Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
Fate Takes A Hand
37 reviewsHarry has defeated Voldemort and saved all the people he cares for, so why do they all hate him? More importantly, what will he do about it? In this chapter Harry confronts his feelings about ...
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) sweetgirl 2007-07-09
I like this chapter. This is the beginning of Harry letting go of his old life and starting something new. I can't believe Ginny still has that diary. I would love to hear how that happened. I think the way that he handled Hermione was great. To me this chapter was a turning point for Harry and I can't wait to see more of it. Also are we going to see more of Lily, James and Sirius. I can't wait to see how he starts to interact with them now that he starting to put the past behind him.Author's response
Who ever said she still had it? Or had it at all? And yes, this was a bit of a turning point for Harry, up until this point he considered himself seperate from the world around him and of little import, now he is attempting to become a part of it realizing that he must if he is to have a life of his own here. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Cateagle 2007-07-10
Hmm, definitely quite the changed universe he's tumbled into. he already seems to be making major waves at Hogwarts and I suspect he's going to be making more. If Ginny still has that diary and hasn't opened the Chamber, it's -really- going to get wierd in a hurry.Author's response
Yup, the more things change the more they stay the same. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) BenRG 2007-07-10
Well, well! The best laid plans of mice and men (and wizards) eh? Harry came to avenge but he finds himself in the position where he is forced to /save/.
I've been following this story for a while and it intregues me for a number of reasons. Certainly it is different from the typical time travel and revenge stories. I will be interested to see where you take it.
What was particularly interesting about this story was Future!Harry's insight into the nature of magic and Luna's behaviour. Could she be getting a crush on Professor Harris? ;-)
BenRG's Rating: 8/10Author's response
Yup, he tries to be a bastard but can't get past his saving people thing, can he? As for his insights, they were very hard won. Remember he used vast amounts of Dark magic in his old world and was condemned for it. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) am12 2007-07-10
You seem to be gradually giving Harry back some of his humanity, his compassion, his belonging to society... all that he gave up in the first chapter. It won't be a quick process, but it seems to be moving along.
This is of course leads to the problem of Narcissa. (aside: the nc-17 stuff is completely unnecessary, you know.) I can't see her fitting in, as is, in a redeemed Harry. You could kill her off I suppose. She could have some sort of repentance of her own. Of course, how will Harry react if/when he catches her drugging herself? Hmm. Or a more interesting situation might be her encountering Sirius some time. That could lead to fireworks. Especially if it comes out that she knew something of Pettigrew. It might drive home to Harry how he is still "dancing with the devil" with his dalliances with her.
Another huge, huge, unresolved plot is the Potters. After getting off on the wrong foot with James, they've been kind of shoved into the background of the story. Harry isn't letting himself get to know them. Is he afraid? Probably a little. I have no idea where that part of the plot could or should go.
Thanks for sharing, it's an intriguing A/U.Author's response
Yes, Harry is starting to recover some of the emotional depth that he had to shunt aside in order to destroy Voldemort in his old world, the question is whether or not Voldemort will play a hand in this one and cause him to lose it again.
And the NC-17 stuff may not be necessary but it is fun. Besides, it shows how the physical expression can promote and encourage the emotional, but not always. The NC aspects of Harry and Nercissa's relationship will become vital in the last half of the story as Voldemort does become a player in Harry's life once again.
Harry's initial interaction with his father points to his own feelings that he will never be able to shed the mantle of being Dark in his old world or this one.
Thanks for reading.
BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Sch1av0na 2007-07-10
Great chapter, I really like the way that Harry seems to realized that the Ginny and Hermione he teaches are not the people that hurt him so much in his old world. I'll be looking forward to more of this eagerly, or at least with more anticipation than seeing how screwed up DH will be.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) mayfair_void 2007-07-10
I have enjoyed your story so far. It's been a fun read, everything from Harry-Narcissa dalliances to Harry's teaching. So it was with great hope that I opened the link to this chapter, only to feel terribly let down. Ironically, the best part of the fic is the most disappointing aspect of this chapter.
I too believe in the fact that it's the intent rather than the magic itself that determines how a spell is viewed. But your explanations for Unforgivable curses, it turns out is pretty superficial and fails to consider the depth of issues that one must deal with when it comes to unforgivables. Take the killing curse-the argument about the healers developing it are old and quite mundane, but those familiar with healing or medicine know that where euthanasia is allowed, Doctors rely on specific and fast acting chemicals to put patients to sleep.
In Harry Potter series, it's been well known that there are poisons and potions that kill in an instant and there is no reason for the healers not to use the same. There would have been no need for a healer to develop killing curse when they have effective means available, especially when the "brainy" healers would have foreseen the potential for disaster with such a tool in wrong hands. Imperius curse, now the deranged person theory too fails to satisfy as there are several ways to subdue a person without controlling their will the way imperius does. Healers who are much more familiar with potions, would have suppressants and controlling potions to take care of situations like these. Again the "brainy" ones would have foreseen the disastrous possibilities. Your comparison of cruciatus with CPR is akin to comparing a mild shock to a 20,000 kV electrical discharge. There are other ways to stimulate nerve endings than incomprehensible pain.
The one thing to remember about the unforgivables is that they are based purely on the intent of the caster. A person MUST intend to either control, inflict pain on or kill the other to cast these curses successfully. How many healers are capable of that is anybody's guess. It's not to say that the curses should not be used at all. The should be used when faced with evil, it's fine for people to use them in self defense or against threat from terrorists such as death eaters. they are what one calls a necessary evil and not harmless spells that were put to a bad use. Similar is true of spells like Bone exploding curse or Sectumsempra. You use them when your life, your freedom is threatened, but doesn't take away from their basic nature.
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