Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
Fate Takes A Hand
37 reviewsHarry has defeated Voldemort and saved all the people he cares for, so why do they all hate him? More importantly, what will he do about it? In this chapter Harry confronts his feelings about ...
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) slickrcbd 2007-07-10
Nice to see an update. I'm not sure if you posted 3 chapters at once, or if I just wasn't getting the alerts.
I enjoyed these three new chapters and have no complaints. I loved the little prank on Ron at the end.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Alorkin 2007-07-10
I really like what you've done to Harry. If he gets to do things his way, He'll make damn sure the students are ready for Voldemort. Dumbledore may be a fine figurehead, but as seen in canon, he really has no power. The feud between Odysseus and Snivellus is only likely to get worse, Dumbledore's wishes notwithstanding. Harry's reasons for inflaming tensions, given before, are valid, and until Dumbeldore realizes he's being a ass, by protecting an unrepentant Death Eater, things are not about to change.
You're likely going to get some criticism from the H/Hr shippers (like me! Grins unrepentantly)because of the heavy handed way he dealt with Hermione. I recall reading somewhere, I think it was 'Fidelus' by Ishtar, where Snape handled her in a similiar manner. If anyone gives you grief, and you feel like responding to said grief, tell them that one cannot raise a child with unrestricted love and no discipline. One without the other is as bad as no guidance at all. In other words, I have spanked my daughter from time to time. I feel like hell when I do, but it's something that needs doing. Harry's method of spanking is much gentler than others.
I eagerly await the next page of 'Like Some Song...'. AlorkinAuthor's response
Unrestricted Love and no discipline vs. no love and unrestricted discipline. Dudley vs. Harry. A theme brought out by Dumbledore at the beginning of HBP. As for spanking... HOW COULD YOU!!! I have three daughters and when I spank them I don't feel bad in the least. As the family doctor told my mom when I was a kid. Go ahead and spank them if they need it. If it doesn't help them at least you'll feel better. ;-) BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Grra 2007-07-25
It was a long time since I read a fic that moved me as this one has.
Below the issues that Harry has with Dumbledore, Snape and the world is a storyline of a teacher that tries to help his students.
The arc (so far) with Luna was the most moving (for me).
I've marked the story for alerts and I'm eagerly wainting for that mail saying that a new chapter has been posted.
/GAuthor's response
Well, thank you for the lovely compliments and the next chapter should be up in a day or two. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) PhillyHomer 2007-07-28
I really like this story and I hope you take the Harry/Narcissa relationship to just more than sex
(it doesn't have to be marriage).Is Harry going to particpate in this war at all?Hope you update soon..
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