... As they all walked into the living room the feeling got stronger untill..."AHHHHH! Oh my god! You guys! I feel so awesomly awesome today! AHHH!!!" Atlanta screamed. "I know eh?!" Odie replied in an equaly loud voice. "Me too, don't you just feel like going crazy!?" Archie asked "Of course, DUH!" Neil replied, picking up a priceless vase and smashing it onto the floor, where it shattered into peices. "Whoa! Neil!" Jay exclaimed, "Why didn't I think of that!?" The gang then began totally demolishing the room untill Herry picked up the TV and smashed it over Theresa's head. "God Herry! What the hell is your problem!!!" She yelled. The Theresa ran to the kitchen where she brought out a huge butcher knife and threw it across the room, hoping it would hit Herry...guess what, it didn't. Seeing the knife everyone ducked and it went flying through, might I add, the CLOSED window. Breaking it into little tiny peices. "Awesomeness!" Neil cried. "Lets light something on fire!" He then added. "Cool..." the rest agreed. The gang gathered up all the lighters that they could find in the dorms, and for some strange reason, Archie had found a blow torch... "Okay, on the count of three we all light something flamable." Odie declared. "1...2...wait for it...wait for it...3!!!" he then shouted. And soon enough as you could guess, there was like an extreme inferno in the living room! Everyone sat there as there eyes gleamed in the light of a schorching inferno. But soon enough the fire got SO big, they had to evacuate the dorms. "AHHH! Let's get out of here befor it reaches the propaine tank!" Jay schreeched. "Yeah!" Atlanta agreed. The titans all dashed out of the house, down the street, into a alley way untill... "KABOOOOOMMMM!!!" There was suddenly a MONSTEROUS explosion. "That was SO gangster..." Neil announced. Eveyone agreed and they all began to walk to the metro station, so that the could get to the center of town, where they could really cause some havoc!

MOO HA HA! Aren't I evil? Please reveiw!
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