Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Shadows of the Past

Lessons-Part 2

by fire-rose 2 reviews

Theresa runs into a something in the hallways. Could it be sending her the visions?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-01 - Updated: 2007-07-02 - 625 words

Second part of the chapter. Hope you like it. The last section was more of an introduction.

/Stupid math test,/Theresa thought. She had run out of time to study last night. Besides, her mind seemed to be a little more focused on the strange visions she was having.

Finally making it to the end, Theresa turned over the paper and relaxed slightly. She noticed most people had finished the exam by now, like Odie and Jay, and they looked extremely bored. The exam had added another weight on her mind that she didn't want to think about. There was already so much going on. Sure, Chronus hadn't attempted anything for a while now. However, this made Jay even more suspicious. He seemed almost certain that Chronus would jump out of anywhere with his new plan set into place. Theresa sighed inwardly and wished he could just relax for a little bit and take this lapse between attacks.

Also, Theresa was slightly worried about her dad's health. Heart disease ran in the family, and because of the stress he put on himself, he was beginning to slow down. He still seemed to think he was still quite young and that he still had stamina. Hopefully, though, his recent situation where he was unable to breath would teach him. Theresa prayed he would be alright, and she also prayed that Jay would not be like that.

These thoughts combined with the aftermath of the exam lowered Theresa's mood considerably. She requested to go to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind her, Theresa turned around and frowned at the sight in front of her. Why are the halls so dark and misty? Theresa thought. She frowned, then shook her head realising the stress was just getting to her. But, when she continued down the hall, she thought she heard a voice. Seeing no one, she walked on. But, the voice without a body was persistent, and Theresa finally stopped walking, almost certain that she was going insane.

/Theresa, Theresa!/" it cried in an eerie voice. It was horrible scratchy, and sounded as if it were emitted from a creature thousands of years old

Suddenly, a black mass of mist and darkness settled in front of her, spreading up from the floor to the ceiling. The figure had no real shape or form, but Theresa was almost certain it had some resemblance to a human being.

"Theresa, dear, so nice to see you in person!" the voice hissed. The dense figure floated slightly closer to her. Theresa felt the urge to run but found her feet incapable of the task. She wanted to scream, but knew she couldn't utter a world. This being, whatever it was, had control over her.

"You see why I am here, right? You realise I need you to survive because my host is gone," it cried, almost sounding miserable. Theresa wondered secretly why no one was able to see or hear what was happening.

"Oh yes, you are perfect! A connection to my last host makes you perfect! Of course, she is here, but I can't reach ner like I can reach you"

Theresa had no idea what it was talking about, although she was almost certain that this thing had sent her those visions.

"Now, where are my manners? I am Tyrosine Kinases Cerebrum and together we shall destroy the immortals!" it screamed.

Theresa felt the force enter her brain through the back of her head. She screamed as loud as she could. The pain was unbearable.

The mist and darkness began to clear around the hallways. Theresa's head throbbed uncontrollably and she collapsed onto the floor.


Finally down chapter 2. There will be more updates since its summer. So, please r&r.
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