Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Write Tragedies

I was thrown into a padded room!!!

by KoKoaPuffsAtTheDisco 1 review

This was the night that I hated. It was another night that I was used as bait with Kaitlin. See Kaitlin and I met through our boyfriends Pete and Andy of Fall Out Boy. I knew that Pete was a vampir...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Sci-fi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-25 - Updated: 2007-05-26 - 976 words

Thank you for all the reviews and reading! But, I am still looking for 2 girls and 2 boys for 4 different parts. So please get back to me!! Ok read on!!!


~Andy's P.O.V.~

Pete told us that we had to train hard for the next two days so we would be ready to meet with William. That to me meant I would be training the hardest, so that I can get Krystle back. I also train Kaitlin in the art of throwing wooden stakes. She got really good for someone who has never really thrown one. The reason why we were training her to was because we really did not know what William had up his sleeve, except his arm of course.

Right now I was in my room rest for another day of training tomorrow before we took off to meet with William. I had one of Krystle's pillows with me, because it kept me calm and sane. It smelled like her, Vanilla and cherry. She loved to make she own style of smell, so she mixed like two different things and it always came out really yummy. But, when ever we hugged I would just want to smell her and be with her. Sometime I forgot that she herself was very strong. I mean I taught her myself. But, before I taught her she had had some training from her parents, who have like 2 black belts each.

I should not be that scared for her. I mean she did make is decision by herself. It was not like Kaitlin pressured her, or William made her. I trusted Kaitlin and Krystle. But, I think after all this was over I think I might just take some time off with Krystle and just her and me will go away for a week or two. I think she will like to go to Europe and go shopping, go see the art, and maybe I could take her to go see a musical or play. Who knows what the future hold in store?

~William's P.O.V.~

I am really not in the mood for anything and it seems like Simone is always in the mood for something. But, after what Krystle said about Simone nibbling my neck, I was just in the mood. I mean I did use Simone as some emotion lever. I knew for a fact that Tricia had known of Krystle from high school. Her brother dated Krystle and they went to a concert and there is where I met Simone, or should I say Tricia. Krystle really fell hard for Andy and so did he. Tricia was the type of girl who I could like mold into anything I want.

After I sent Krystle down stairs, I had talked to the guards who took her down there and asked them how they did that. I never told them to do any of the things they did, but she did need to know her place. After what she did to me she should be treated like that. But, I need to figure out what to do with her. I need Brendon to meet her and get her under in spell so that once the meeting happens it will look like she does not want to come back and it might make it an easier fight. But, I know all of Fall Out Boy has taught her everything they knew so she would not be easily turned. So it might be a very hard thing to do. But, also if I weaken her enough she might be easier to use. I also know that Fall Out Boy will come with more fighting power then mine. But, if I were to be read I would let other weaken Krystle so I could rest and plan.

That is what I think I am going to do, have Brendon, Ryan and some of my other higher dandies, who can get energy faster then me at times, weaken her. Once they do so I will go and talk with her and then let Brendon do his work. If this gets pulled off I will be more then happy something finally worked.

~Krystle's P.O.V.~

I was sitting at the desk and I was writing a letter to Andy and telling him what it was like here. I was mainly writing and drawing since I was put in here. I need sleep. So after writing about 2 pages front and back of the letter, I decided to lie down and take a nap. Not even 10 minutes after closing my eyes, I heard a couple doors and voices. I was like in this state of half awake and yet half asleep. I tried to move, but I really couldn't. It felt like ropes but I knew nothing was around me. Then I was picked up by the voices and carried somewhere. I was wondering where I was going.

I could do nothing then just look. I noticed go down some more stairs and then a couple of doors, and then I was thrown in a padded room. I felt like the time my family thought I was going crazy from all the cheerleading and the acting. But, really I was just hyper and not crazy. But, once inside the doors were closed and I found that I could move. I rolled and just felt out the floor. Then I stood up and just ran into a wall for old time sake.

Once I had gotten some of my steam off, I went to the door and knocked and tried to see if I could get some ones attention. But, it was not really working. No one came to the door, I wonder where everyone went. Oh well they will be back!

Hope you all like it!!
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