Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Original Heroes

Chaos 101 Part II

by DJessie 0 reviews

THANK YOU GreenNoseRing for letting me put this up here. I just love this stor so much I HAD to put it up here!! Thanks again! Based on the original characters for COTT.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 823 words

"Are we there yet?" Neil whined.

"NO!" everyone yelled at him.

"Fine, be that way," Neil frowned, folding his arms over his chest.

Trent had teamed up with Hermes and they had FINALLY been able to pinpoint Cronus and the Typhoeus's location. But now the team was completely lost, even though none of them was going to admit it.

Suddenly, the engine of Herry's truck sputtered and the car stopped completely.

"Oh, shit," Jay said.

"This could be a problem," Odie sighed.

"Well, c'mon, then!" Archie told them, getting out of the truck.

"What?" Trent asked.

"Two of us can stay here and fix the truck, and the rest can go and defeat the Typhoeus," Archie answered, flatly.

"Then we better get started," Atlanta said, jumping beside Archie.

Trent, Herry, and Jay were going with them, Neil and Odie were staying.

"Bring us back a souvenir!" Neil called to his friends as they disappeared into the night.


"So how long have you guys been friends for?" Jay asked, trying to break the awkward silence between the group that had been going on for the last half-hour.

"For as long as I can remember," Atlanta told him, "We went to the same playgroup together, and on the first day, Odie got picked on by a bully, we all stood up for him, and we've been friends ever since."

"But sometimes being friends with Neil isn't necessarily a good thing," Archie said.

"Yeah!" Herry laughed, "Remember that one time in grade eight when the guys were supposed to dress up as girls for Spirit Day, and Neil got totally into it, wearing a min-skirt and high heels and everything, but on the wrong day!"

"Oh my God," Archie said, slapping a hand to his forehead, "I recall that vividly."

"Didn't Lance Taylor try to hit on him?" Trent asked.

Jay laughed so hard he couldn't see straight.

"And remember that time we saw 'Tarzan' and the renewal theater last year?" Atlanta asked.

"Yeah, and Trent cried?" Archie remembered.

"I did not!" Trent snapped.

"Yes, you did!" Archie laughed, "I looked over to ask for more popcorn and you had your eyes were watering!"

"I wasn't talking about the movie," Atlanta told them, "I was talking when we camped out on my trampoline after."

"And got totally sick from eating so many Snickers bars!" Herry groaned.

"No, besides that," Atlanta said, "How we just lay out there, looking at the sky and singing "You'll Be in My Heart'."

"Oh yeah," Trent remembered.

There were a few more silent minutes before Atlanta started to sing quietly.

"Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hand, hold it tight."

Trent joined in.

"I will protect you from all around you, I will be here, don't you cry."

"For one so small, you seem so strong," Herry whispered, "My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm."

Archie, who openly admitted that he thought the movie was cheesy, started singing as well.

"This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry."

And Jay, who hadn't even seen the movie, but could remember his mom singing the song to him when he was six-years old, began to sing the chorus.

"Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more."

The friends didn't realize it, but they all had tears forming in their eyes. All five of them needed a little support in their lives.

Atlanta, who had to witness her father die in that terrible car crash.

Archie, who never even knew his father, he was just a story told to him by his mother. And when she died from cancer, he had to go live with his aunt and uncle.

Herry, who never knew either of his parents, was sent to live with Hercules when his grandmother's heart finally gave out.

Trent, who tried so hard to make his grandfather proud, but felt inside like he was never going to be good enough for him.

And Jay. After his mother passed away, his father left for no reason. And he had to live with his uncle, who never listened to his hopes, his dreams. He only wanted what was best for him.

Even Neil and Odie, who were waiting back in the car with news of a victory, also no longer had parents. All they had now were their friends.

"We can do it, you guys," Atlanta sobbed, her tears flowing openly now, "We have too."

She hooked her fingers through Archie and Trent's and grasped their hands tight.


Well, she managed to put a little A/A/T fluff in there, I like the last sentence, I don't know why. I just love it! Well, keep R&Ring and have a great weekend!!

~ DJessie ~
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