Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > !All Girls Slumber Party!

Step 2: Attitude

by Sk8terGirl 7 reviews

Since Brittney and her friends are mean, they have to show Theresa the right attitude.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-02-16 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 576 words

They yellow convertible was zooming fast, as the wind in the girls hair was making their hair whorl around them. About 10 minutes they arrived at Brittney's house. It seemed more like a mansion. When they went inside, they gave Theresa the grand tour. The house had a golf course, a tennis court, 3 swimming pools, one was inside the other two were outside, and a stable with 10 racing horses. Even though Theresa was rich too, Brittney's house made hers look like ones that a hillbilly would live in. After the tour they all ran up to Brittney's room and boy was it big.

"Okay, Theresa in order to hang out with us, image is everything" Brittney explained.
"Ya, and also it helps with the people you hang around with" Brooke added.
"Exactly" Ginger exclaimed.
"So what's with Jay" Brittney asked.
"What do you mean?" Theresa questioned.
"I mean he is a total loser, like Archie, Atlanta, Odie and Herry" Brittney said which sounded so mean.
"So Neil's not a loser in your books?" Theresa questioned again.
"Neil is socially acceptable" Carly said.
"Yes, he is hot" Ginger said.
"Anyway, lose the losers and from now on hang with us, and when they are around you at school, either ditch them or be mean to them" Brittney said.
"But there my friends" Theresa exclaimed.
"We are your friends now" Brooke said.
"Well its getting late, Ill have my driver drive you home, Terri, good-night" Brittney said.

As Theresa got home that night she was confused. She had to pick her true friends, or the popular ones she just made. She knew it was a hard decision, but she knew she had to stick with the popular ones. When she opened the door to the Brownstone, she quietly went upstairs, not wanting anyone to know she is home. When she opened her door to her room, all of the titans were there.

"Theresa, where were you, we were starting to get worried" Atlanta exclaimed.

Atlanta was going in for a hug, with her best friend in the world, but Theresa pushed her away. Now, Atlanta was the confused one.

"Terri, what's wrong" Atlanta said a bit hurt and confused.
"Nothing" Theresa said coldly.
After a sudden of gratitude that Theresa was safe, everyone realized that she looked totally different from when she left school today.
"Hey, love the look" Neil said.
"Thanks" She said happily to Neil.
"Uhh, Theresa did you pierce your bell button? Jay questioned a bit upset that she did.
"Yes, so what your problem with it" She said hurtfully to Jay.
"Umm nothing it's been a long day... we should go to sleep" Jay said as he left.
"By the way drama queen, you look worst now they you did before" Archie remarked.
"At least I don't have a purple mullet, that no girl would be attracted too" Theresa said meanly.

Archie looked hurt at the comment. He knew that they did not like each other very much, but Theresa was nice, and she could take his sly remarks. But he left the room quietly without saying another word. Atlanta seemed also hurt by the remark too, and after when Archie left, she followed. After that everyone else left too. But Theresa called out Neil's name.

"Hey Neil!" She said beaming.
"What" he replied as he looked back.
"Wanna go shopping tomorrow?" Theresa asked.
"Sure" He said the left.

After that Theresa went to bed.
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