Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
Fate Takes A Hand
37 reviewsHarry has defeated Voldemort and saved all the people he cares for, so why do they all hate him? More importantly, what will he do about it? In this chapter Harry confronts his feelings about ...
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) datakim 2007-07-09
Not sure I agree about the unforgivables though. Why would a healer invent a spell that not only kills, but is also completely _unblockable_ by any means.
Why would a healer design a torture spell that could permanently destroy your brain if maintained long enough. Magic could easily restart hearts and such without that.
And if you can hit someone with imperius you can also hit them with some paralyzing spell or such that would render the person almost equally harmless.
I can agree that dark magic can be used for good, even the unforgivable spells but I think you went overboard a little here with having the most effective way to kill be invented by a healer. Would have made more sense in my opinion, to have the spells be invented by a dark wizard but still have Harry find a good use for them.
The whole thing with Ginny was unexpected. In canon the diary wanted to drain her of her life in order to become physical. Why would that have changed merely because Harry was not present. Hopefully you have a good explanation about this. Also why is it that Harry let Ginny run away to hide the diary or whatever. Should he not have stunned her and retrieved the diary while he still could. He has also revealed himself to Tom now so he can probably expect a basilisk to drop in for a visit. This whole thing made little sense to me?
Other than those "nitpicks" I liked this chapter (as usual). The whole thing with Luna was especially sweet. :)Author's response
Ah, why would a healer invent a spell that only kills? The Guillotine was invented by a doctor who wanted executions to be more merciful and quick. Dr. Kevorkian has invented a number of machines that would allow terminally ill patients the ability to end heir lives on their own terms. Throughout history, healers have seen that sometimes death is a mercy. As for it being "unblockable", is morphine blockable? Or antibiotics? Why would blocking the effect of a treatment, and in this case death is a form of treatment, be part of it's development? Even if the AK was designed as a weapon, do one develops a weapon with the idea that it can be rendered ineffective, trust me I know about this.
As for the Imperious, in the example given, any spell that physically impacted the target would run the risk of causing unexpected and unpredictable movement which would result in the hostage being injured, and with a poisoned knife that means killed. Thus a non-physical means of resolving the situation is needed. Please note that I never said that this is how or why the Imperious was developed, only a possible use of it.
The point of the entire discussion was to show that labels such as Dark or Light, good or evil are not truly applicable to non-sentient things. Only the user of the tool can be judged not the tool itself.
I'm glad you were not expecting the interchange with Ginny. For a hint of what happened between Ginny and Tom in this universe, reread the part of CoS where Harry first finds the diary and then imagine a slightly different set of circumstances.
Thanks for a thought provoking review and I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far.
BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) apocalypso 2007-07-09
Nice chapter. It's good to see you update more regularly.Author's response
Hey, at my age being "regular" is important. :-) BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Wonderbee31 2007-07-09
You kbnow, I really liked this part, and the conversation with Harry and Minerva...well done. It was nice to see she and Harry have an adult talk, the same with he and Hermione in this world, and to see what might happen with them later on should be interesting.Author's response
I certainly hope it will be interesting too. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) spedclass 2007-07-09
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) DrT 2007-07-09
Brilliant chapter, esp. McGonagall and Hermione. Harry seems to be growing up a bit as well.
As for the Dark debate, maybe Book 7 will finally give us an answer (if a Dark spell actually does damage to the caster, or if you have the right of it). I generally go in the other direction, but you could easily be right.
"T"Author's response
I suppose we will find out in less than 2 weeks, huh? BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Wolfric 2007-07-09
I continue to enjoy your fine story. I looks like Harry has bugun the end of his journey. I suspect he has aways to go. Thanks for writing. W.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2007-07-09
Great update! Poor Luna has a wee crush on him, and it'll be rough competing with Narcissa. I like the way you handled Hermione as well. It's nice that Harry is beginning to realize that those he was closest to are those that have changed the most without his presence.
Can't wait to see what he does about the diary.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Geovanni_Luciano 2007-07-09
This was an interesting lesson. I have to say that I like it but at the same point you're holding back, a little. I'd have to go back and see how it all started but at the same time I see that your Odd Harris is becoming more and more human himself. Realizing that he is holding grudges against people he doesn't know or don't exist in this world, at least not as the did in the one that he came from, is absolutely fruitless, however, he would have to be blind not to react to people whom have a given track record that is proved consistent, such as Hermione, Ron, Luna, Sirius, and even Snape. Luna maybe shouldn't be clumped in with the rest because you've got other factors in the telling of her story that don't get explained in the prior universe or even Canon.
I loved what you did with Ginny in this one and have to ask whether or not a trip to the Chamber of Secrets to secure a Basilisk Fang will be in order.
The interaction with Minerva was somewhat expected . Initially I felt that it would have been a bit more angry, but again, or should I say firstly, you took the mature way of discuss the grievance.
I look forward to what you plan next, and do hope to see a little more of Sirius, James and Lily in your story in the near future.
Geovanni LucianoAuthor's response
Holding back? Where, pray tell? I will admit I did try to keep the scenes short so that they fit, this was still the longest chapter to date in the story but I had originally intended to keep the chapters at around 3-4K words and this is double that.
Yes, Harry is starting to come to terms with what he did, here and in the previous world, and learning who he is and who he wants to be. There will be some hurdles to get over but it wouldn't be a story if there weren't.
Yes, we will be returning to the Chamber shortly and I hope you will enjoy the trip.
James and Lily will be key players later in the story but Harry isn't ready to face them yet. I'm sure Sirius will nudge him in that direction though.
Thanks for reading and reviewing, your comments always get me thinking.
BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Anaknisatanas 2007-07-09
Is the chocolate frog card Agrippa? This was a great update. I really liked seeing Harris interact with Hermione. I was also pleased to see Narcissa in the last chapter. Will we continue to see her? Will Harris fall in love with her since she's not just a dumb blond? I also liked seeing Cho apologize to Luna and I really want to know how Harry will get the diary away from Ginny.Author's response
Yes, it truly was Agrippa and Harry will indeed be seeing much more of Narcissa in the future. I'm glad you liked Cho being the one to lead the way with Luna, I was tired of fanfic sriters bashing her. As for the diary, it will be appearing soon. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Nautilus 2007-07-09
love luna... and harry being able to find his place in this world is also nice... especially with minnie talking about 'teaching being a calling', the chapter was very appropriate.
look forward to see how harry grows from here, and exactly when things become more complicated then just school stuff...Author's response
Soon, quite soon. I just have to deal with Ginny and get Snape in it a bit deeper first. BJH
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