Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Am Patrick Stump's Twin

Chapter Six

by bandgeekfreak 2 reviews

Look who's coming to dinner...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-29 - Updated: 2006-12-30 - 714 words - Complete

It was a widely known fact that when Billie's mom or step dad didn't know where their son was, the first place they would check would be the Stump residence. That's where Billie was tonight.

Malerie and her boyfriend were trying to share the basement with Patrick and, to some extent, his own boyfriend, when their mom came down.

"Hey kids, supper's almost ready," she exclaimed. Noticing Billie and Pete, she asked, "Are Billie and Pete staying for dinner?"

Pete grinned a charming grin. "I would love to, Mrs. Stump."

Malerie rolled her eyes as her mother asked her, "How about my other son?"

"You wanna stay for dinner, Bilhelm?" Malerie asked.

Billie shrugged. "I don't know. What are you having?"

"Hamburger Helper."

"Sure," he replied, aware that he probably wouldn't get any food at his own house any way.

Mama Stump gave her two children the "mom" look, "Will you two help me set the table?"

"Sure," they both mumbled.

"No. I'll do it, Mrs. Stump," Pete volunteered.

"Really?" Malerie asked. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all.

"Pete, we don't make our guests do chores," Mom replied.


"Now, if my adopted son would like to help. I'm okay with that," Mrs. Stump pointed out, smiling at Billie.

Billie grinned back, showing off his crooked teeth. "I would love to watch Malerie set the table."

Malerie punched him.

"Ow," Billie admitted. "I was kidding!"

Malerie shook her head and headed up stairs while Billie, Pete and her twin followed. She grabbed a stack of plates and gave some to Billie. While Patrick gave some cups to Pete and took some silver wear.

"So," Billie asked, following Malerie around the table. "You ask your mom yet?"

"Ask her about what?"

"This summer."

"Um, no."

"Why not?"

"I can't find a good time."

"What are you two talking about?" Pete interrupted.

"Mind your own business!" Malerie and Billie snapped.

"Just ignore them Pete," Patrick mumbled.

"Why? It sounds gossip worthy," he admitted.

Patrick held his hands out helplessly, "I don't know. They're talking about Oakland. Drop it, okay?"

"Oakland? As in Oakland California?"

"Shut up Pete," Malerie replied with a frown. She gave Billie a look. "I don't know if I'm going to go. That's why I don't want to ask my mom yet."

"Ask me what?" their mom asked coming in with a pan of Hamburger Helper.

"Uh," Malerie muttered.

Patrick nodded at her. "Just tell her Mal."

"Billie wants me to move to Oakland," she muttered again.

"What Honey? I couldn't hear you," her mom replied, putting the hot dish down.

Malerie sighed. "Billie wants me to move to Oakland with him this summer, and I'm considering it."

Her mom's mouth dropped open as Pete grabbed her and led her to a chair so she could sit down slowly. "Okay," she finally said, "Do we have to talk about this right this second?"

Malerie shook her head as she stared at the floor. "No."

"Well, let's eat supper first," she admitted, standing up and starting to dish up their food. "Patrick, will you get your brother?"

Patrick didn't have to say anything as he went to the bottom of the stairs. "Zeb! Dinner!"

Zebidiah came down, a look of anger on his face, "Where's your weird Jewish friend?"

Patrick knitted his eyebrows. "Joe?"


Patrick answered slowly, a little confused, "At... home?"

"Well, that son of a..."

"Zeb," Patrick interrupted sternly.

"He lied to me! Jesse wasn't 'feeling out the area'! He was cheating on me! He isn't even gay!" he explained rather loudly.

"What?" Malerie, Mom and Pete exclaimed from the dinning room.

Zebidiah pushed past Patrick, sat down in his usual place at the table and put his head in his arms. "I saw him kissing Hilary during recess," he mumbled.

"Ah, that sucks," Pete sympathized.

"Oh Honey. Are you alright?" his mom asked, giving him a hug.

Malerie frowned. "Was that what you wanted to talk to me about last week?"

"I didn't like Jesse that much anyway," Billie said, giving Zebidiah a reassuring grin.

Zebidiah sniffed. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

Mrs. Stump gave her youngest son a kiss on the cheek, "Okay Baby," and finished serving so they could finish their dinner.
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