Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > We're Both On Borderline Obsession

Got 26 Days to Work With...

by meeniemoe 6 reviews

The exclamations of Ouch! and Aw! are really quite prominent in this chapter... ;)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 1975 words

A/N: Wow! You guys are incredible with your amazing reviews :) I was filled with joy when I read them all...
Now, to the 'memorable quotes' from last chapter:

"I got a fever, and I just woke up in the hospital not too long ago. See what happens when you leave me here alone?" -peterpandacomplex
"Brendon, you never made our relationship clear from the start. What are we? Husband and wife? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Lovers? I don't even know! Why are you making such a big deal out of this when we haven't even defined step one of our relationship?" -KatieLove
"Who?" Alice asked tiredly. She was so tired...she had rings, dark rings, under her eyes, and it was obvious that it wasn't makeup that was smudged. It was actually her looking like a ghost. Her face was pallid except for the dark rings. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, and even then, her hair had a bit of dandruff and stringiness to it. All in all, Alice could have been described as a zombie. -Life_is_42
Brendon looked to Ryan, who was already pushing Sarah and Liz out, saying, "Come on, let's just leave 'em alone. Let's phone Jon and Spencer to tell 'em that Alice is back or something..." and sounds of protests of Sarah yelping, "But this is the good part!" and then a response of Liz mumbling, "I've been telling you guys over and over again that the both of them will start arguing in two seconds..." -Life_is_42
(Liz says:)"Yeah. I'm telling you, with that hothead Brendon and temperamental Alice, I'm pretty sure neither of them will be very happy once they see one another's state." -Geets
Brendon sighed and shook his head. "This is another one of those you-have-to-get-how-to-do-this-or-you-won't-learn-anything-at-all lectures, huh?" Ryan blinked at Brendon, then said, "No, Brendon, it's not one of those lectures. It isn't because you already know how to do it. It's the reason why you landed in here..."
"Brendon, I do not want escargot! Nor do I want beer! I just want you to fucking understand that-" -tacku
"Just because I have a thick head doesn't mean that...that...I'm stupid..." -trueLIEx3
"I didn't know where you went...and I'm...well...I was...lovesick, I guess." -trueLIEx3
"This time, he felt differently. This was war." -trueLIEx3


Chapter Sixteen: Got 26 Days To Work With...

"We're nearly at the end here, so will you guys please just pull it together?" Derek asked exhaustedly from his actors. Geets looked at Brendon impatiently as Brendon stared across the room. He was staring at the back of Alice's head (yes, she was finally back on set, with a large welcome that Brendon felt Alice didn't deserve at all). It looked as if Brendon was trying to burn holes through the back of her head. Derek sighed, and yelled, "Brendon! Brendon!" That made Brendon jump, and he turned around to look at his director.

He looked at him in confusion as he asked, "What? Did you want something?"

Derek thought, poor boy, he's probably just delusional after coming out of the hospital...

Derek cleared his throat, and brought his speakerphone to his lips:

"Okay, I understand it is 1:00 pm. I'll set you guys on lunch break. But I want you all back here by 2 pm latest! We have 26 more days of filming, and then we're done!...Have a nice lunch."

A news reporter held out her recorder, trying to get it nearer to Alice as she asked, "Ms. Bolton! Ms. Bolton...what's it like being on the set?"

Alice was standing at the corner of the set, and she smiled quaintly before she answered, "It's nice. I like it a lot. I get to actually see what I...visualized."

"Ms. Bolton! Ms. Bolton!" More reporters clamored for her attention, but Alice just smiled, and waved her hand to quiet them down before she said, "Please, it's Alice. Yes, you?" She pointed to a young man just out of his teens. The young man held out a recorder as well, before he asked, "Is there any specific cast member you've become good friends with while on the set?"

Before Alice could even open her mouth (she was ready to say Derrick or Bonnie) she felt someone pull her backwards by the shoulders:

"Alice and I have become great friends. In /fact/...we've just established our /relationship/...and we'd just like to say..." But Brendon was cut off by another reporter, who shouted, "Are you Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco?"

Brendon nodded and grinned, and went on to say, "Yes. I'm Brendon Urie. From Panic! At The Disco. And Alice is my girlf-"

He obviously didn't get very far before he felt a good punching to the balls. He cried, 'oof!' and sank to the ground. Because he was occupied with, well, trying to get back up and to recuperate, the reporters walked around-and all over him-to get a response out of Alice now.

"Alice! Alice...Is it true? Are you-"

"Are you his girlfriend?"

"Are you dating Mr. Urie?"

"Is it true, is it true?"

Alice yelled above all of them, "No! I am NOT dating Mr...I mean, Brendon. He's like my brother. I've directed him the way I imagined Bren-I mean, the way I imagined Tommy to be."

It seemed that Alice was saved, though, because Bonnie shooed the reporters out of the set area. Bonnie shook her head, muttering to herself, 'Goddamn...goddamn those reporters...those hooligans!...' Alice smiled dryly, and followed Bonnie to the snack table. As she passed Brendon, she shot him the 'evil eye', and whispered loudly, "Are you crazy? If you want to announce your affections to me, at least do it in private!"

