Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Last man standing

Attack of the zombies!

by kool_kat 4 reviews

Something very strange is happening to everyone this next chapter will expalin everything!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-12-28 - Updated: 2006-12-29 - 376 words

Neil felt cramped in the house, he went out for a moonlight stroll.As he was walking , Neil felt that the ground was shaking. He turned back and saw a big crack on the asphalt.The hole was bigger and bigger!He walked away a little.There were hands and faces getting out of the cratere!Neil freaked!!But he stayed to watch at his own risk.Finally the cratere was like a huge neverending hole in front of him and there were zombies crawling out of it!

There hundreds of zombies and they were all after Neil cuz he was the last amongst all humans! Poor Neil was so terrified that he just stood there, he couldnt move anymore!It was like the fear paralysed him!The zombies were getting closer and closer to Neil!By surprise , he saw all of his friend's faces(the Titans) in the zombies and the the gods were turned into them too.Neil ,shocked, didnt know what to do!So he ran and ran far.His heart was crushed when he saw all his friends zombified!Neil stopped for a second and looked at his watch.It was only 2:30 in the morning and the only thing that stops zombies is....SUNLIGHT!!!He sat down for a 5 minute break but he was so exhausted that he fell asleep in place.

Neil fell in deep sleep.He started dreaming...dreaming of how to save his friends and become a hero!(like he always wanted to)!The dream stopped when a strange noise woke Neil up.He looked again at his watch.It was 7:30 and the sun was shinning!!!Neil was so relieved that he was safe now.As he was getting up , he heard very weird voices behind him.He turned around and saw the pack of zombies still walking and calling his name.

"NEIL!NEIL!" they screamed.

Neil didnt know what to do anymore.If he ran the zombies would still follow him.The only hope that he had was the sunlight and that didnt work either!!!He was so confused and terrified that he didnt know where to go or what to do anymore...

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