Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Original Heroes

Meeting Palmer and Girlfight

by DJessie 0 reviews

THANK YOU GreenNoseRing for letting me put this up here. I just love this stor so much I HAD to put it up here!! Thanks again! Based on the original characters for COTT.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 1170 words

Jay stumbled into his last class (Biology) feeling slightly dizzy. He couldn't stop thinking about that girl, and it was annoying the heck outta him! She was so pretty, with her long hair and beautiful blue eyes.....

'Stop!' he thought angrily to himself, 'Atlanta and he others OBVIOUSLY don't like her, she hangs out with Hilda! Why mess up a new friendship over one stupid girl!'

Just then, a silhouette stood in the classroom doorway, and in walked... her!

Oh, shit.

The girl looked confused as she walked around, looking for a seat. Finally, she noticed the free one next to Jay and walked to it.

"Would you mind if I sat here?" she asked.

"No, not at all," Jay said, pulling open the chair.

"Thanks," the girl smiled, putting her books down and slumping into the seat.

She looked over to Jay and cocked her head to the side.

"Hey," she said, "Aren't you that guy I saw this morning?"

"Um, well, it's-ah..." Jay stuttered, "I mean, yeah. It was me."

"Cool," the girl said, "Sorry about Hilda. She can be a bit of a bee-otch sometimes. I seriously don't know what's going on with Atlanta and I seriously don't know if I want to know. I think it has something to do with this thing that happened when we were in, like, sixth-grade.... Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm Palmer."

"Palmer?" Jay asked, chuckling slightly.

"It means 'Peacemaker'," Palmer explained, "I didn't do a very good job of showing it this morning, though."

Jay laughed, leaning back in his chair, put turning back when he realized that she was waiting for his name. "I'm Jay."

"Jay," Palmer echoed, "Nice name? You descended from Jason or something?"

Jay stared at her. "How did you know?"

"I was just guessing, I swear," Palmer laughed.

"Okay," Jay said, "So who are you descended from?"

"Perseus," Palmer replied.

"Perseus? That's so cool!" Jay exclaimed, "That means you're descended from Zeus also, right?"

"With about half the population at this school," Palmer giggled, "You must be new!"

"You don't know the half of it," Jay muttered.

"Jay!" a voice shouted from the other side of the classroom, "I didn't know you were in our Bio class! Get over here!"

Jay looked up and saw Odie and Neil, waving at him wildly.

"Um, my friends are calling me," Jay told Palmer, "Do you mind if I...."

"It's fine," Palmer told him.

Jay smiled gratefully and went over to the empty seat next to Odie.


"Dude, you haven't even be here a whole day and already you're chatting up Palmer Ridgley!" Neil exclaimed, sounding impressed.

"What?" Jay asked, "She a big deal around here or something?"

"Oh, yeah," Odie said, "I'd probably be nuts over her myself it I wasn't..."

"Already totally nuts over Persephone?" Neil chuckled.

"Shut up!" Odie whispered, slapping his friend on the arm.

"Owwww!" Neil whined, "Whoops. Speak of the devil."

Jay's eyes traced to where Neil was looking at and saw that a very attractive woman with a sheet of silvery-blonde hair and pale skin had just entered the room.

"Settle down, boys," she warned Odie and Neil.

"Yes ma'am," the two boys said together.

"Odie lives in the Underworld with Hades and Persephone and he is totally in love with her!" Neil explained to Jay.

"Shut up!" Odie said again.

"Odie," Persephone said calmly, "Do you have something you want to say to the class?"

"No, Ms. Persephone," Odie muttered, sliding slowly down into his seat.

"Odie and Persephone, sitting in a tree," Neil giggled, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"What are you, five!" Odie yelled.

"Odie!" Persephone snapped, "I'm surprised at you! Once more and maybe a little time spent after class will teach you to pay a bit more respect to me and your fellow students!"

Odie turned bright red and slid further into his seat.


Atlanta, as it turned out, wasn't having a better time than Odie.

It was gym, a subject she usually liked, since she was in a co-ed class with Trent and Archie, but today was different. Today she found out that Hilda had been transferred into the class.

"Alright, kids," Artemis told them, pacing along the bleachers, "Today we'll be practicing battle exercises. We'll need a couple people to show us an example of typical fighting skills. Any volunteers?"

No one raised their hand.

"Okay, looks like I'll have to pick," Artemis told them, "Let's see..."

Artemis scanned the rows.

"Hilda," Artemis selected. Hilda looked up from her giggling girlfriends and pouted.

"And..." Artemis exclaimed, her eyes still searching.

'Not me! Not me!' Atlanta begged silently, crossing her fingers.


Archie and Trent burst out laughing. Atlanta groaned and got up.

"Have fun," Trent smiled, patting Atlanta's back.

Atlanta trotted down the steps and into the center of the gym's track, where Hilda was already standing.

"Get ready," Artemis instructed them.

"You're going down, bitch," Hilda whispered.

"In your dreams," Atlanta snorted.

"You don't have your little man slut of a boyfriend here to defend you," Hilda told her, "He's over in the bleachers, sitting with your other guy whore!" Hilda hissed.

"Shut your mouth right now," Atlanta told her.

"Or what? You'll tell your daddy?" Hilda asked, pretending to look scared, "Oh, that's right, you don't have a daddy!"

"GO!" Artemis shouted.

Atlanta let out a scream of rage and slapped Hilda across the face.

"You little bitch!" Hilda shrieked, punching her in the stomach.

Atlanta replied by stamping her foot.

Hilda screamed again and charged into Atlanta's chest. Before long they were both on the floor, trying to get a punch at each other.


"I don't know, it feels pretty good to me!" Atlanta screamed, hitting Hilda in the nose.

By then, a group of people had gathered around. Most of the boys were cheering, while the girls looked scared.



Atlanta could feel her running bra edging up her stomach, and the boys started cheering louder.

"ATLANTA! STOP!" Trent shouted.


"Not gonna happen, guys!" Atlanta shrieked.

Trent and Archie ran over to the two girls, each of them wrapping their arms around one of the girl's stomachs and lifting her off the other.

"LET ME GO!" Hilda screamed at Archie.

"Don't think so!" Archie told her.

Atlanta was screaming loudly and trying to get out of Trent's grasp.

"I'm VERY disappointed in both of you!" Artemis told the feuding girls, "Report to Ms. Hera's office immediately!"

Atlanta whispered a few cusses under her breath and walked out the door, Hilda following close behind.

"This is not a good day for Atlanta, is it?" Trent asked Archie.

"Nope," Archie replied.
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