Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Let's all go CRAZY!

Demolished(TO THE EXTREME!!!)

by Pink_Pixie_Jamie 3 reviews

All 7 of the titans begin to get even more of an urge to DESTROY! Moo ha ha ha! yeah...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-14 - Updated: 2006-11-14 - 450 words

Answering your questions: Have you ever had one of those days? Well that's why they're going crazy...and there's also the fact that they just plain feel like it...or the fact that they're on crack. LOL

On with the story... Running as fast as they could to the metro station the titans came across some hobos (or as I call them:Rubby Bums...don't ask). "Hello!" Theresa shouted, still bleeding from getting a TV dropped on her. "Uh..." The rubby bum murmered. "Here take my money! TAKE ALL MY MONEY!" Neil screamed. He dropped a total of 100$ in the rubby bum's hand and about 5 credit cards. "Holly flip man! Coolness!" The rubby said, giving Neil a high five. "I wanna high five too!" Odie shouted like a little kid. Soon enough eveyone had given the bum's ALL of their money and didn't know how they would ever be abel to get tickets for the metro. "Ok, so everyone's got the plan. We like totally attack the guy with our weapons and grab all his tickets okay?" Jay explained. "Yeah we got it now shut up and get moving!" Atlanta demanded. "Hey, don't you sass me!" Jay yelled in anger pulling out his sword. "Don't you pull out your sord on me!" Atlanta said, taking out her bollas. "You're doing the same thing so don't compailn you retard!" Jay dissed. "I can do whatever I want!" Atlanta continued. Jay then lifted his sword, and with out any thought at all, chopped off Atlanta's arm. "AHHHHHH!!!WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!" Atlanta shreiked at the top of her lungs. Blood splatered every where as the rest laughed their heads off. "Chill out Atlanta you have another arm." Herry giggled. Jay dropped his sword and fell to the floor, exploding with laughter. "Oh my god! That was priceless!" He laughed histericly. Atlanta began to laugh for some reason. "Yeah I guess it was pretty funny." She smilled, as she began to lose more and more blood. "Here put this on your arm thing... what ever it is." Archie declared, offering Atlanta a cloth. Atlanta then picked up her arm and shot it out the window, where it smacked a woman in the face. "Lets go guys." she laughed once more. They then walked over to the ticket man and attacked him with all their might. "Here take the tickets, just don't hurt me!" he paniced. "Ok fine..." Jay sighed as if he was missing out on all the fun, he then kicked the man one last time and they walked away with ALL the tickets.

Hope you like it, they're gonna like totally go insane on the metro! HA HA HA!
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