Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Sibling Rivalry


by Lady-Amaya 0 reviews

After a terrible accident, theresa gets into a fight with her dad and refuses to come home for christmas. So Jay decides to ivite her to his house. Theresa gets along with the family good. But afte...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-02-17 - Updated: 2007-02-18 - 1263 words

Chapter three: Apologies

Jay said nothing. When he and his friends entered the emergency room, Jay completely forgot about the rest of the world and focused all of his attention on Theresa. He just sat back in his chair beside Theresa's bed and held her hand more tightly, gripping to her like a life line.

The doctor started to run through a list of rules Theresa would have to obey once she got out of the hospital. Every here and there he added in a phrase or two, but still the list kept on going on and on. But Jay was hardly paying attention; a few times the doctor stopped and looked at Jay curiously wondering if he was actually paying attention. But Jay just nodded his head and motion for the doctor to continue.

And that was all he did. He could not, would not take his eyes of Theresa. Her usually rosy cheeks were now pale and wrinkled. And her sparkling emerald eyes were now squeezed shut tight from the pain. And ever few seconds her skin would get paler and paler.

No one except Jay could bear to look at her. Atlanta was in tears again and she was burying her face in Archie's shirt. Archie was burying his face in her hair, whispering words of comfort into her ears, tears also streaking down his cheeks. Odie was on the other side of Theresa's bed. He was shaking all over and holding Theresa's other hand and gripping it tightly. Neil at first had just stared at her but after half a minute he finally gave in and started puking in the garbage can next to the door. And Herry was gripping on to the edge of the table next to Theresa so hard that splinters of wood were falling down onto the floor.

As all of this was happening Jay said nothing, did nothing, only crying and crying more violently when Theresa started to whimper in her sleep. So finally when the doctor was finished his rambling, a nurse bustled in and told the six teens that they were closing for the night, that they would have to leave Theresa here and come back in the morning. This caused all of them to start yelling, refusing to leave their friend behind, begging to let them stay with her. But the doctors would not allow it, they knew that they all needed their rest, and they would only sulk if they were in the same room as her. They promised them that Theresa was in good hands and would be able to come home with them soon, but this did not make them sleep any easier. To all of them, soon was just not happening fast enough.

So for the whole night the team worried, and for the whole night Jay replayed the horrible scene over and over again in his mind. Looking at every step he took, evaluating every move he made. What he should have done. Thinking to himself, what have I done wrong? Why did this have to happen to her? Tears sprang into his eyes every time he thought about the accident. He never slept that night, not that he had actually expected to. And as soon as the hospital opened to visitors at 5:00 in the morning, Jay was there once again holding on to Theresa's hand tightly.

A couple of hours later, the rest of the team had come by too. But still they said nothing, they were still too afraid of Jay to speak to him. They were as sad as ever, and Jay could tell that by the looks on their faces that none of them had gotten any sleep that night. They still said nothing to Jay as Herry gave Jay a beautiful vase of delicate lilies, (Theresa's favorite flower) to place on Theresa's side table. No one still said anything to Jay or each other as Theresa started tossing and turning and moaning from pain causing everyone's heart to skip a beat.

They just sat there. Just waited. Hoping, praying, that Theresa would make it through all right. Soon then they thought lunch time had arrived, and much reluctantly, Neil, Atlanta, and Odie went to get some food. Herry would have also gone with them if he was not sleeping in a chair, making the walls vibrate with his loud snores. So only Archie and Jay were left there with Theresa. No one said a word. No one made a sound. Only the sound of Herry's snores and Theresa's soft sighs and breathes were heard.

Finally Archie spoke. "I am sorry Jay." He simply said not looking him in the eyes. "I am truly, truly, sorry."

Jay let out a large exhale of breath. "Why my friend are you apologizing?" He asked not looking at Archie either.

Archie sighed and looked up at Jay again.

"For what I said to you in the alley, how you were like Cronus, and how you just want to see Theresa suffer. You know that it is not true, and you probably know that I did not mean it either. But I also know that it probably had a BIG impact on you. But you see I was just so, so..."

"You do not have to say anything else my friend," Jay said looking up and smiling at him. "Apology accepted. Besides, it did not have that big of an impact on me."

But that was fully a lie. For the whole night, Jay had not stopped thinking about what Archie said. I am not like Cronus, I am NOT like Cronus! He would tell himself or me like Cronus? No, that can't be it, I am not like that Bastard! So for the full night he had not stopped thinking about him, and his words.

Jay looked back at Archie and saw that he was squeezing Theresa's hand tightly, almost as tightly as Jay himself was holding her hand. He was just staring at her face, and tears were colliding down his cheeks.

"I feel really bad you know." Archie said still having his eyes glued to Theresa's face. Jay looked at him oddly.
"I been thinking lately, about everything I have done to her. And everything she has done for me, yet I only mock her. How I kept on saying things like 'Drama Queen' and 'Paranoid'. And how she never called me names back in defense. Or never fought back when we argued. About all the horrible things I must have done to her. And all the good things she has done for me. It really has me thinking."

Jay said nothing. He honestly hated Archie whenever he would do something like that to her. Mocking her, tearing her down. It always reminded him about the bullies in his old elementary school. Yet whenever he saw him doing something like that, he could always tell that he did not mean it. This mater always confused him so he tried to ignore the subject. But almost all the groups' conversations ended or started in that matter.

Archie sighed again and looked at Jay with hope in his eyes.

"Do you think she will forgive me?" He asked him quietly.

Jay smiled, "Knowing Theresa, she easily will.

Suddenly Jay felt something shift under the weight of his hand. Jay looked down, it was Theresa. She started groaning a little and then sighing. Then Jay saw her eyes open the slightest amount they could.
"Did someone call?" She whispered and smiled at

the pairs shocked faces.
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