Brendon was still groaning, rolling about on the floor. A few passing extras giggled at his bare tummy, which was revealed because of his shirt that had rode up when he fell. He squeezed his eyes shut, and the next time he opened them, he saw Sarah. He asked, "Sarah...whatta you doing here?"

Sarah sighed, and offered a hand to Brendon. When Brendon took it uncertainly, she said quietly, "Sorry I had to punch you in the balls...but you know you just can't do that to Alice!"

Brendon's mouth was set agape before he let himself fall back to the floor.

This relationship he had between Alice and him was retarded. Not only that, but Alice, her friends, his friends, and his relationship were just all, in its entirety, retarded.

Face it Urie. Your life's just retarded.


It was hard for Brendon to keep up with this whole 'war' he declared. Two days had passed since the whole Sarah-punched-me-in-the-balls-fuck-her charade. And it wasn't pleasant, either. After the end of the 24th day they had left on set, Brendon rushed out after Alice in the parking lot.

"No, wait. Wait, Alice. I didn't mean to..." Brendon trailed off, before he got whapped in the face by Alice's hair. She was fuming. She definitely wasn't happy. Brendon didn't even have to be stupid like Ryan said to know that Alice was furious.

Alice seethed, "Didn't mean to what? Embarrass me? Publicly, too? What is your problem, Brendon? Are you PMSing? I thought only girls did that."

OUCH. Brendon thought to himself, before he went on to clear his throat, and say, "Well..."

"Brendon. The reason why you were going to tell them...about our... 'relationship'...I you hate me that much?" Alice asked, purely annoyed by Brendon's inability to speak.

Brendon, by this point, was completely astonished. His face had confusion and surprise written all over it. "What?" Brendon asked in a low voice. Alice nearly screamed out of frustration, but instead, she just said in a very scary voice, "I know you hate me Brendon. I know you hate me for not telling you about my whereabouts when I was gone. But that does NOT mean you can publicly humiliate me like that!"

"Where is all this COMING from?" Brendon asked in an outburst. It was Alice's turn to look confused. She opened her mouth and closed it like a guppy out of water, but Brendon just continued:

"Alice, I don't know what you're trying to do... 'publicly humiliate' you? Why would I do that?...Is it humiliating to be in a close relationship with me? Is that what you're saying?" Brendon sound ultimately offended. Alice felt low. But Brendon raged on:

"You know, just to let you know...I don't hate you. I've told you already. I really like you. In fact, I think I love-"

"Love me?" Alice smirked. She seemed to have recovered from her initial guppy-ness. Both of them were fighting to explain, to talk first, to take the lead in the conversation. Alice hissed, "Excuse me, but I think you're lying."

That was the last straw for Brendon.

Brendon yelled, "Oh! So now you're calling me a liar? What is this!" He threw his arms up into the air. He looked like he wanted to hit the nearest object but couldn't find that possible since they were in an empty lot. (except for a few nearby trailers...which would hurt Brendon's knuckles immensely if he hit them, and he certainly didn't want to end up like Pete when he got mad about one of his girlfriends.)

Brendon repeated himself, almost muttering only to himself, "Liar..." Then he spoke up, and looked at Alice straight in the eye:

"So...if we're keeping score...then that makes me a-"

"You're intrusive. You're arrogant. You're nothing more than an IMMATURE CHOIR BOY." Alice finished off. Brendon, getting a hard look in his eye, whispered fiercely, "You think I'm an immature choir boy? Do you think for one moment, that I don't know what I'm feeling in my chest right now? Do you want me to show you?"

But before Alice could respond-or retort in this case-Brendon slammed her back into the steel wall of his trailer. He held his hand around the back of her head, though, to prevent any harm that would be caused to her head during the slamming. Quickly, lips crashed on lips, and electric waves were spread throughout both of their bodies. Brendon controlled her, while Alice-at first-squirmed beneath his touch.

Alice, though, became the wax, and Brendon was the fire. He slowly burned her out, melted her underneath him. Alice complied, and didn't actually complain. Their hot, passionate make-out slowed down, and they came to run out of oxygen. Soon it was a soft, romantic kiss.

Brendon stepped back to release Alice from his arms. "I've been trying to tell you all along, Alice." He said slowly with a sheepish grin plastered on his face. "If anything, I think...I'm unworthy of your love."

Alice wanted to cry out, to say Wait! or I love you! but Brendon ran off in a different direction, to where a surprised band group waited for him. They all piled into a car, and drove off.

Did he just kiss me?

Then she remembered. She only had 26 more days with him on set. What will become of them after that?

But she couldn't really register that thought quite yet. Instead, she floated all the way back to her trailer and collapsed onto her bed. Brendon Urie kissed her. HER.

She really came full circle in the past five years.

A/N: Okay, so for some reason, I think out of all the chapters I've ever written, I despised this one the most. I don't know why. =/ You prove me wrong, girls. (Or guys...if there's any GUYS reading this...)
Also! We start the countdown (or did we last chapter? I forget...) we have TWO chapters left. And then...we're done! Ahhhhh! :P
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