Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > All Alone


by cassandra 2 reviews

My Christmas present to all of you guys. An update. Lol.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-12-25 - Updated: 2006-12-26 - 986 words

Once her eyes adjusted to the light, she began to walk down the street. It was noisy, cars kept on zipping by Delilah. The road was very busy, she figured it must have been rush hour or something.

She looked above all the vehicles and saw a park on the other side of the road. She thought that that would be a nice place to clear her head.

Delilah looked for a place to cross. She saw a crosswalk at the end of the street. She walked over to it and waited for a light to change. She leaned against a pole, she knew it was going to take awhile for the light to change. The light for walking turned red right when she had got there.

For a moment she closed her eyes, but she opened them when she felt like someone was staring at her. She was right. "Sorry." The man that was looking at her turned away, but then he turned back and looked at her.

"Hello." Delilah waved at the man.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you looked oddly familiar. Maybe I've seen you at work. I'm a reporter."

"No, you must be mistaken."

"I'm sure I've seen you before. Maybe if you tell me your name I'll remember."

The light changed. They both started to walk across the road. When they were almost on the other side Delilah said, "Delilah. My name is Delilah."

"Oh." Delilah could tell that it didn't help him at all. She didn't think it would, but if she had told him her last name, he probably would have figured it out. Once they reached the other side they went their separate ways. Delilah walked into the park while the man went left, along the busy street. He gasped as he turned around. She was gone. He turned back around and continued to walk along the road. "Delilah Devonshire. I met the great Delilah." That man would have a smile on his face for the rest of the day.

Delilah walked along the cement path. She looked around and saw that the park was very popular. She saw couples holding hands, many happy families having picnics, and there were many people walking their pets.

Delilah shoved her hands in her pockets and looked down as she walked. Now a days everything made her feel crummy. She saw a rock and kicked it, hard. She heard a yelp and looked up to see that the rock she kicked had hit a little dog. "Oh my god, I am so sorry."

The dog's owner was a girl. She leaned down to pet her little puppy. "It's okay. He's fine. It'll take a lot more to hurt this little fellow." The girl looked at Delilah and could tell that she still felt bad for what she had did. "You can pet him."

"I rather not."

"Come on. Look at him, he wants his belly rubbed."

Delilah looked at the. He had rolled over onto his back. He looked so cute, she couldn't say no. "Fine." She knelt down and rubbed the little guys belly. His back legs began to kick. He looked so adorably.

"You see, he's already forgotten about the whole rock thing."

"Yeah your right. What's his name?"


"Are you serious?"

"Yeah I am. I get that all the time. My parents thought I was so cruel to give him that name."

"I think it's very... original."

"Yeah. It is. Like who would name their dog, Kitty. Well, besides me."

A familiar voice caught Delilah's ears. She looked up. "No way."

"Excuse me?"

"I have to go." Delilah stood up, but kept her eyes on her target.

"Okay. Well it was nice to meet you."

"Yeah you too."

Delilah saw a nice big tree, that was close enough to her target so she could hear them. She bent down and slowly made her way to the tree. She made sure that he didn't see her. She leaned her back against the tree and listened to their conversation.

"She's smart, so I'm going to speed the process up."

"Do what you have to." The man lit up a smoke. Delilah could tell because she heard the lighter and she could smell the smoke. Delilah gagged once she smelt the smoke she was lucky she didn't cough. Smokers always disgusted her. After having a drag the man continued. "You've never lost one before, don't make this case be any different."

"I won't." Delilah gasped as she finally realized that she had to get away from here.

Delilah stood up, but still leaned against the tree. She heard a single pair of footsteps walk away. She hoped it was the man she knew. She took a deep breath in, but along with the air, smoke also went into her lungs. This time she wasn't so lucky. She tried to hold it in but she couldn't help it. She coughed and the man still there heard her and of course it was the man that she hoped had left. She shouldn't have known not to get her hopes up.

The man looked behind the tree. "Delilah."

"Oh hi Kevin." Kevin looked nervous.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed some fresh air."

"Did you hear me talking to that man?"

"What man." Apparently Kevin bought her little act. He seemed to relax. "Aren't you suppose to be at work?"

At first Kevin was caught off guard. Then he said, "Yeah, but a water pipe broke, so they had to evacuate the first floor. Come on lets go home."

"I rather stay here for a little bit. You can go, I'll be their soon."

"No you can come back with me. The airs not that great. People smoke out here." Kevin put his arm around Delilah's shoulder and practically pushed her back to his apartment.

Maybe Kevin didn't buy Delilah's little act.
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